African Slender-Snouted Crocodile


The African Slender-snouted crocodile gets its name comes from its narrow snout, which is ideal for catching fish. Protective scales cover the back of the neck and merge into the scales on the back. Unlike other members of genus Crocodylus, there are four rows of these scales instead of two. They are a dark olive color on top (brighter in the young) and lighter on their underside. They do have dark blotches on their underside and their tail is usually heavily blotched or black.


The diet of an African Slender-snouted crocodile consists primarily of fish and small aquatic invertebrates. However, the larger crocodiles will eat larger animals if given the chance.


African Slender-snouted crocodiles are found in Central and Western Africa. These crocodiles live primarily in rivers but have been found in lakes and along the coast. The crocodiles on the coast indicate that there is some tolerance to salt water.


Just after hatching they are vulnerable to a wide array of predators, including soft-shelled turtles.

Social Structure

African Slender-snouted crocodiles are usually not found in groups except during the beginnings of the mating season.

Birth & Offspring

The female crocodile constructs a mound nest out of plant fibers. After about a week she lays around 16 eggs (13 minimum, 27 maximum.) Compared to other crocodiles, the incubation period is very long, lasting up to 110 days. Once the eggs begin to hatch, the mother helps break open the nest and the young disperse.


As with most crocodiles, Slender-snouted crocodiles hear very will, and their eyesight and sense of smell are well developed.

Archiwum: wrzesień 2022

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