The ultimate list of all animals that begin with the letter S:
Mammals that start with the letter S
Saddlebacked Tamarin
Sado Shrew
Sage’s Rock Rat
Sagebrush Vole
Saharan Striped Polecat
Sahel Gerbil
Sakhalin Myotis
Salenski’s Shrew
Salim Ali’s Fruit Bat
Salokko Rat
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse
Salt’s Dik-dik
Salta Tuco-tuco
Salvin’s Big-eyed Bat
Salvin’s Spiny Pocket Mouse
Samana Hutia
Samar Squirrel
Samoan Flying Fox
San Cristobal Shrew
San Diego Pocket Mouse
San Esteban Island Mouse
San Felipe Hutia
San Joaquin Pocket Mouse
San Jose Brush Rabbit
San Jose Island Kangaroo Rat
San Lorenzo Mouse
San Luis Tuco-tuco
San Martin Island Woodrat
San Quintin Kangaroo Rat
Sanborn’s Bonneted Bat
Sanborn’s Flying Fox
Sanborn’s Grass Mouse
Sanborn’s Squirrel
Sand Cat
Sand Gerbil
Sand-colored Soft-furred Rat
Sandhill Dunnart
Sandy Inland Mouse
Sandy Mole Rat
Sandy Pygmy Rice Rat
Santa Cruz Flying Fox
Santa Cruz Mouse
Santa Lucia Giant Rice Rat
Santander Dwarf Squirrel
Santiago Galapagos Mouse
Sao Paulo Grass Mouse
Sao Tomé Collared Fruit Bat
Sao Tomé Shrew
Sardinian Pika
Saudi Gazelle
Saunders’s Vlei Rat
Saussure’s Shrew
Savanna Dormouse
Savanna Gerbil
Savanna Path Shrew
Savanna Shrew
Savanna Swamp Shrew
Savi’s Pine Vole
Savile’s Bandicoot Rat
Scaly-footed Small-eared Shrew
Scaly-tailed Possum
Schaller’s Mouse Shrew
Schaub’s Myotis
Schelkovnikov’s Pine Vole
Schmidts’s Big-eared Bat
Schneider’s Roundleaf Bat
Schomburgk’s Deer
Schouteden’s Shrew
Schreber’s Yellow Bat
Schwartz’s Myotis
Scimitar-horned Oryx
Sclater’s Golden Mole
Sclater’s Guenon
Sclater’s Shrew
Sclater’s Tiny Mouse Shrew
Scott’s Mouse-eared Bat
Screaming Hairy Armadillo
Scrub Hare
Scully’s Tube-nosed Bat
Sculptor Squirrel
Sea Otter
Seba’s Short-tailed Bat
Sechura Fox
Secretive Dwarf Squirrel
Sei Whale
Selangor Pygmy Flying Squirrel
Selous’s Mongoose
Seminole Bat
Semon’s Roundleaf Bat
Senegal Galago
Senegal Gerbil
Senegal One-striped Grass Mouse
Sepia Short-tailed Opossum
Serezkaya Shrew
Serrado Mar Grass Mouse
Servaline Genet
Servant Mouse
Setzer’s Hairy-footed Gerbil
Setzer’s Mouse-tailed Dormouse
Setzer’s Pygmy Mouse
Seven-banded Armadillo
Severtzov’s Birch Mouse
Severtzov’s Jerboa
Seychelles Flying Fox
Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat
Shadowy Broad-nosed Bat
Shaggy Bat
Shamel’s Horseshoe Bat
Shansei Vole
Shark Bay Mouse
Sharp-nosed Tomb Bat
Sharpe’s Grysbok
Shaw Mayer’s Brush Mouse
Shaw Mayer’s Water Rat
Shaw’s Jird
Shepherd’s Beaked Whale
Shield-faced Roundleaf Bat
Shikotan Vole
Shining Thicket Rat
Shinto Shrew
Shiny Guinea Pig
Shipton’s Mountain Cavy
Short-beaked Echidna
Short-beaked Saddleback Dolphin
Short-eared Bat
Short-eared Dog
Short-eared Elephant Shrew
Short-eared Rock Wallaby
Short-faced Mole
Short-finned Pilot Whale
Short-footed Luzon Tree Rat
Short-furred Dasyure
Short-furred Woolly Mouse Opossum
Short-haired Water Rat
Short-headed Broad-nosed Bat
Short-headed Roundleaf Bat
Short-nosed Harvest Mouse
Short-palated Fruit Bat
Short-snouted Elephant Shrew
Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat
Short-tailed Cane Mouse
Short-tailed Chinchilla
Short-tailed Gymnure
Short-tailed Hopping Mouse
Short-tailed Mongoose
Short-tailed Roundleaf Bat
Short-tailed Shrew Tenrec
Short-tailed Spotted Cuscus
Shortridge’s Mouse
Shortridge’s Multimammate Mouse
Shortridge’s Rat
Shortridge’s Rock Mouse
Shrew Gymnure
Shrew-faced Squirrel
Shrewish Short-tailed Opossum
Siberian Chipmunk
Siberian Flying Squirrel
Siberian Mole
Siberian Musk Deer
Siberian Shrew
Siberian Weasel
Siberian Zokor
Siberut Flying Squirrel
Sichuan Field Mouse
Sichuan Short-tailed Shrew
Sicilian Shrew
Side-striped Jackal
Sierra Leone Free-tailed Bat
Sierra Madre Ground Squirrel
Sika Deer
Sikkim Rat
Sikkim Vole
Silent Dormouse
Silent Grass Mouse
Silinda Rock Rat
Silky Anteater
Silky Cuscus
Silky Mouse
Silky Oldfield Mouse
Silky Pocket Mouse
Silky Short-tailed Bat
Silky Shrew Opossum
Silky Tuco-tuco
Silver Dik-dik
Silver Fruit-eating Bat
Silver Mountain Vole
Silver-gray Brushtail Possum
Silver-haired Bat
Silver-tailed Rock Rat
Silver-tipped Myotis
Silvery Gibbon
Silvery Mole Rat
Silvery-brown Bare-face Tamarin
Simalur Rat
Simian Jackal
Simon’s Spiny Rat
Sinaloan Mastiff Bat
Sinaloan Pocket Mouse
Sind Bat
Singapore Whiskered Bat
Singing Vole
Single-striped Grass Mouse
Sipora Flying Squirrel
Siskiyou Chipmunk
Sitka Mouse
Six-banded Armadillo
Slaty Slender Mouse Opossum
Slender Gerbil
Slender Harvest Mouse
Slender Loris
Slender Mongoose
Slender Mosaic-tailed Rat
Slender Oldfield Mouse
Slender Rat
Slender Shrew
Slender Squirrel
Slender Tree Shrew
Slender Yellow Bat
Slender-tailed Deer Mouse
Slender-tailed Dunnart
Slender-tailed Squirrel
Slevin’s Mouse
Slim-faced Slender Mouse Opossum
Sloggett’s Vlei Rat
Sloth Bear
Slow Loris
Small Asian Sheath-tailed Bat
Small Bent-winged Bat
Small Big-eared Brown Bat
Small Fat-tailed Opossum
Small Five-toed Jerboa
Small Hocicudo
Small Indian Civet
Small Japanese Field Mouse
Small Japanese Mole
Small Luzon Forest Mouse
Small Mouse-tailed Bat
Small Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse
Small Rufous Horseshoe Bat
Small Spiny Rat
Small Sun Squirrel
Small Vesper Mouse
Small White-toothed Rat
Small Woolly Bat
Small-eared Dormouse
Small-eared Galago
Small-eared Pygmy Rice Rat
Small-footed Shrew
Small-footed Water Rat
Small-spotted Genet
Small-toothed Fruit Bat
Small-toothed Harvest Mouse
Small-toothed Long-eared Bat
Small-toothed Mole
Small-toothed Palm Civet
Small-toothed Sportive Lemur
Smaller Horseshoe Bat
Smith’s Bush Squirrel
Smith’s Red Rockhare
Smith’s Shrew
Smith’s Vole
Smith’s Zokor
Smoke-bellied Rat
Smoky Bat
Smoky Flying Squirrel
Smoky Grass Mouse
Smoky Mouse
Smoky Pocket Gopher
Smoky Shrew
Smoky White-toothed Shrew
Smooth-coated Otter
Snow Leopard
Snow Sheep
Snow-footed Oldfield Mouse
Snowshoe Hare
Social Tuco-tuco
Social Vole
Sody’s Tree Rat
Soft Grass Mouse
Soft-furred Rat
Sokolov’s Dwarf Hamster
Solomons Flying Fox
Solomons Naked-backed Fruit Bat
Somali Elephant Shrew
Somali Galago
Somali Hedgehog
Somali Pygmy Gerbil
Somali Shrew
Somalia Gerbil
Somalian Gerbil
Sombre Bat
Sonoma Chipmunk
Sonoma Tree Vole
Sonoran Harvest Mouse
Sonoran Woodrat
Sooty Dunnart
Sooty Mustached Bat
Sooty Roundleaf Bat
South African Fur Seal
South African Galago
South African Ground Squirrel
South American Coati
South American Fur Seal
South American Spiny Mouse
South American Squirrel Monkey
South American Water Rat
South China Field Mouse
Southeast Asian Long-fingered Bat
Southeast Asian Shrew
Southeastern Myotis
Southeastern Pocket Gopher
Southeastern Shrew
Southern African Hedgehog
Southern Amazon Red Squirrel
Southern Big-eared Mouse
Southern Birch Mouse
Southern Blossom Bat
Southern Bog Lemming
Southern Bottlenose Whale
Southern Brown Bandicoot
Southern Climbing Mouse
Southern Dibbler
Southern Elephant Seal
Southern Flying Squirrel
Southern Free-tailed Bat
Southern Grasshopper Mouse
Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat
Southern Hutia
Southern Long-nosed Armadillo
Southern Long-nosed Bat
Southern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat
Southern Mole Vole
Southern Mountain Cavy
Southern Multimammate Mouse
Southern Myotis
Southern Naked-tailed Armadillo
Southern Opossum
Southern Palawan Tree Squirrel
Southern Plains Woodrat
Southern Pocket Gopher
Southern Pudu
Southern Pygmy Mouse
Southern Red-backed Vole
Southern Reedbuck
Southern Right Whale
Southern Right Whale Dolphin
Southern River Otter
Southern Short-tailed Opossum
Southern Short-tailed Shrew
Southern Spiny Pocket Mouse
Southern Tamandua
Southern Three-banded Armadillo
Southern Tree Hyrax
Southern Tuco-tuco
Southern Two-toed Sloth
Southern Viscacha
Southern Vole
Southern Water Shrew
Southern Yellow Bat
Southwest China Vole
Southwestern Myotis
Southwestern Water Vole
Sowbug Rice Rat
Sowerby’s Beaked Whale
Spanish Ibex
Spanish Lynx
Speckled Dasyure
Speckled Ground Squirrel
Speckled Tree Rat
Spectacled Bear
Spectacled Dormouse
Spectacled Flying Fox
Spectacled Galago
Spectacled Hare-wallaby
Spectral Bat
Spectral Tarsier
Spegazzini’s Grass Mouse
Speke’s Gazelle
Speke’s Pectinator
Spinifex Hopping Mouse
Spinner Dolphin
Spiny Ceram Rat
Spiny Long-footed Rat
Spiny Mouse
Spiny Pocket Mouse
Spiny Rat
Spiny Tree Rat
Spix’s Disk-winged Bat
Spix’s Yellow-toothed Cavy
Splendid Climbing Mouse
Split Roundleaf Bat
Spotted Bat
Spotted Bolo Mouse
Spotted Free-tailed Bat
Spotted Giant Flying Squirrel
Spotted Ground Squirrel
Spotted Hyena
Spotted Linsang
Spotted Seal
Spotted-necked Otter
Spotted-tailed Quoll
Spotted-winged Fruit Bat
Sprightly Pygmy Rice Rat
Spring Hare
Spurred Roundleaf Bat
Spurrell’s Free-tailed Bat
Spurrell’s Woolly Bat
Spy Hocicudo
Squirrel Glider
Squirrel-toothed Rat
Sri Lanka Highland Shrew
Sri Lanka Shrew
Sri Lankan Giant Squirrel
Sri Lankan Long-tailed Shrew
St. Aignan’s Trumpet-eared Bat
St. Lawrence Island Collared Lemming
St. Lawrence Island Shrew
St. Michel Nesophontes
St. Vincent Pygmy Rice Rat
Stankovic’s Mole
Star-nosed Mole
Steere’s Spiny Rat
Stein’s Cuscus
Stein’s Rat
Steinbach’s Tuco-tuco
Stejneger’s Beaked Whale
Stella Wood Mouse
Steller Sea Lion
Steller’s Sea Cow
Stephens’s Kangaroo Rat
Stephens’s Woodrat
Steppe Lemming
Steppe Pika
Steppe Polecat
Stirton’s Deer Mouse
Stoliczka’s Mountain Vole
Stoliczka’s Trident Bat
Stolzmann’s Crab-eating Rat
Stone Dormouse
Stony Shrew
Strachey’s Mountain Vole
Strand’s Birch Mouse
Strange Big-eared Brown Bat
Strap-toothed Whale
Straw-colored Fruit Bat
Streaked Tenrec
Stripe-backed Shrew
Stripe-faced Dunnart
Stripe-faced Fruit Bat
Striped Atlantic Forest Rat
Striped Bandicoot
Striped Bush Squirrel
Striped Dolphin
Striped Dwarf Hamster
Striped Field Mouse
Striped Ground Squirrel
Striped Hairy-nosed Bat
Striped Hog-nosed Skunk
Striped Hyena
Striped Polecat
Striped Possum
Striped Rice Rat
Striped Skunk
Striped Tree Shrew
Striped Yellow-eared Bat
Striped-back Mouse
Striped-necked Mongoose
Strong Tuco-tuco
Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse
Stuhlmann’s Golden Mole
Stump-tailed Macaque
Stump-tailed Porcupine
Sturdee’s Pipistrelle
Styan’s Water Shrew
Subalpine Woolly Rat
Subantarctic Fur Seal
Sucker-footed Bat
Sucre Spiny Rat
Sudan Gerbil
Sugar Glider
Sula Rat
Sulawesi Bear Rat
Sulawesi Forest Rat
Sulawesi Free-tailed Bat
Sulawesi Fruit Bat
Sulawesi Giant Rat
Sulawesi Giant Squirrel
Sulawesi Horseshoe Bat
Sulawesi Montane Rat
Sulawesi Naked-backed Fruit Bat
Sulawesi Palm Civet
Sulawesi Rousette
Sulawesi Shrew
Sulawesi Soft-furred Rat
Sulawesi Spiny Rat
Sulawesi Yellow Bat
Sulawesian Shrew Rat
Sumatra Water Shrew
Sumatran Flying Squirrel
Sumatran Mastiff Bat
Sumatran Porcupine
Sumatran Rabbit
Sumatran Rhinoceros
Sumatran Shrewlike Mouse
Sumatran Spiny Rat
Sumatran Tiger
Sumichrast’s Harvest Mouse
Summit Rat
Sun Bear
Sun-tailed Monkey
Sunburned Rat
Sunda Fruit Bat
Sunda Long-eared Bat
Sunda Porcupine
Sunda Shrew
Sunda Stink Badger
Sunda Water Shrew
Sundevall’s Jird
Sundevall’s Roundleaf Bat
Surinam Spiny Tree Rat
Svynnerton’s Bush Squirrel
Swamp Antechinus
Swamp Musk Shrew
Swamp Rabbit
Swamp Rat
Swamp Wallaby
Swan Island Hutia
Swarthy Gerbil
Swift Fox
Swift Fruit Bat
Swinhoe’s Striped Squirrel
Swinny’s Horseshoe Bat
Szechuan Vole
Szechwan Myotis
Sömmerring’s Gazelle
Amphibians that start with S
Sacramento Mountain Salamander
Sahara Frog
Salmon-striped Frog
San Gabriel Slender Salamander
San Marcos Salamander
San Simeon Slender Salamander
Sand Frog
Sand Toad
Sandhill Frog
Sanguine Poison Frog
Santa Lucia Slender Salamander
Santeetlah Dusky Salamander
Sardinian Brook Salamander
Sardinian Tree Frog
Savage’s Thin-toed Frog
Savanna Banana Frog
Scanty Frog
Scarlet Harlequin Toad
Schilluk Ridged Frog
Schlegel’s Frog
Scottbar Salamander
Seal Salamander
Seep Frog
Seepage Salamander
Sequoia Slender Salamander
Sequoyah Slimy Salamander
Seychelles Frog
Seychelles Palm Frog
Seychelles Treefrog
Shadowy Web-footed Salamander
Shaping Horned Toad
Sharp Snouted Day Frog
Sharp-ribbed Newt
Shasta Salamander
Shenandoah Mountain Salamander
Shenandoah Salamander
Shield Toad
Shoemaker Frog
Short-legged Horned Toad
Short-nosed Toad
Short-webbed Frog
Shovel-nosed Salamander
Siberian Newt
Siberian Wood Frog
Sichuan Digging Frog
Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog
Sierra Newt
Sign-bearing Froglet
Silent Valley Toad
Silver Running Frog
Silver-eyed Barred Frog
Silverstone’s Poison Frog
Siskiyou Mountains Salamander
Skunk Frog
Slender Frog
Slender Tree Frog
Slimy Salamander
Sloane’s Froglet
Small Disked Frog
Small Frog
Small Toadlet
Small Western Froglet
Small-headed Frog
Small-headed Toadlet
Smallmouth Salamander
Smith’s Litter Frog
Smith’s Wrinkled Frog
Smooth Froglet
Smooth Newt
Smooth Toadlet
Smooth-skinned Ditch Frog
Somali Rubber Frog
Somuncura Frog
Sonoran Green Toad
South American Common Toad
South Mountain Gray-cheeked Salamander
Southern Appalachian Salamander
Southern Banded Newt
Southern Chorus Frog
Southern Dusky Salamander
Southern Gastric Brooding Frog
Southern Giant Salamander
Southern Gray-cheeked Salamander
Southern Leopard Frog
Southern Marbled Newt
Southern Redback Salamander
Southern Toad
Southern Toadlet
Southern Torrent Salamander
Southern Two-lined Salamander
Southern Zigzag Salamander
Southwestern Toad
Spanish Painted Frog
Speckled Black Salamander
Spectacled Salamander
Spencer’s Burrowing Frog
Spencer’s River Tree Frog
Sphagnum Frog
Spiny Tree Frog
Spiny-fingered Horned Toad
Spiny-throated Reed Frog
Splendid Poison Frog
Splendid Treefrog
Spot-legged Poison Frog
Spot-tailed Warty Newt
Spotless Stout Newt
Spotted Chirping Frog
Spotted Chorus Frog
Spotted Grass Frog
Spotted Rubber Frog
Spotted Salamander
Spotted Snout-burrower
Spotted-thighed Frog
Spring Peeper
Squirrel Treefrog
Sri Lankan Bullfrog
Stonemason’s Toadlet
Strawberry Poison Frog
Stream Brown Frog
Stream Coqui
Stream Salamander
Streambank Froglet
Streamside Salamander
Strecker’s Chorus Frog
Striped Burrowing Frog
Striped Caco
Striped Chorus Frog
Striped Newt
Striped Stream Frog
Subdesert Toad
Sulawesian Puddle Frog
Sulawesian Toad
Sumatran Puddle Frog
Sumatran Torrent Frog
Sunset Frog
Supramonte Cave Salamander
Surinam Toad
Sword-tailed Newt
Birds that start with S
Sabine’s Gull
Sabine’s Puffback
Sabine’s Spinetail
Sabota Lark
Sacred Ibis
Sacred Kingfisher
Sad Flycatcher
Saddle-billed Stork
Saffron Finch
Saffron Siskin
Saffron-billed Sparrow
Saffron-breasted Redstart
Saffron-cowled Blackbird
Saffron-crested Tyrant-manakin
Saffron-crowned Tanager
Sage Grouse
Sage Sparrow
Sage Thrasher
Sakalava Rail
Sakalava Weaver
Saker Falcon
Salmon-crested Cockatoo
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Salvadori’s Antwren
Salvadori’s Fig-parrot
Salvadori’s Nightjar
Salvadori’s Pheasant
Salvadori’s Teal
Salvin’s Curassow
Salvin’s Prion
Samar Tailor Bird
Samoan Fantail
Samoan Flycatcher
Samoan Moorhen
Samoan Starling
Samoan Triller
Samoan Whistler
Samphire Thornbill
San Blas Jay
San Cristobal Flowerpecker
San Cristobal Leaf Warbler
San Cristobal Melidectes
San Cristobal Mockingbird
San Cristobal Moorhen
San Cristobal Myiagra Flycatcher
San Cristobal Starling
San Lucas Ani
Sand Lark
Sand Martin
Sand Partridge
Sand-coloured Nighthawk
Sandhill Crane
Sandstone Shrike Thrush
Sandwich Tern
Sandy Gallito
Sandy Scops-owl
Sanford’s White-eye
Sangihe Hanging Parrot
Sangihe Scops Owl
Santa Cruz Ground Dove
Santa Cruz Jay
Santa Cruz White-eye
Santa Marta Antpitta
Santa Marta Brush Finch
Santa Marta Bush-tyrant
Santa Marta Conure
Santa Marta Mountain-tanager
Santa Marta Nightjar
Santa Marta Sabrewing
Santa Marta Warbler
Santa Marta Woodstar
Santa Marta Wren
Sao Paulo Tyrannulet
Sao Thome Giant Sunbird
Sao Thome Olive Pigeon
Sao Thome Oriole
Sao Tome Ibis
Sao Tome Scops-owl
Sapphire Flycatcher
Sapphire Quail Dove
Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird
Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet
Sapphire-spangled Emerald
Sapphire-throated Hummingbird
Sapphire-vented Puffleg
Sardinian Warbler
Sarus Crane
Satin Bowerbird
Satin Flycatcher
Satyr Tragopan
Saunders’s Gull
Savaii White-eye
Savanna Hawk
Savannah Sparrow
Savi’s Warbler
Savile’s Bustard
Saw-billed Hermit
Saxaul Sparrow
Saxicola Leucurus
Saxicoloides Fulicatus
Say’s Phoebe
Sayaca Tanager
Scale-backed Antbird
Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant
Scale-feathered Malkoha
Scale-throated Earthcreeper
Scale-throated Hermit
Scaled Antbird
Scaled Antpitta
Scaled Dove
Scaled Flowerpiercer
Scaled Fruiteater
Scaled Ground Cuckoo
Scaled Ground-roller
Scaled Metaltail
Scaled Petrel
Scaled Piculet
Scaled Pigeon
Scaled Quail
Scaled Spinetail
Scaled Woodcreeper
Scallop-breasted Antpitta
Scalloped Antbird
Scalloped Woodcreeper
Scaly Chatterer
Scaly Francolin
Scaly Kingfisher
Scaly Laughingthrush
Scaly Weaver
Scaly-bellied Woodpecker
Scaly-breasted Bulbul
Scaly-breasted Hummingbird
Scaly-breasted Illadopsis
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
Scaly-breasted Munia
Scaly-breasted Partridge
Scaly-breasted Thrasher
Scaly-breasted Woodpecker
Scaly-breasted Wren
Scaly-breasted Wren-babbler
Scaly-crowned Babbler
Scaly-crowned Honeyeater
Scaly-headed Parrot
Scaly-naped Amazon
Scaly-naped Pigeon
Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner
Scaly-throated Honeyguide
Scaly-throated Leaftosser
Scarce Swift
Scarlet Finch
Scarlet Ibis
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet Minivet
Scarlet Myzomela
Scarlet Robin
Scarlet Sunbird
Scarlet Tanager
Scarlet-and-white Tanager
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker
Scarlet-banded Barbet
Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager
Scarlet-bibbed Myzomela
Scarlet-breasted Dacnis
Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker
Scarlet-breasted Fruit Dove
Scarlet-breasted Fruiteater
Scarlet-browed Tanager
Scarlet-chested Parakeet
Scarlet-chested Sunbird
Scarlet-crowned Barbet
Scarlet-fronted Parakeet
Scarlet-headed Blackbird
Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker
Scarlet-hooded Barbet
Scarlet-horned Manakin
Scarlet-rumped Trogon
Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
Scarlet-throated Tanager
Scarlet-tufted Sunbird
Schalow’s Turaco
Schistocichla Leucostigma
Schistocichla Saturata
Schlegel’s Asity
Schlegel’s Petrel
Schlegel’s Whistler
Schneider’s Pitta
Schouteden’s Swift
Schrenck’s Bittern
Schrenk’s Reed Warbler
Schwartz’s Antthrush
Scimitar-billed Woodcreeper
Scimitar-winged Piha
Scintillant Hummingbird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Scissor-tailed Hummingbird
Scissor-tailed Kite
Scissor-tailed Nightjar
Sclater’s Antwren
Sclater’s Lark
Sclater’s Tyrannulet
Sclater’s Whistler
Scolopax Bukidnonensis
Scott’s Oriole
Scottish Crossbill
Screaming Cowbird
Screaming Piha
Scribble-tailed Canastero
Scrub Blackbird
Scrub Euphonia
Scrub Greenlet
Scrub Honeyeater
Scrub Nightjar
Scrub Tanager
Scrub Warbler
Scytalopus Latrans
Scytalopus Pachecoi
Scytalopus Rodriguezi
Scytalopus Sanctaemartae
Scytalopus Stilesi
Seaside Finch
Sedge Warbler
Sedge Wren
See-see Partridge
Seicercus Omeiensis
Seicercus Soror
Seicercus Valentini
Seleucidis Melanoleucus
Selva Cacique
Semi-palmated Plover
Semi-plumbeous Hawk
Semicollared Flycatcher
Semicollared Hawk
Semicollared Puffbird
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Semper’s Warbler
Senegal Batis
Senegal Coucal
Senegal Lapwing
Senegal Parrot
Senegal Thick-knee
Sennar Penduline-tit
Sentinel Rock Thrush
Sepia-capped Leptopogon
Seram Friarbird
Seram Honeyeater
Seram Rufous Fantail
Serendib Scops-owl
Serra Antwren
Serra Do Mar Neopelma
Serra Do Mar Tyrannulet
Seven Islands Thrush
Seven-coloured Tanager
Severtzov’s Tit Warbler
Seychelles Blue Pigeon
Seychelles Bulbul
Seychelles Fody
Seychelles Grey White-eye
Seychelles Kestrel
Seychelles Magpie Robin
Seychelles Paradise Flycatcher
Seychelles Parakeet
Seychelles Scops-owl
Seychelles Sunbird
Shade Warbler
Shaft-tailed Whydah
Sharp-beaked Ground Finch
Sharp-billed Honeyguide
Sharp-billed Treehunter
Sharp-tailed Glossy-starling
Sharp-tailed Grass-tyrant
Sharp-tailed Grouse
Sharp-tailed Ibis
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper
Sharpe’s Akalat
Sharpe’s Apalis
Sharpe’s Pied-babbler
Sharpe’s Starling
Shear-tailed Grey Tyrant
Shelley’s Crimson-wing
Shelley’s Eagle-owl
Shelley’s Greenbul
Shelley’s Starling
Shelley’s Sunbird
Shelley’s Francolin
Sheppardia Aurantiithorax
Shining Bronze-cuckoo
Shining Drongo
Shining Flycatcher
Shining Honeycreeper
Shining Imperial-pigeon
Shining Sunbeam
Shining Sunbird
Shining-blue Kingfisher
Shining-green Hummingbird
Shiny Cowbird
Shore Plover
Short-bearded Honeyeater
Short-billed Bush-tanager
Short-billed Canastero
Short-billed Crombec
Short-billed Dowitcher
Short-billed Honeycreeper
Short-billed Leafscraper
Short-billed Miner
Short-billed Minivet
Short-billed Pigeon
Short-billed Pipit
Short-clawed Lark
Short-crested Blue Monarch
Short-crested Coquette
Short-crested Flycatcher
Short-eared Owl
Short-legged Ground Roller
Short-tailed Albatross
Short-tailed Antthrush
Short-tailed Babbler
Short-tailed Batis
Short-tailed Emerald
Short-tailed Field Tyrant
Short-tailed Finch
Short-tailed Grasswren
Short-tailed Green Magpie
Short-tailed Lark
Short-tailed Nighthawk
Short-tailed Paradigalla
Short-tailed Parrot
Short-tailed Parrotbill
Short-tailed Pipit
Short-tailed Pygmy Tyrant
Short-tailed Scimitar-babbler
Short-tailed Starling
Short-tailed Swift
Short-tailed Tody-flycatcher
Short-tailed Woodstar
Short-toed Coucal
Short-toed Eagle
Short-toed Rock Thrush
Short-toed Treecreeper
Short-winged Cisticola
Short-winged Cuckoo
Shovel-billed Kookaburra
Shrike-like Cotinga
Shy Ground-dove
Siamese Fireback
Siberian Accentor
Siberian Blue Robin
Siberian Jay
Siberian Rubythroat
Siberian Spruce Grouse
Siberian Thrush
Sichuan Jay
Sick’s Swift
Sickle-billed Vanga
Sickle-crested Bird Of Paradise
Sickle-winged Guan
Sickle-winged Nightjar
Sicklewing Chat
Sidamo Lark
Sierra Leone Prinia
Sierra Madre Sparrow
Sierran Elaenia
Silky-tailed Nightjar
Sillem’s Mountain Finch
Silver Gull
Silver Pheasant
Silver-backed Needletail
Silver-backed Tanager
Silver-beaked Tanager
Silver-breasted Broadbill
Silver-capped Fruit Dove
Silver-crowned Friarbird
Silver-eared Honeyeater
Silver-eared Mesia
Silver-rumped Spinetail
Silver-throated Tanager
Silvered Antbird
Silvery Grebe
Silvery Wood-pigeon
Silvery-cheeked Antshrike
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo
Silvery-throated Jay
Silvery-throated Spinetail
Silverycheeked Hornbill
Simeulue Scops-owl
Simple Greenbul
Sinai Rosefinch
Sinaloa Crow
Sinaloa Martin
Sinaloa Wren
Sind Jungle Sparrow
Sind Woodpecker
Singing Bushlark
Singing Cisticola
Singing Honeyeater
Singing Parrot
Singing Quail
Singing Starling
Sipora Scops Owl
Sira Tanager
Sirkeer Malkoha
Sjostedt’s Greenbul
Sjostedt’s Owlet
Sladen’s Barbet
Slate-breasted Rail
Slate-colored Coot
Slate-colored Solitaire
Slate-coloured Boubou
Slate-coloured Grosbeak
Slate-coloured Seedeater
Slate-crowned Antpitta
Slate-headed Tody Flycatcher
Slate-throated Gnatcatcher
Slate-throated Redstart
Slaty Antwren
Slaty Becard
Slaty Bristlefront
Slaty Brush Finch
Slaty Bunting
Slaty Cuckoo-dove
Slaty Cuckooshrike
Slaty Egret
Slaty Elaenia
Slaty Finch
Slaty Flower-piercer
Slaty Gnateater
Slaty Monarch
Slaty Spinetail
Slaty Tanager
Slaty Vireo
Slaty-backed Chat-tyrant
Slaty-backed Flycatcher
Slaty-backed Forest Falcon
Slaty-backed Forktail
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Hemispingus
Slaty-backed Nightingale-thrush
Slaty-backed Thrush
Slaty-bellied Tesia
Slaty-blue Flycatcher
Slaty-breasted Tinamou
Slaty-breasted Wood Rail
Slaty-capped Shrike-vireo
Slaty-headed Parakeet
Slaty-headed Scimitar Babbler
Slaty-legged Crake
Slaty-tailed Trogon
Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner
Slavonian Grebe
Slender Sheartail
Slender-billed Babbler
Slender-billed Black-cockatoo
Slender-billed Crow
Slender-billed Curlew
Slender-billed Finch
Slender-billed Flufftail
Slender-billed Grackle
Slender-billed Greenbul
Slender-billed Gull
Slender-billed Honeyguide
Slender-billed Miner
Slender-billed Nightingale Thrush
Slender-billed Oriole
Slender-billed Parakeet
Slender-billed Prion
Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler
Slender-billed Shearwater
Slender-billed Starling
Slender-billed Tyrannulet
Slender-billed Weaver
Slender-billed White-eye
Slender-billed Xenops
Slender-footed Tyrannulet
Slender-tailed Nightjar
Slender-tailed Woodstar
Small Blue Kingfisher
Small Bougainville Honeyeater
Small Buttonquail
Small Cuckoo
Small Ground Finch
Small Lifu White-eye
Small Minivet
Small Niltava
Small Skylark
Small Slaty Flycatcher
Small Snowfinch
Small Sparrowhawk
Small Tree-finch
Small Whitethroat
Small-billed Elaenia
Small-billed Tinamou
Small-billed Wattled Sunbird
Smaller Black-bellied Sunbird
Smaller Green-backed Eremomela
Smith’s Longspur
Smoke-coloured Pewee
Smoky Bush-tyrant
Smoky Honeyeater
Smoky Warbler
Smoky-fronted Tody-flycatcher
Snail-eating Coua
Snares Crested Penguin
Snethlage’s Tody-tyrant
Snoring Rail
Snow Bunting
Snow Mountain Munia
Snow Mountain Quail
Snow Partridge
Snow Petrel
Snow Pigeon
Snow-capped Manakin
Snowy Cotinga
Snowy Egret
Snowy Plover
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
Snowy-browed Flycatcher
Snowy-crowned Robin-chat
Snowy-throated Babbler
Snowy-throated Kingbird
Sociable Lapwing
Sociable Weaver
Social Flycatcher
Society Islands Pigeon
Socorro Dove
Socorro Thrasher
Socotra Bunting
Socotra Cisticola
Socotra Cormorant
Socotra Starling
Socotra Sunbird
Soft-plumaged Petrel
Sokoke Pipit
Solander’s Petrel
Solitary Cacique
Solitary Sandpiper
Solitary Snipe
Solitary Tinamou
Solomon Islands Cuckoo-shrike
Solomon Islands Flowerpecker
Solomon Islands Hawk-owl
Solomon Islands Sea-eagle
Solomon Islands White-eye
Somali Bee Eater
Somali Bunting
Somali Crombec
Somali Fiscal
Somali Lark
Somali Pigeon
Somali Short-toed Lark
Somali Sparrow
Somali Starling
Somali Tit
Somali Wheatear
Sombre Chat
Sombre Greenbul
Sombre Hummingbird
Sombre Kingfisher
Sombre Nightjar
Sombre Pigeon
Song Sparrow
Song Thrush
Song Wren
Sooty Albatross
Sooty Ant-tanager
Sooty Antbird
Sooty Babbler
Sooty Barbthroat
Sooty Boubou
Sooty Chat
Sooty Falcon
Sooty Flycatcher
Sooty Grassquit
Sooty Grouse
Sooty Gull
Sooty Hawk
Sooty Honeyeater
Sooty Myzomela
Sooty Owl
Sooty Oystercatcher
Sooty Rail
Sooty Robin
Sooty Shearwater
Sooty Shrike-thrush
Sooty Storm-petrel
Sooty Swift
Sooty Tern
Sooty Thicket Fantail
Sooty Tyrannulet
Sooty Woodpecker
Sooty-capped Babbler
Sooty-capped Hermit
Sooty-capped Puffbird
Sooty-crowned Flycatcher
Sooty-fronted Spinetail
Sooty-headed Bulbul
Sooty-headed Tyrannulet
Sooty-headed Wren
Souimanga Sunbird
Sousa’s Shrike
South African Cliff Swallow
South African Shelduck
South American Snipe
South American Tern
South Georgia Pipit
South Georgian Diving-petrel
South Island Oystercatcher
South Island Wren
South Polar Skua
Southern Anteater-chat
Southern Antpipit
Southern Banded Snake Eagle
Southern Beardless Tyrannulet
Southern Bentbill
Southern Black-flycatcher
Southern Black-tit
Southern Blue-eared Glossy-starling
Southern Boobook
Southern Boubou
Southern Bristle-tyrant
Southern Brown-throated Weaver
Southern Cassowary
Southern Double-collared Sunbird
Southern Emu-wren
Southern Fulmar
Southern Giant-petrel
Southern Lapwing
Southern Martin
Southern Penduline-tit
Southern Pied-babbler
Southern Pochard
Southern Rough-winged Swallow
Southern Screamer
Southern Scrub Robin
Southern Scrub-flycatcher
Southern Shrikebill
Southern Tchagra
Southern Tree Pie
Southern Whiteface
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill
Spangle-cheeked Tanager
Spangled Coquette
Spangled Cotinga
Spangled Drongo
Spangled Kookaburra
Spanish Imperial Eagle
Spanish Sparrow
Sparkling Violetear
Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird
Speckle-breasted Antpitta
Speckle-breasted Woodpecker
Speckle-breasted Wren
Speckle-chested Piculet
Speckle-fronted Weaver
Speckled Chachalaca
Speckled Crake
Speckled Hawk-owl
Speckled Hummingbird
Speckled Mourner
Speckled Mousebird
Speckled Piculet
Speckled Reed Warbler
Speckled Spinetail
Speckled Tanager
Speckled Tinkerbird
Speckled Warbler
Speckled Wood Pigeon
Spectacled Barwing
Spectacled Bristle-tyrant
Spectacled Bulbul
Spectacled Eider
Spectacled Finch
Spectacled Fulvetta
Spectacled Guillemot
Spectacled Monarch
Spectacled Owl
Spectacled Parrotbill
Spectacled Parrotlet
Spectacled Prickletail
Spectacled Redstart
Spectacled Spiderhunter
Spectacled Tern
Spectacled Tyrant
Spectacled Warbler
Spectacled Weaver
Speke’s Weaver
Spice Imperial-pigeon
Spike-heeled Lark
Spillmann’s Tapaculo
Spilornis Klossi
Spine-tailed Logrunner
Spiny Babbler
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
Spiny-faced Antshrike
Spix’s Macaw
Spix’s Woodcreeper
Spizaetus Isidori
Spizaetus Melanoleucus
Splendid Astrapia
Splendid Fairywren
Splendid Glossy-starling
Splendid White-eye
Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Spoonbill Duck
Spot-backed Antshrike
Spot-backed Antwren
Spot-backed Puffbird
Spot-billed Duck
Spot-billed Ground Tyrant
Spot-billed Pelican
Spot-billed Toucanet
Spot-breasted Antvireo
Spot-breasted Ibis
Spot-breasted Lapwing
Spot-breasted Laughing Thrush
Spot-breasted Oriole
Spot-breasted Parrotbill
Spot-breasted Scimitar-babbler
Spot-breasted Woodpecker
Spot-breasted Wren
Spot-crowned Antvireo
Spot-crowned Barbet
Spot-crowned Euphonia
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper
Spot-flanked Gallinule
Spot-fronted Swift
Spot-necked Babbler
Spot-necked Bulbul
Spot-tailed Antwren
Spot-tailed Nightjar
Spot-tailed Sparrow Hawk
Spot-throated Babbler
Spot-throated Hummingbird
Spot-throated Woodcreeper
Spot-winged Antshrike
Spot-winged Falconet
Spot-winged Grosbeak
Spot-winged Parrotlet
Spot-winged Pigeon
Spot-winged Rosefinch
Spot-winged Starling
Spot-winged Thrush
Spot-winged Wood Quail
Spotless Starling
Spotted Antbird
Spotted Antpitta
Spotted Babbler
Spotted Bamboowren
Spotted Barbtail
Spotted Berrypecker
Spotted Bowerbird
Spotted Bush Warbler
Spotted Buttonquail
Spotted Crake
Spotted Creeper
Spotted Crocias
Spotted Eagle
Spotted Eagle-owl
Spotted Fantail
Spotted Flycatcher
Spotted Forktail
Spotted Greenbul
Spotted Greenshank
Spotted Ground Thrush
Spotted Harrier
Spotted Honeyeater
Spotted Honeyguide
Spotted Imperial-pigeon
Spotted Jewel-babbler
Spotted Kestrel
Spotted Laughingthrush
Spotted Morning-thrush
Spotted Nightingale-thrush
Spotted Nightjar
Spotted Nothura
Spotted Nutcracker
Spotted Owl
Spotted Owlet
Spotted Pardalote
Spotted Piculet
Spotted Puffbird
Spotted Quail-thrush
Spotted Rail
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Sandgrouse
Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Shag
Spotted Tanager
Spotted Thick-knee
Spotted Tody-flycatcher
Spotted Towhee
Spotted Whistling Duck
Spotted Wood Kingfisher
Spotted Wood Owl
Spotted Wood Quail
Spotted Woodcreeper
Spotted Wren
Spotted Wren-babbler
Spotted-flanked Barbet
Sprague’s Pipit
Spur-winged Goose
Spur-winged Lapwing
Squacco Heron
Squamate Antbird
Square-tailed Drongo
Square-tailed Kite
Square-tailed Nightjar
Square-tailed Saw-wing
Squirrel Cuckoo
Sri Lanka Bush-warbler
Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill
Sri Lanka Hanging-parrot
Sri Lanka Whistling Thrush
St Lucia Warbler
St. Andrew Vireo
St. Domingo Duck
St. Helena Plover
St. Lucia Amazon
St. Lucia Black Finch
St. Lucia Oriole
St. Matthias Fantail
St. Matthias Monarch
St. Vincent Amazon
Standard-winged Nightjar
Star Finch
Star-spotted Nightjar
Star-throated Antwren
Stark’s Lark
Starred Wood Quail
Steel-blue Flycatcher
Steel-blue Whydah
Steely-vented Hummingbird
Steere’s Coucal
Steere’s Liocichla
Steinbach’s Canastero
Stejneger’s Petrel
Steller’s Eider
Steller’s Jay
Steller’s Sea-eagle
Stephen’s Lorikeet
Steppe Eagle
Sterna Albostriata
Stierling’s Woodpecker
Stilt Sandpiper
Stizorhina Fraseri
Stock Dove
Stolid Flycatcher
Stone Partridge
Stork-billed Kingfisher
Storm’s Stork
Stout Cisticola
Stout-billed Cinclodes
Stout-billed Cuckooshrike
Straight-billed Hermit
Straight-billed Reedhaunter
Strange Weaver
Strange-tailed Tyrant
Straw-backed Tanager
Straw-headed Bulbul
Straw-necked Ibis
Straw-tailed Whydah
Streak-backed Antshrike
Streak-backed Canastero
Streak-backed Oriole
Streak-breasted Bulbul
Streak-breasted Honeyeater
Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler
Streak-breasted Treehunter
Streak-breasted Woodpecker
Streak-capped Antwren
Streak-capped Spinetail
Streak-capped Treehunter
Streak-chested Antpitta
Streak-crowned Antvireo
Streak-fronted Thornbird
Streak-headed Honeyeater
Streak-headed Munia
Streak-headed Woodcreeper
Streak-necked Flycatcher
Streak-throated Bush-tyrant
Streak-throated Canastero
Streak-throated Fulvetta
Streak-throated Hermit
Streak-throated Woodpecker
Streaked Barwing
Streaked Berrypecker
Streaked Bulbul
Streaked Fantail
Streaked Flycatcher
Streaked Laughingthrush
Streaked Saltator
Streaked Spiderhunter
Streaked Tit-spinetail
Streaked Tuftedcheek
Streaked Weaver
Streaked Wren-babbler
Streaked Xenops
Streaky Seedeater
Streaky-breasted Flufftail
Streaky-headed Seedeater
Streaky-headed White-eye
Streamer-tailed Tyrant
Stresemann’s Bristlefront
Stresemann’s Bush Crow
Stresemann’s Maroon Oriole
Stresemann’s Rosefinch
Striated Ant-thrush
Striated Antbird
Striated Babbler
Striated Bulbul
Striated Canegrass Warbler
Striated Caracara
Striated Earthcreeper
Striated Fieldwren
Striated Grasswren
Striated Laughingthrush
Striated Lorikeet
Striated Pardalote
Striated Softtail
Striated Starling
Striated Thornbill
Striated Wren-babbler
Striated Yuhina
Strickland’s Woodpecker
Striolated Puffbird
Striolated Tit-spinetail
Stripe-backed Antbird
Stripe-backed Bittern
Stripe-backed Wren
Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis
Stripe-breasted Spinetail
Stripe-breasted Starthroat
Stripe-breasted Tit
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker
Stripe-breasted Wren
Stripe-capped Sparrow
Stripe-cheeked Greenbul
Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker
Stripe-chested Antwren
Stripe-crowned Spinetail
Stripe-crowned Warbler
Stripe-faced Wood Quail
Stripe-headed Sparrow
Stripe-headed Tanager
Stripe-necked Tody-tyrant
Stripe-sided Rhabdornis
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird
Stripe-tailed Yellow Finch
Stripe-throated Bulbul
Stripe-throated Hermit
Stripe-throated Jery
Stripe-throated Wren
Striped Crake
Striped Cuckoo
Striped Flowerpecker
Striped Flufftail
Striped Gardener Bowerbird
Striped Honeyeater
Striped Kingfisher
Striped Laughingthrush
Striped Manakin
Striped Owl
Striped Pipit
Striped Sparrow
Striped Tit-babbler
Striped Treehunter
Striped Woodcreeper
Striped Woodhaunter
Striped Wren-babbler
Striped-throated Yuhina
Strong-billed Honeyeater
Strong-billed Woodcreeper
Stub-tailed Antbird
Stub-tailed Spadebill
Stuhlmann’s Starling
Styan’s Grasshopper Warbler
Stygian Owl
Subalpine Warbler
Subantarctic Snipe
Subdesert Mesite
Subtropical Cacique
Subtropical Doradito
Subtropical Pygmy-owl
Such’s Ant-thrush
Sudan Golden Sparrow
Sukatschev’s Laughingthrush
Sula Cicadabird
Sula Jungle Flycatcher
Sula Scrub Fowl
Sulawesi Bearded Bee Eater
Sulawesi Blue-flycatcher
Sulawesi Cicadabird
Sulawesi Drongo
Sulawesi Goshawk
Sulawesi Ground-dove
Sulawesi Hanging-parrot
Sulawesi Hawk Eagle
Sulawesi Hawk-cuckoo
Sulawesi Hornbill
Sulawesi Jungle Babbler
Sulawesi Kingfisher
Sulawesi Leaf Warbler
Sulawesi Masked Owl
Sulawesi Mountain Thrush
Sulawesi Myna
Sulawesi Nightjar
Sulawesi Pied Imperial Pigeon
Sulawesi Roller
Sulawesi Scops Owl
Sulawesi Serpent Eagle
Sulawesi Shortwing
Sulawesi Woodcock
Sulawesi Woodpecker
Sulphur-bearded Spinetail
Sulphur-bellied Bulbul
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet
Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-manakin
Sulphur-bellied Willow Warbler
Sulphur-billed Nuthatch
Sulphur-breasted Antbird
Sulphur-breasted Finch
Sulphur-breasted Warbler
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Sulphur-rumped Tanager
Sulphur-vented Whistler
Sulphur-winged Parakeet
Sulphury Flycatcher
Sultan Tit
Sulu Bleeding-heart
Sulu Hornbill
Sulu Racquet-tailed Parrot
Sumartran Hill Partridge
Sumatran Cochoa
Sumatran Drongo
Sumatran Green-pigeon
Sumatran Ground-cuckoo
Sumatran Niltava
Sumatran Pheasant
Sumatran Treepie
Sumba Boobook
Sumba Brown Flycatcher
Sumba Button-quail
Sumba Cicadabird
Sumba Flycatcher
Sumba Green-pigeon
Sumba Hornbill
Sumichrast’s Wren
Summer Tanager
Sun Lark
Sun Parakeet
Sunda Bush-warbler
Sunda Coucal
Sunda Cuckooshrike
Sunda Frogmouth
Sunda Ground-cuckoo
Sunda Hawk-eagle
Sunda Laughingthrush
Sunda Minivet
Sunda Robin
Sunda Teal
Sunda Thrush
Sunda Warbler
Sunda Woodpecker
Superb Bird-of-paradise
Superb Fairywren
Superb Fruit Dove
Superb Lyrebird
Superb Parrot
Superb Pitta
Superb Starling
Superb Sunbird
Superciliated Wren
Surf Scoter
Surucua Trogon
Swaheli Sparrow
Swainson’s Buzzard
Swainson’s Flycatcher
Swainson’s Francolin
Swainson’s Sparrow
Swainson’s Thrush
Swainson’s Warbler
Swallow Tanager
Swallow-tailed Bee-eater
Swallow-tailed Cotinga
Swallow-tailed Flycatcher
Swallow-tailed Gull
Swallow-tailed Hummingbird
Swallow-tailed Kite
Swallow-tailed Nightjar
Swallow-wing Puffbird
Swamp Boubou
Swamp Flycatcher
Swamp Francolin
Swamp Nightjar
Swamp Palm Bulbul
Swamp Sparrow
Swan Goose
Swee Waxbill
Swierstra’s Francolin
Swift Parrot
Swinhoe’s Pheasant
Swinhoe’s Rail
Swinhoe’s Storm Petrel
Sword-billed Hummingbird
Swynnerton’s Robin
Sykes’ Nightjar
Sykes’s Warbler
Syrian Woodpecker
Fish that start with S
Sabah Damsel
Sabaji’s Coralbrotula
Sabaki Tilapia
Sabanejewia Bulgarica
Sabanejewia Kubanica
Saberfin Killie
Sabertooth Blenny
Sabine Shiner
Sabre Squirrelfish
Saccoderma Melanostigma
Saccoderma Robusta
Saccodon Dariensis
Saccodon Terminalis
Saccodon Wagneri
Saccogaster Hawaii
Saccogaster Maculata
Saccogaster Melanomycter
Saccogaster Normae
Saccogaster Parva
Saccogaster Rhamphidognatha
Saccogaster Staigeri
Saccogaster Tuberculata
Saccopharynx Berteli
Saccopharynx Harrisoni
Saccopharynx Hjorti
Saccopharynx Lavenbergi
Saccopharynx Paucovertebratis
Saccopharynx Ramosus
Saccopharynx Thalassa
Saccopharynx Trilobatus
Sacramento Blackfish
Sacramento Perch
Sacramento Splittail
Sacramento Squawfish
Sacramento Sucker
Sacura Margaritacea
Sacura Speciosa
Sad Glider
Sad Klipfish
Saddle Bass
Saddle Blenny
Saddle Butterflyfish
Saddle Corydoras
Saddle Grunt
Saddle Midshipman
Saddle Squirrelfish
Saddle Stargazer
Saddle-back Snapper
Saddle-back Wrasse
Saddleback Darter
Saddleback Duckbill
Saddleback Silver-biddy
Saddlebanded Goby
Saddled Bichir
Saddled Blenny
Saddled Carpet Shark
Saddled Galaxias
Saddled Goby
Saddled Madtom
Saddled Moray
Saddled Prawn-goby
Saddled Prickleback
Saddled Rockclimbing Goby
Saddled Sandburrower
Saddled Seabream
Saddled Snake-eel
Saddled Swellshark
Saddletailed Sea Perch
Sadler’s Robber
Saffron Darter
Saffron Shiner
Sagami Grenadier
Sagamia Geneionema
Sagamichthys Gracilis
Sagor Catfish
Sahara Aphanius
Sail-fin Molly
Sailback Hound Shark
Sailfin Anthias
Sailfin Blenny
Sailfin Catfish
Sailfin Clinid
Sailfin Corydoras
Sailfin Dottyback
Sailfin Eel
Sailfin Glass Perchlet
Sailfin Goby
Sailfin Molly
Sailfin Pimeloid
Sailfin Sandfish
Sailfin Shiner
Sailfin Signal Blenny
Sailfin Snake-eel
Sailfin Stargazer
Sailfin Tetra
Sailfin Velifer
Sailfin Weever
Sailfish Catfish
Sailfish Pike
Sailor Flyingfish
Sailor’s Grunt
Sainsbury’s Flathead
Saint Ann’s Bay
Saint Brandon’s Annie
Saint Helena Butterflyfish
Saint Paul’s Gregory
Saipan Pygmy Goby
Saisi Lampeye
Sakhalin Nine-spined Stickleback
Sakhalin Sculpin
Sakhalin Sole
Sakhalin Sturgeon
Sakhalinian Char
Sala Y G
Salalah Guitarfish
Salamander Shark
Salangichthys Ishikawae
Salanx Ariakensis
Salanx Prognathus
Salanx Reevesii
Salaria Basilisca
Salaria Economidisi
Salarias Luctuosus
Salarias Nigrocinctus
Salarias Obscurus
Salarias Reticulatus
Salarias Sexfilum
Salarias Sibogai
Saldanha Catshark
Salele Flagtail
Salema Butterfish
Salinas Chub
Salminus Affinis
Salminus Franciscanus
Salminus Hilarii
Salmo Akairos
Salmon Catfish
Salmon Smooth-head
Salmon Snailfish
Salmophasia Acinaces
Salmophasia Belachi
Salmophasia Boopis
Salmophasia Horai
Salmophasia Novacula
Salmophasia Orissaensis
Salmophasia Phulo
Salmophasia Sardinella
Salmophasia Sladoni
Salmophasia Untrahi
Salt And Pepper Catfish
Salt Creek Pupfish
Saltmarsh Topminnow
Saltpan Sole
Salvelinus Curilus
Salvelinus Evasus
Salvelinus Gritzenkoi
Salvelinus Krogiusae
Salvelinus Kronocius
Salvelinus Kuznetzovi
Salvelinus Leucomaenis Imbrius
Salvelinus Leucomaenis Pluvius
Salvelinus Levanidovi
Salvelinus Murta
Salvelinus Neocomensis
Salvelinus Profundus
Salvelinus Schmidti
Salvelinus Taimyricus
Salvelinus Taranetzi
Salvelinus Thingvallensis
Salvelinus Umbla
Salvelinus Youngeri
Samaris Costae
Samariscus Asanoi
Samariscus Corallinus
Samariscus Desoutterae
Samariscus Filipectoralis
Samariscus Inornatus
Samariscus Multiradiatus
Samariscus Xenicus
Sammara Squirrelfish
Samoan Anchovy
Samoan Cardinalfish
Samoan Mullet Goby
Samoan Pipefish
Samoan Snapper
Samoan Surf Sardine
Samson Fish
Samurai Squirrelfish
San Blas Coralbrotula
San Blas Skate
San Domingo Cichlid
San Francisco Croaker
San Ignacio Pupfish
San Jeronimo Livebearer
San Marcos Gambusia
San Quintin Blenny
Sanaga Pygmy Herring
Sanagia Velifera
Sand Bass
Sand Catfish
Sand Crawler
Sand Dart
Sand Diver
Sand Dragonet
Sand Eel
Sand Fish
Sand Flathead
Sand Flounder
Sand Goby
Sand Grey Mullet
Sand Grunt
Sand Lizardfish
Sand Roller
Sand Seabass
Sand Shiner
Sand Smelt
Sand Sole
Sand Stargazer
Sand Sturgeon
Sand Submarine
Sand Weakfish
Sand Whiff
Sand Wrasse
Sand-canyon Goby
Sandager’s Wrasse
Sandbar Shiner
Sande’s Mouth Almighty
Sandhills Chub
Sandkhol Carp
Sandpaper Fish
Sandtop Goby
Sandwich Island Sleeper
Sandy Filefish
Sandy Ray
Sandy Ridgefin Eel
Sandy Skate
Sandy Sprat
Sandy Stargazer
Sandy-prawn Goby
Sandyback Stingaree
Sanguinello Pygmy Goby
Santa Ana Stickleback
Santa Ana Sucker
Santa Cruz Pupfish
Santee Chub
Santer Seabream
Santos Rivulus
Sanzo’s Goby
Sao Tom
Sapayo Cichlid
Saposhnikovi Shad
Sapphire Damsel
Sarabia Cichlid
Sarasin’s Goby
Sarasins Minnow
Sarato’s Goby
Sarawak Pygmy Swell Shark
Sarawak Rasbora
Sarcastic Fringehead
Sarcocheilichthys Biwaensis
Sarcocheilichthys Caobangensis
Sarcocheilichthys Davidi
Sarcocheilichthys Kiangsiensis
Sarcocheilichthys Lacustris
Sarcocheilichthys Nigripinnis Morii
Sarcocheilichthys Parvus
Sarcocheilichthys Sinensis Fukiensis
Sarcocheilichthys Variegatus Microoculus
Sarcocheilichthys Variegatus Variegatus
Sarcocheilichthys Variegatus Wakiyae
Sarcoglanis Simplex
Sardina Ciega
Sardine Cisco
Sardinita Bocagrande
Sardinita De Rio Verde
Sardinita De Salado
Sardinita De Santa Maria
Sardinita De Tepelmene
Sardinita Del Pilon
Sardinita Quijarrona
Sargasso Dwarf Snailfish
Sargassum Blenny
Sargocentron Furcatum
Sargocentron Hormion
Sargocentron Marisrubri
Sargocentron Megalops
Sargocentron Shimizui
Sargocentron Spinosissimum
Sargocentron Wilhelmi
Sargochromis Thysi
Sarotherodon Caudomarginatus
Sarotherodon Galilaeus Borkuanus
Sarotherodon Galilaeus Boulengeri
Sarotherodon Galilaeus Multifasciatus
Sarotherodon Galilaeus Sanagaensis
Sarotherodon Melanotheron Leonensis
Sarotherodon Mvogoi
Sarotherodon Nigripinnis
Sarotherodon Nigripinnis Dolloi
Sarotherodon Occidentalis
Sarotherodon Tournieri Liberiensis
Sarotherodon Tournieri Tournieri
Sarritor Knipowitschi
Sars’ Wolf Eel
Sartor Elongatus
Sartor Respectus
Sartor Tucuruiense
Sary-chilek Marinka
Sash Flounder
Saskatchewan Dace
Satanoperca Lilith
Satanoperca Mapiritensis
Satinfin Shiner
Satyrichthys Amiscus
Satyrichthys Clavilapis
Satyrichthys Engyceros
Satyrichthys Hians
Satyrichthys Isokawae
Satyrichthys Laticephalus
Satyrichthys Lingi
Satyrichthys Longiceps
Satyrichthys Magnus
Satyrichthys Orientale
Satyrichthys Piercei
Satyrichthys Quadratorostratus
Satyrichthys Serrulatus
Saurenchelys Finitimus
Saurenchelys Lateromaculatus
Saurenchelys Meteori
Saurenchelys Stylura
Saurenchelys Taiwanensis
Saurida Pseudotumbil
Saurida Umeyoshii
Sauro Lizardfish
Saurogobio Dumerili
Saurogobio Gracilicaudatus
Saurogobio Gymnocheilus
Saurogobio Immaculatus
Saurogobio Lissilabris
Saurogobio Xiangjiangensis
Sauvagella Robusta
Savage Tetra
Savage’s Birdsnouted Whalefish
Savalani Hairtail
Savanna Tetra
Savannah Darter
Sawback Angel Shark
Sawback Poacher
Sawback Skate
Sawbwa Barb
Sawcheek Cardinalfish
Sawcheek Darter
Sawfin Suckermouth
Sawspine Dragonet
Sawspine Spikefish
Sawtail Grouper
Sawtooth Barracuda
Sawtooth Eel
Sawtooth Moray
Sawtooth Pipefish
Scalanago Lateralis
Scald Fish
Scale Croaker
Scale-eating Blenny
Scale-eyed Flounder
Scale-rayed Wrasse
Scaled Belly Toothpony
Scaled Sculpin
Scaleless Black Dragonfish
Scaleless Dragonfish
Scaleless Goby
Scaleless Worm Goby
Scalemouth Jobfish
Scalloped Bonnethead
Scalloped Ribbon Fish
Scalpel Sawtail
Scaly Boy
Scaly Breasted Sculpin
Scaly Chromis
Scaly Damsel
Scaly Dragonfish
Scaly Dwarf Monocle Bream
Scaly Gurnard
Scaly Osman
Scaly Paperbone
Scaly Sand Darter
Scaly Sandlance
Scaly Snouted Silver-biddy
Scaly-headed Blindfish
Scalybelly Blenny
Scalybreast Gurnard
Scalycheek Goby
Scalyfin Basslet
Scalyfin Grunt
Scalynape Goby
Scamp Grouper
Scaphiodonichthys Acanthopterus
Scaphiodonichthys Burmanicus
Scaphiodonichthys Macracanthus
Scaphognathops Bandanensis
Scaphognathops Stejnegeri
Scaphognathops Theunensis
Scarbreast Tuskfin
Scardinius Elmaliensis
Scardinius Knezevici
Scardinius Racovitzai
Scarecrow Toadfish
Scarface Blenny
Scarface Rockskipper
Scarlet Banded Barb
Scarlet Characin
Scarlet Frogfish
Scarlet Kelpfish
Scarlet Snapper
Scarlet Soldierfish
Scarlet Sunfish
Scarlet Wrasse
Scarletfin Blenny
Scarletfin Shiner
Scartelaos Cantoris
Scartelaos Gigas
Scartella Caboverdiana
Scartella Itajobi
Scartella Nuchifilis
Scartichthys Crapulatus
Scartichthys Variolatus
Scartichthys Viridis
Scarus Chinensis
Scarus Gracilis
Scarus Obishime
Scharff’s Charr
Schauinsland’s Sea Perch
Schedophilus Griseolineatus
Schedophilus Marmoratus
Scheel’s Lampeye
Scheffers’ Kivu Haplo
Schilbe Angolensis
Schilbe Bocagii
Schilbe Congensis
Schilbe Djemeri
Schilbe Durinii
Schilbe Grenfelli
Schilbe Laticeps
Schilbe Mandibularis
Schilbe Micropogon
Schilbe Moebiusii
Schilbe Multitaeniatus
Schilbe Nyongensis
Schilbe Tumbanus
Schilbe Zairensis
Schindler’s Fish
Schindleria Pietschmanni
Schismatogobius Ampluvinculus
Schismatogobius Bruynisi
Schismatogobius Fuligimentus
Schismatogobius Insignus
Schismatogobius Marmoratus
Schismatogobius Pallidus
Schismatogobius Roxasi
Schismatogobius Vanuatuensis
Schismatogobius Vitiensis
Schismatorhynchos Endecarhapis
Schismatorhynchos Heterorhynchos
Schismatorhynchos Holorhynchos
Schistura Acuticephalus
Schistura Alepidota
Schistura Alta
Schistura Alticrista
Schistura Altipedunculatus
Schistura Amplizona
Schistura Anambarensis
Schistura Antennata
Schistura Aramis
Schistura Arifi
Schistura Athos
Schistura Atra
Schistura Bachmaensis
Schistura Bairdi
Schistura Balteata
Schistura Bampurensis
Schistura Bannaensis
Schistura Bella
Schistura Bolavenensis
Schistura Breviceps
Schistura Bucculenta
Schistura Callichromus
Schistura Carbonaria
Schistura Cataracta
Schistura Caudofurca
Schistura Ceyhanensis
Schistura Chapaensis
Schistura Chindwinica
Schistura Chrysicristinae
Schistura Cincticauda
Schistura Clatrata
Schistura Conirostris
Schistura Corica
Schistura Coruscans
Schistura Crabro
Schistura Cryptofasciata
Schistura Dalatensis
Schistura Daubentoni
Schistura Dayi
Schistura Deansmarti
Schistura Defectiva
Schistura Deignani
Schistura Denisoni
Schistura Desmotes
Schistura Disparizona
Schistura Dorsizona
Schistura Dubia
Schistura Ephelis
Schistura Evreni
Schistura Fascimaculata
Schistura Fasciolata
Schistura Finis
Schistura Fowleriana
Schistura Fusinotata
Schistura Geisleri
Schistura Globiceps
Schistura Harnaiensis
Schistura Hingi
Schistura Horai
Schistura Humilis
Schistura Huongensis
Schistura Imitator
Schistura Implicata
Schistura Incerta
Schistura Irregularis
Schistura Isostigma
Schistura Kangjupkhulensis
Schistura Kaysonei
Schistura Kengtungensis
Schistura Khamtanhi
Schistura Khugae
Schistura Kloetzliae
Schistura Kohatensis
Schistura Kohchangensis
Schistura Kongphengi
Schistura Kontumensis
Schistura Laterimaculata
Schistura Latidens
Schistura Latifasciata
Schistura Lepidocaulis
Schistura Leukensis
Schistura Lindbergi
Schistura Longa
Schistura Machensis
Schistura Macrotaenia
Schistura Maculiceps
Schistura Maepaiensis
Schistura Magnifluvis
Schistura Mahnerti
Schistura Malaisei
Schistura Manipurensis
Schistura Melarancia
Schistura Menanensis
Schistura Minutus
Schistura Moeiensis
Schistura Montana
Schistura Nagaensis
Schistura Nagodiensis
Schistura Nalbanti
Schistura Namboensis
Schistura Namiri
Schistura Nandingensis
Schistura Nasifilis
Schistura Nicholsi
Schistura Nielseni
Schistura Niulanjiangensis
Schistura Nomi
Schistura Novemradiata
Schistura Nudidorsum
Schistura Obeini
Schistura Oedipus
Schistura Orthocauda
Schistura Pakistanica
Schistura Papulifera
Schistura Paucicincta
Schistura Paucifasciata
Schistura Personata
Schistura Pertica
Schistura Pervagata
Schistura Poculi
Schistura Porthos
Schistura Prashadi
Schistura Prashari
Schistura Pridii
Schistura Procera
Schistura Pseudofasciolata
Schistura Psittacula
Schistura Punctifasciata
Schistura Punjabensis
Schistura Quaesita
Schistura Quasimodo
Schistura Rara
Schistura Reidi
Schistura Rendahli
Schistura Reticulata
Schistura Reticulofasciata
Schistura Rikiki
Schistura Robertsi
Schistura Russa
Schistura Samantica
Schistura Savona
Schistura Scaturigina
Schistura Schultzi
Schistura Semiarmata
Schistura Sertata
Schistura Sexcauda
Schistura Seyhanicola
Schistura Sharavathiensis
Schistura Sigillata
Schistura Sijuensis
Schistura Similis
Schistura Sokolovi
Schistura Sombooni
Schistura Spekuli
Schistura Spiesi
Schistura Spiloptera
Schistura Spilota
Schistura Suber
Schistura Susannae
Schistura Tenura
Schistura Thanho
Schistura Tigrinum
Schistura Tirapensis
Schistura Tizardi
Schistura Tubulinaris
Schistura Vinciguerrae
Schistura Waltoni
Schistura Xhatensis
Schistura Yersini
Schizocypris Altidorsalis
Schizocypris Ladigesi
Schizodon Altoparanae
Schizodon Australis
Schizodon Corti
Schizodon Dissimilis
Schizodon Intermedius
Schizodon Isognathus
Schizodon Jacuiensis
Schizodon Knerii
Schizodon Nasutus
Schizodon Rostratus
Schizodon Scotorhabdotus
Schizodon Vittatus
Schizolecis Guntheri
Schizopyge Dainellii
Schizopygopsis Anteroventris
Schizopygopsis Kessleri
Schizopygopsis Kialingensis
Schizopygopsis Malacanthus
Schizopygopsis Pylzovi
Schizopygopsis Thermalis
Schizopygopsis Younghusbandi
Schizothorax Beipanensis
Schizothorax Chongi
Schizothorax Cryptolepis
Schizothorax Curvilabiatus
Schizothorax Davidi
Schizothorax Dolichonema
Schizothorax Dulongensis
Schizothorax Edeniana
Schizothorax Elongatus
Schizothorax Gongshanensis
Schizothorax Grahami
Schizothorax Griseus
Schizothorax Heterochilus
Schizothorax Heterophysallidos
Schizothorax Integrilabiatus
Schizothorax Kozlovi
Schizothorax Labrosus
Schizothorax Lantsangensis
Schizothorax Lepidothorax
Schizothorax Lissolabiatus
Schizothorax Longibarbus
Schizothorax Macropogon
Schizothorax Malacanthus
Schizothorax Meridionalis
Schizothorax Microcephalus
Schizothorax Microstomus
Schizothorax Myzostomus
Schizothorax Ninglangensis
Schizothorax Nudiventris
Schizothorax Nukiangensis
Schizothorax Oconnori
Schizothorax Oligolepis
Schizothorax Parvus
Schizothorax Prenanti
Schizothorax Rotundimaxillaris
Schizothorax Sinensis
Schizothorax Waltoni
Schizothorax Wangchiachii
Schizothorax Yunnanensis Paoshanensis
Schizothorax Yunnanensis Weiningensis
Schizothorax Yunnanensis Yunnanensis
Schizothorax Zarudnyi
Schlegel’s Black Rockfish
Schlegel’s Red Bass
Schmidt’s Dace
Schmidt’s Goby
Schmitt’s Toadfish
Schnakenbeck’s Searsid
School Bass
Schooling Bumblebee Goby
Schooling Harptail Blenny
Schroeder’s Combtooth-blenny
Schultz’s Pipefish
Schultzichthys Bondi
Schultzichthys Gracilis
Schwartz’s Catfish
Schwetzochromis Neodon
Sciades Paucus
Sciadonus Cryptophthalmus
Sciadonus Galatheae
Sciadonus Jonassoni
Sciadonus Pedicellaris
Sciaena Callaensis
Sciaena Deliciosa
Sciaena Fasciata
Sciaena Wieneri
Sciaenochromis Benthicola
Sciaenochromis Fryeri
Scioto Madtom
Scissor Macrocephalus
Scissortail Damselfish
Scleromystax Prionotos
Scleromystax Salmacis
Scleronema Angustirostre
Scleronema Minutum
Scleronema Operculatum
Scleropages Macrocephalus
Scobinancistrus Aureatus
Scobinancistrus Pariolispos
Scofield’s Anchovy
Scolecenchelys Acutirostris
Scolecenchelys Borealis
Scolecenchelys Chilensis
Scolecenchelys Cookei
Scolecenchelys Erythraeensis
Scolecenchelys Godeffroyi
Scolecenchelys Japonica
Scolecenchelys Nicholsae
Scolecenchelys Okamurai
Scolecenchelys Profundorum
Scolecenchelys Puhioilo
Scolecenchelys Tasmaniensis
Scolichthys Greenwayi
Scolichthys Iota
Scoloplax Baskini
Scoloplax Dicra
Scoloplax Distolothrix
Scoloplax Dolicholophia
Scombrops Gilberti
Scoophead Shark
Scopaeocharax Atopodus
Scopaeocharax Rhinodus
Scopelarchoides Climax
Scopelarchoides Danae
Scopelarchoides Kreffti
Scopelarchoides Nicholsi
Scopelarchoides Signifer
Scopelarchus Stephensi
Scopelengys Clarkei
Scopeloberyx Microlepis
Scopelogadus Beanii
Scopelogadus Unispinis
Scopelosaurus Adleri
Scopelosaurus Ahlstromi
Scopelosaurus Craddocki
Scopelosaurus Gibbsi
Scopelosaurus Hamiltoni
Scopelosaurus Herwigi
Scopelosaurus Hoedti
Scopelosaurus Hubbsi
Scopelosaurus Mauli
Scopelosaurus Meadi
Scorched Croaker
Scorpaena Annobonae
Scorpaena Ascensionis
Scorpaena Azorica
Scorpaena Cocosensis
Scorpaena Colorata
Scorpaena Fernandeziana
Scorpaena Gibbifrons
Scorpaena Grandisquamis
Scorpaena Hatizyoensis
Scorpaena Hemilepidota
Scorpaena Lacrimata
Scorpaena Melasma
Scorpaena Miostoma
Scorpaena Moultoni
Scorpaena Onaria
Scorpaena Orgila
Scorpaena Pascuensis
Scorpaena Pele
Scorpaena Petricola
Scorpaena Sumptuosa
Scorpaena Thomsoni
Scorpaena Tierrae
Scorpaena Uncinata
Scorpaenodes Africanus
Scorpaenodes Corallinus
Scorpaenodes Elongatus
Scorpaenodes Englerti
Scorpaenodes Immaculatus
Scorpaenodes Investigatoris
Scorpaenodes Quadrispinosus
Scorpaenodes Steenei
Scorpaenodes Steinitzi
Scorpaenodes Tribulosus
Scorpaenopsella Armata
Scorpaenopsis Altirostris
Scorpaenopsis Cotticeps
Scorpaenopsis Eschmeyeri
Scorpaenopsis Furneauxi
Scorpaenopsis Longispina
Scorpaenopsis Neglecta
Scorpaenopsis Obtusa
Scorpaenopsis Orientalis
Scorpaenopsis Palmeri
Scorpaenopsis Pluralis
Scorpaenopsis Possi
Scorpaenopsis Pusilla
Scorpaenopsis Ramaraoi
Scorpiodoras Heckelii
Scorpis Chilensis
Scotian Snailfish
Scotsman Seabream
Scott’s Wrasse
Scowling Silverside
Scrapermouth Mbuna
Scrawled Butterflyfish
Scrawled Sole
Scribbled Angelfish
Scriptaphyosemion Banforense
Scriptaphyosemion Chaytori
Scriptaphyosemion Etzeli
Scriptaphyosemion Fredrodi
Scriptaphyosemion Schmitti
Sculptured Goby
Sculptured Pipefish
Sculptured Sea Catfish
Sculptured Seamoth
Scythemarked Butterflyfish
Sea Bass
Sea Carp
Sea Catfish
Sea Chub
Sea Conger
Sea Goldie
Sea Perch
Sea Pony
Sea Raven
Sea Sweep
Sea Tadpole
Sea Trout
Sea Urchin Cardinal
Sea Urchin Cardinalfish
Seaboard Goby
Seafan Blenny
Seagrass Eel
Seagrass Wrasse
Seagreen Darter
Seale’s Cardinalfish
Seale’s Moray Eel
Seale’s Rockskipper
Seamount Grouper
Searcher Stargazer
Seargent Fish
Searsioides Calvala
Searsioides Multispinus
Seaweed Blenny
Seaweed Pipefish
Sebae Anemonefish
Sebastapistes Taeniophrys
Sebastes Baramenuke
Sebastes Flammeus
Sebastes Hubbsi
Sebastes Ijimae
Sebastes Iracundus
Sebastes Itinus
Sebastes Joyneri
Sebastes Kawaradae
Sebastes Kiyomatsui
Sebastes Koreanus
Sebastes Longispinis
Sebastes Matsubarae
Sebastes Minor
Sebastes Nivosus
Sebastes Oblongus
Sebastes Owstoni
Sebastes Pachycephalus Chalcogrammus
Sebastes Pachycephalus Nigricans
Sebastes Pachycephalus Nudus
Sebastes Pachycephalus Pachycephalus
Sebastes Ruber
Sebastes Steindachneri
Sebastes Swifti
Sebastes Taczanowskii
Sebastes Trivittatus
Sebastes Ventricosus
Sebastes Vulpes
Sebastes Wakiyai
Sebastes Zonatus
Sebastiscus Tertius
Sebree’s Pygmy Goby
Sechura Lizardfish
Secret Goby
Secretary Blenny
Sectator Azureus
Sectoria Atriceps
Sectoria Heterognathos
Sectoria Megastoma
Secutor Hanedai
Secutor Interruptus
Secutor Megalolepis
Sedor’s Coralbrotula
Seep Goby
Segmented Blenny
Seistan Triplophysa-loach
Selenanthias Barroi
Selenanthias Myersi
Seleniolycus Laevifasciatus
Seleniolycus Pectoralis
Seleniolycus Robertsi
Selenoscopus Turbisquamatus
Selenotoca Papuensis
Semaphore Rockfish
Semaphore Tetra
Semaprochilodus Brama
Semaprochilodus Kneri
Semaprochilodus Laticeps
Semaprochilodus Varii
Semilabeo Notabilis
Semilabeo Prochilus
Seminemacheilus Ispartensis
Seminemacheilus Tongiorgii
Seminole Goby
Seminole Killifish
Semipelagic Torpedo
Semiplotus Cirrhosus
Semiplotus Manipurensis
Semiscaled Goby
Senegal Epiplatys
Senegal Jack
Senegal Needlefish
Senegal Seabream
Senegalese Frogfish
Senegalese Hake
Senegalese Ladyfish
Senegalese Rockfish
Senegalese Sole
Senegalese Tonguesole
Sentani Gudgeon
Sentani Rainbowfish
Sepik Glass Perchlet
Sepik Goby
Sepik Grunter
Sepik Rainbowfish
Sepik River Halfbeak
Seram Blenny
Sergeant Baker
Sergeant Major
Seriolella Tinro
Serpenticobitis Cingulata
Serpenticobitis Octozona
Serpenticobitis Zonata
Serpentine Goby
Serrabrycon Magoi
Serranochromis Janus
Serranochromis Spei
Serranochromis Stappersi
Serranus Africanus
Serranus Auriga
Serranus Heterurus
Serranus Maytagi
Serranus Stilbostigma
Serrapinnus Calliurus
Serrapinnus Heterodon
Serrapinnus Kriegi
Serrapinnus Microdon
Serrapinnus Micropterus
Serrapinnus Notomelas
Serrasalmo Emarginatus
Serrasalmo Scotopterus
Serrasalmo Stagnatilis
Serrasalmo Undulatus
Serrasalmus Altispinis
Serrasalmus Altuvei
Serrasalmus Compressus
Serrasalmus Eigenmanni
Serrasalmus Geryi
Serrasalmus Gibbus
Serrasalmus Gouldingi
Serrasalmus Hastatus
Serrasalmus Hollandi
Serrasalmus Irritans
Serrasalmus Manueli
Serrasalmus Marginatus
Serrasalmus Medinai
Serrasalmus Nalseni
Serrasalmus Neveriensis
Serrasalmus Nigricans
Serrasalmus Sanchezi
Serrasalmus Serrulatus
Serrated Flathead
Serrivomer Danae
Serrivomer Garmani
Serrivomer Schmidti
Serrulate Whiptail
Setarches Longimanus
Seto Sole
Sevan Khramulya
Sevan Trout
Seven Pelvic Ray Flounder
Seven River’s Minnow
Seven-banded Wrasse
Seven-bar Weedfish
Seven-figure Pygmy Goby
Sevenband Tonguesole
Sevenbarbed Banjo
Sevenfinger Threadfin
Sevenstriped Cardinalfish
Seventy-four Seabream
Severtsov’s Loach
Sewellia Albisuera
Sewellia Breviventralis
Sewellia Diardi
Sewellia Elongata
Sewellia Lineolata
Sewellia Marmorata
Sewellia Patella
Sewellia Pterolineata
Sewellia Speciosa
Seychelle’s Wormfish
Seychelles Anemonefish
Seychelles Blenny
Seychelles Butterflyfish
Seychelles Moray
Shacra Baril
Shad Mooneye
Shadow Bass
Shadow Goby
Shadow Trevally
Shadowfin Soldierfish
Shagreen Skate
Shallow-water Cape Hake
Shalyni Barb
Shannon Galaxias
Shantar Snailfish
Shark Bay Eel-blenny
Shark Mackerel
Shark Mullet
Sharknose Goby
Sharktail Distichodus
Sharktooth Moray
Sharp-eye Pygmy-goby
Sharp-headed Catfish
Sharp-headed Sole
Sharp-nose Garden Eel
Sharp-nose Weedfish
Sharp-nosed Catfish
Sharp-nosed Longfin
Sharp-nosed Rainbowfish
Sharp-nosed River Mullet
Sharp-snout Lefteye Flounder
Sharp-spined Notothen
Sharpbeak Terapon
Sharpchin Barracudina
Sharpchin Flyingfish
Sharpchin Slickhead
Sharpfin Barracuda
Sharpfin Chubsucker
Sharpfin Sunfish
Sharphead Darter
Sharphead Eartheater
Sharpjawed Buntingi
Sharpnose Darter
Sharpnose Guitarfish
Sharpnose Hammer Croaker
Sharpnose Sand-eel
Sharpnose Sculpin
Sharpnose Shiner
Sharpnose Smooth Hound
Sharpnose Stingray
Sharpnose Surfperch
Sharpnose Tonguesole
Sharpnose Wrasse
Sharpnosed Coralbrotula
Sharpnosed Duckbill
Sharpnosed Sawtooth Pellonuline
Sharpsnout Seabream
Sharpsnout Snake Eel
Sharpsnout Stingray
Sharpspine Skate
Sharptail Goby
Sharptooth Snapper
Sharptooth Tetra
Sharpwing Eagle Ray
Shaw’s Shovelnose Guitar Fish
Shawnee Darter
Sheephead Grunt
Sheepshead Minnow
Sheepshead Seabream
Sheepshead Swordtail
Sheila’s Damselfish
Shelf Flounder
Shelf Goby
Shell Fish
Sherborn’s Cardinalfish
Sherwood Dogfish
Shetland Charr
Shi Drum
Shield Darter
Shifted Wolf Eelpout
Shige Shrimpgoby
Shimofuri Goby
Shiner Surfperch
Shining Butterfish
Shining Drum
Shining Grunt
Shining Pencilfish
Shining Tubeshoulder
Shirvan Roachling
Shoal Bass
Shoal Flounder
Shoemaker Spinefoot
Shokihaze Goby
Shore Clingfish
Shore Liparid
Short Alfonsino
Short Barbeled Grunter
Short Barbelled Catfish
Short Barbelled Suckermouth
Short Boarfish
Short Dragonfish
Short Fin Mojarra
Short Garfish
Short Pyrrhulina
Short-armed Waspfish
Short-barbeled Crimean Gudgeon
Short-beaked Garfish
Short-bodied Pipefish
Short-finned Eel
Short-finned Spiny Eel
Short-hairfin Anchovy
Short-head Seahorse
Short-headed Lantern Fish
Short-headed Sculpin
Short-lined Escolar
Short-maned Sand Eel
Short-maned Sand-eel
Short-nose Cling-goby
Short-nose Sucker
Short-nosed Flying Fish
Short-nosed Little Sturgeon
Short-nosed River-garfish
Short-rod Anglerfish
Short-snout Eelpout
Short-snout Hardyhead
Short-snout Pugolovka
Short-snout Sand-dragonet
Short-snouted Shovelnose Ray
Short-sword Platyfish
Short-tail Bristle-tooth
Short-tail Grenadier
Short-tail Nurse Shark
Short-tail Stingray
Short-tail Torpedo Ray
Short-tail Tripodfish
Short-tailed Hairtail
Short-tailed Viper-eel
Short-tooth Moray
Short-tube Scorpionfish
Shortbarbel Dragonfish
Shortbarbel Pangasius
Shortbeard Cusk-eel
Shortbeard Grenadier
Shortchin Stargazer
Shortdorsal Cutthroat Eel
Shortfin Barb
Shortfin Bichir
Shortfin Devilray
Shortfin Eelpout
Shortfin False Moray
Shortfin Flounder
Shortfin Flyingfish
Shortfin Halfbeak
Shortfin Lizardfish
Shortfin Pipefish
Shortfin Pompano
Shortfin Sand Skate
Shortfin Sand Stargazer
Shortfin Saury
Shortfin Scad
Shortfin Scorpionfish
Shortfin Searobin
Shortfin Silverside
Shortfin Snakeblenny
Shortfin Tandan
Shortfin Turkeyfish
Shortfin Weakfish
Shortfinned Worm Eel
Shorthead Barb
Shorthead Blenny
Shorthead Conger
Shorthead Cusk-eel
Shorthead Drum
Shorthead Hagfish
Shorthead Hairfin Anchovy
Shorthead Lizardfish
Shorthead Sculpin
Shorthead Snake-eel
Shortheaded Tonguesole
Shorthorn Fangtooth
Shortjaw Eelpout
Shortjaw Kokopu
Shortjaw Leatherjack
Shortjaw Lizardfish
Shortjaw Mudsucker
Shortjaw Saury
Shortlip Electric Ray
Shortnose Batfish
Shortnose Boxfish
Shortnose Dogfish
Shortnose Gar
Shortnose Ponyfish
Shortnose Saw Shark
Shortnose Stardrum
Shortnose Velvet Dogfish
Shortnosed Coralbrotula
Shortsnout Chromis
Shortsnout Conger
Shortsnout Grenadier
Shortsnout Pipefish
Shortsnout Spikefish
Shortspine African Angler
Shortspine Chimaera
Shortspine Combfish
Shortspine Suckermouth
Shortspine Tenplate
Shortstripe Goby
Shortstriped Round Herring
Shorttail Chub
Shorttail Conger
Shorttail Fanskate
Shorttail Pike Conger
Shorttail Snake Eel
Shorttailed River Stingray
Shortwing Searobin
Shoshone Pupfish
Shoshone Sculpin
Shoulderspot Catfish
Shoulderspot Grenadier
Shoulderspot Needlefish
Shovel-nose Rattail
Shovel-nosed Catfish
Shovelnose Catfish
Shovelnose Sea Catfish
Shovelnose Stingaree
Shrimp Eel
Shrimp Flounder
Shrimp Goby
Shrimp Scad
Shuttle-like Carp
Shy Soldier
Shy Toby
Siamese Algae-eater
Siamese Bat Catfish
Siamese Fightingfish
Siamese Flying Fox
Siamese Mud Carp
Siamese Schilbeid Catfish
Siamese Tiger Perch
Siberian Brook Lamprey
Siberian Dace
Siberian Gudgeon
Siberian Lumpsucker
Siberian Miller’s Thumb
Siberian Spiny Loach
Siberian Sturgeon
Siboga Pygmy Skate
Siboga Worm Eel
Sichuan Taimen
Sickle Barb
Sickle Pomfret
Sicklefin Chimaera
Sicklefin Chub
Sicklefin Hound Shark
Sicklefin Labeo
Sicklefin Mullet
Sicklefin Parrotfish
Sicklefin Smooth-hound
Sicyases Brevirostris
Sicyases Sanguineus
Sicydium Adelum
Sicydium Altum
Sicydium Brevifile
Sicydium Cocoensis
Sicydium Crenilabrum
Sicydium Fayae
Sicydium Gilberti
Sicydium Hildebrandi
Sicydium Rosenbergii
Sicydium Salvini
Sicyopterus Aiensis
Sicyopterus Brevis
Sicyopterus Caeruleus
Sicyopterus Caudimaculatus
Sicyopterus Crassus
Sicyopterus Fasciatus
Sicyopterus Franouxi
Sicyopterus Fuliag
Sicyopterus Japonicus
Sicyopterus Lacrymosus
Sicyopterus Marquesensis
Sicyopterus Microcephalus
Sicyopterus Panayensis
Sicyopterus Parvei
Sicyopterus Punctissimus
Sicyopterus Rapa
Sicyopterus Sarasini
Sicyopterus Wichmanni
Sicyopus Auxilimentus
Sicyopus Bitaeniatus
Sicyopus Cebuensis
Sicyopus Chloe
Sicyopus Discordipinnis
Sicyopus Exallisquamulus
Sicyopus Multisquamatus
Sicyopus Mystax
Sicyopus Sasali
Side-jet Frogfish
Sideburn Wrasse
Sidedspot Goatfish
Sidespot Barb
Sidespot Longface Wrasse
Sidespot Wrasse
Sieve-patterned Moray
Siganus Woodlandi
Signal Barb
Signal Cardinalfish
Signal Triplefin
Signalfin Goby
Sikukia Flavicaudata
Sikukia Gudgeri
Sikukia Longibarbata
Sikukia Stejnegeri
Silhouettea Capitlineata
Silhouettea Chaimi
Silhouettea Dotui
Silhouettea Evanida
Silhouettea Indica
Silhouettea Nuchipunctatus
Silond Catfish
Silt Goby
Silty Wrasse
Siluranodon Auritus
Silurichthys Citatus
Silurichthys Gibbiceps
Silurichthys Hasseltii
Silurichthys Indragiriensis
Silurichthys Marmoratus
Silurichthys Phaiosoma
Silurichthys Sanguineus
Silurichthys Schneideri
Silurus Chantrei
Silurus Duanensis
Silurus Grahami
Silurus Lanzhouensis
Silurus Lithophilus
Silurus Meridionalis
Silurus Microdorsalis
Silurus Morehensis
Silurus Palavanensis
Silurus Triostegus
Silver Barb
Silver Black Porgy
Silver Catfish
Silver Chimaera
Silver Chub
Silver Croaker
Silver Cusk Eel
Silver Cyprinid
Silver Demoiselle
Silver Distichodus
Silver Dollar
Silver Driftfish
Silver Drum
Silver Drummer
Silver Fish
Silver Grunt
Silver Hatchet Chela
Silver Hatchetfish
Silver Horsehead
Silver Labeo
Silver Lamprey
Silver Loach
Silver Mojarra
Silver Moony
Silver Mullet
Silver Mylossoma
Silver Needlefish
Silver Pearlfish
Silver Pikeconger
Silver Porgy
Silver Prochilodus
Silver Rainbowfish
Silver Rasbora
Silver Roughy
Silver Sandfish
Silver Scabbard Fish
Silver Shark
Silver Shiner
Silver Sillago
Silver Smelt
Silver Splitfin
Silver Spot
Silver Stardrum
Silver Surfperch
Silver Sweep
Silver Tandan
Silver Teta
Silver Tetra
Silver Tip
Silver Tripodfish
Silver Trout
Silver Trumpeter
Silver Weakfish
Silver Whiptail
Silver-rag Driftfish
Silver-sided Weedfish
Silverband Shiner
Silverbanded Sweetlip
Silverbelly Ctenopoma
Silverbelly Seaperch
Silverbubble Klipfish
Silvergrey Grunt
Silverjaw Minnow
Silvermouth Trevally
Silverside Shiner
Silverspot Shrimpgoby
Silverspot Squirrelfish
Silverstripe Blaasop
Silverstripe Shiner
Silverstriped Round Herring
Silvery Cod
Silvery Conger
Silvery Grey Minnow
Silvery John Dory
Silvery Minnow
Silvinichthys Bortayro
Silvinichthys Mendozensis
Similar Damsel
Simochromis Babaulti
Simochromis Diagramma
Simochromis Margaretae
Simochromis Marginatus
Simochromis Pleurospilus
Simony’s Blenny
Simple-spined Dragonet
Simpletooth Halfbeak
Simpsonichthys Adornatus
Simpsonichthys Alternatus
Simpsonichthys Antenori
Simpsonichthys Auratus
Simpsonichthys Bokermanni
Simpsonichthys Brunoi
Simpsonichthys Carlettoi
Simpsonichthys Chacoensis
Simpsonichthys Cholopteryx
Simpsonichthys Costai
Simpsonichthys Delucai
Simpsonichthys Fasciatus
Simpsonichthys Filamentosus
Simpsonichthys Flagellatus
Simpsonichthys Flammeus
Simpsonichthys Flavicaudatus
Simpsonichthys Fulminantis
Simpsonichthys Ghisolfii
Simpsonichthys Gibberatus
Simpsonichthys Hellneri
Simpsonichthys Ibicuiensis
Simpsonichthys Igneus
Simpsonichthys Inaequipinnatus
Simpsonichthys Izecksohni
Simpsonichthys Janaubensis
Simpsonichthys Longignatus
Simpsonichthys Macaubensis
Simpsonichthys Magnificus
Simpsonichthys Marginatus
Simpsonichthys Mediopapillatus
Simpsonichthys Multiradiatus
Simpsonichthys Myersi
Simpsonichthys Nielseni
Simpsonichthys Nigromaculatus
Simpsonichthys Notatus
Simpsonichthys Ocellatus
Simpsonichthys Parallelus
Simpsonichthys Perpendicularis
Simpsonichthys Picturatus
Simpsonichthys Punctulatus
Simpsonichthys Radiosus
Simpsonichthys Reticulatus
Simpsonichthys Rosaceus
Simpsonichthys Rufus
Simpsonichthys Santanae
Simpsonichthys Similis
Simpsonichthys Stellatus
Simpsonichthys Suzarti
Simpsonichthys Trilineatus
Simpsonichthys Virgulatus
Simpsonichthys Zonatus
Sinai Parrotfish
Sinaloa Livebearer
Sinaloan Cichlid
Sinclair’s Demoiselle
Sind Halfbeak
Sind Sardinella
Sindoscopus Australis
Sineleotris Chalmersi
Sineleotris Namxamensis
Sineleotris Saccharae
Singapore Parrotfish
Singapore Prawn-goby
Singapore Toadfish
Singida Tilapia
Singing Catfish
Single-striped Cardinalfish
Singlebar Devil
Singlespot Topminnow
Singular Bannerfish
Sinibotia Longiventralis
Sinibotia Pulchra
Sinibotia Reevesae
Sinibotia Robusta
Sinibotia Superciliaris
Sinibrama Affinis
Sinibrama Longianalis
Sinibrama Macrops
Sinibrama Melrosei
Sinibrama Taeniatus
Sinibrama Wui
Sinilabeo Binhluensis
Sinilabeo Brevirostris
Sinilabeo Cirrhinoides
Sinilabeo Decorus
Sinilabeo Discognathoides
Sinilabeo Hummeli
Sinilabeo Laticeps
Sinilabeo Longibarbatus
Sinilabeo Longirostris
Sinilabeo Rendahli
Sinilabeo Tungting
Sinilabeo Wui
Sinilabeo Zhui
Siniperca Fortis
Siniperca Knerii
Siniperca Liuzhouensis
Siniperca Obscura
Siniperca Undulata
Siniperca Vietnamensis
Sinobdella Sinensis
Sinocrossocheilus Liuchengensis
Sinocrossocheilus Megalophthalmus
Sinocrossocheilus Microstomatus
Sinocyclocheilus Albeoguttatus
Sinocyclocheilus Altishoulderus
Sinocyclocheilus Aluensis
Sinocyclocheilus Angustiporus
Sinocyclocheilus Aquihornes
Sinocyclocheilus Biangularis
Sinocyclocheilus Bicornutus
Sinocyclocheilus Brevibarbatus
Sinocyclocheilus Brevis
Sinocyclocheilus Broadihornes
Sinocyclocheilus Cyphotergous
Sinocyclocheilus Donglanensis
Sinocyclocheilus Guanduensis
Sinocyclocheilus Guangxiensis
Sinocyclocheilus Guilinensis
Sinocyclocheilus Guishanensis
Sinocyclocheilus Halfibindus
Sinocyclocheilus Hei
Sinocyclocheilus Huanglongdongensis
Sinocyclocheilus Huaningensis
Sinocyclocheilus Hugeibarbus
Sinocyclocheilus Jii
Sinocyclocheilus Jiuchengensis
Sinocyclocheilus Jiuxuensis
Sinocyclocheilus Lateristriatus
Sinocyclocheilus Liboensis
Sinocyclocheilus Lingyunensis
Sinocyclocheilus Longibarbatus
Sinocyclocheilus Longifinus
Sinocyclocheilus Luopingensis
Sinocyclocheilus Macrocephalus
Sinocyclocheilus Macrolepis
Sinocyclocheilus Macrophthalmus
Sinocyclocheilus Macroscalus
Sinocyclocheilus Maculatus
Sinocyclocheilus Maitianheensis
Sinocyclocheilus Malacopterus
Sinocyclocheilus Multipunctatus
Sinocyclocheilus Oxycephalus
Sinocyclocheilus Purpureus
Sinocyclocheilus Qiubeiensis
Sinocyclocheilus Qujingensis
Sinocyclocheilus Rhinocerous
Sinocyclocheilus Robustus
Sinocyclocheilus Tianeensis
Sinocyclocheilus Tianlinensis
Sinocyclocheilus Tileihornes
Sinocyclocheilus Tingi
Sinocyclocheilus Wumengshanensis
Sinocyclocheilus Xunlensis
Sinocyclocheilus Yangzongensis
Sinocyclocheilus Yimenensis
Sinocyclocheilus Yishanensis
Sinogastromyzon Chapaensis
Sinogastromyzon Hsiashiensis
Sinogastromyzon Minutus
Sinogastromyzon Nanpanjiangensis
Sinogastromyzon Nantaiensis
Sinogastromyzon Puliensis
Sinogastromyzon Rugocauda
Sinogastromyzon Sichangensis
Sinogastromyzon Szechuanensis
Sinogastromyzon Tonkinensis
Sinogastromyzon Wui
Sinohomaloptera Kwangsiensis
Sinohomaloptera Longibarbata
Siokunichthys Bentuviai
Siokunichthys Herrei
Siphamia Argentea
Siphamia Corallicola
Siphamia Guttulata
Siphamia Jebbi
Siphamia Nigra
Siphamia Ovalis
Siphamia Permutata
Siphamia Woodi
Siphonognathus Beddomei
Siphonognathus Caninis
Siphonognathus Tanyourus
Siphonogobius Nue
Siraz Baligi
Sirembo Metachroma
Sisor Barakensis
Sisor Catfish
Sisor Chennuah
Sisor Rheophilus
Sisor Torosus
Sittang Mystus
Six-band Grenadier
Six-banded Grouper
Six-lined Rainbowfish
Six-lined Trumpeter
Six-spined Leatherjacket
Six-spot Prickleback
Sixband Hawkfish
Sixbanded Coralfish
Sixbar Angelfish
Sixbar Distichodus
Sixbar Panchax
Sixbar Rockcod
Sixbar Wrasse
Sixfinger Threadfin
Sixgill Hagfish
Sixgill Sawshark
Sixgill Stingray
Sixline Soapfish
Sixplate Sawtail
Sixray Corydoras
Sixspine Butterflyfish
Sixspot Goby
Sixstrap Grubfish
Skinnycheek Lanternfish
Skiotocharax Meizon
Skipper Halfbeak
Skunk Corydoras
Sky-blue Killi
Sky-blue Kivu Haplo
Skygazer Shiner
Skythrenchelys Lentiginosa
Skythrenchelys Zabra
Slabrock Darter
Slackwater Darter
Sladen’s Hatchet Fish
Sladenia Shaefersi
Slantbrow Batfish
Slantlip Eel
Slashcheek Goby
Slaty Goby
Sleek Lates
Sleek Mosquitofish
Sleek Unicornfish
Sleeper Cusk
Sleeper Goby
Sleeper Torpedo
Sleepy Cod
Slender Anchovy
Slender Armorhead
Slender Barb
Slender Barracudina
Slender Bigscale
Slender Blaasop
Slender Blenny
Slender Bristlemouth
Slender Brotula
Slender Bullseye
Slender Cat Shark
Slender Chub
Slender Cling-fish
Slender Clingfish
Slender Cockscomb
Slender Conger
Slender Croaker
Slender Cuskeel
Slender Damsel
Slender Dwarf Monocle Bream
Slender Eel Goby
Slender Eelblenny
Slender Electric Ray
Slender Escolar
Slender Fangjaw
Slender Finless Eel
Slender Fivefinger Threadfin
Slender Fusilier
Slender Giant Moray
Slender Glassy
Slender Goby
Slender Grenadier Fish
Slender Gudgeon
Slender Guitarfish
Slender Halfbeak
Slender Happy
Slender Lantern Shark
Slender Lizardfish
Slender Lungfish
Slender Madtom
Slender Mandarinfish
Slender Mojarra
Slender Moray
Slender Mouth Almighty
Slender Mudskipper
Slender Pike Cichlid
Slender Pinjalo
Slender Pipefish
Slender Piranha
Slender Platanna-klipfish
Slender Rainbowfish
Slender Rasbora
Slender Redfin
Slender Reef-damsel
Slender Robber
Slender Rockfish
Slender Sand-diver
Slender Sawtail Catshark
Slender Scalyhead
Slender Sculpin
Slender Sea Horse
Slender Searobin
Slender Shovelnose Catfish
Slender Sillago
Slender Siphonfish
Slender Smooth Hound
Slender Snaggletooth
Slender Snake Eel
Slender Snake-eel
Slender Sole
Slender Spongegoby
Slender Stargazer
Slender Stone Loach
Slender Stonebasher
Slender Sunfish
Slender Tail Hap
Slender Tardoor
Slender Thread Herring
Slender Threadfin Bream
Slender Thryssa
Slender Top-mouth Gudgeon
Slender Tuna
Slender Unicorn
Slender Unicorn Rattail
Slender Weasel Shark
Slender Weed Whiting
Slender Weedfish
Slender White Sardine
Slender Worm Eel
Slender Worm-eel
Slender Wrasse
Slenderhead Darter
Slenderhead Searobin
Slenderjaw Moray
Slendernosed Pipefish
Slendertail Cardinalfish
Slendertail Grenadier
Slendertail Lanternfish
Slendertail Lanternshark
Slendertail Moray
Slick Puffer
Slim Betta
Slim Flounder
Slim Lightfish
Slim Minnow
Slim Snailfish
Slime Skate
Slimehead Grenadier
Slimstripe Dartfish
Slimtail Lampfish
Slimtail Skate
Slimy Goby
Slimy Head
Slimy Snailfish
Slinger Seabream
Slingjaw Wrasse
Slinky Klipfish
Slipper Sole
Slippery Dick
Slippery Okra
Slit Branchial Paraliparis
Sloan’s Fangfish
Slobbering Catfish
Slope Bass
Slope Conger
Slope Hatchetfish
Slough Darter
Slow Goby
Small Banded Rattail
Small Chinese Silver-biddy
Small Eye Golden-line Fish
Small Goby
Small Green Utaka
Small Headed Flounder
Small Kob
Small Red Scorpionfish
Small Sandab
Small Scale Croaker
Small Scale Mud Carp
Small Scaled Brown Slickhead
Small Scaled Nothobranch
Small Silver-gudgeon
Small Snakehead
Small Toothed Jobfish
Small-disked Liparid
Small-eyed Coralbrotula
Small-eyed Flathead
Small-eyed Goby
Small-eyed Loter
Small-eyed Ray
Small-eyed Sillago
Small-eyed Whipfin Mojarra
Small-head Sole
Small-headed Clingfish
Small-headed Cod
Small-headed Grunter
Small-jaw Croaker
Small-mouth Char
Small-mouth Croaker
Small-mouth Righteye Flounder
Small-scale Bullseye
Small-scaled Spinycheek Sleeper
Small-scaled Terapon
Small-spine Snailfish
Small-toothed Flounder
Smallbelly Cat Shark
Smalldisk Torpedo
Smalldorsal Cat Shark
Smalleye Cat Shark
Smalleye Croaker
Smalleye Cusk
Smalleye Dwarf Snailfish
Smalleye Lantern Shark
Smalleye Midshipman
Smalleye Scabbardfish
Smalleye Shiner
Smalleye Smooth Hound
Smalleye Smooth-head
Smalleye Stardrum
Smalleye Stingray
Smalleye Whip Ray
Smalleyed Guitarfish
Smalleyed Rabbitfish
Smalleyed Round Stingray
Smallfin Cat Shark
Smallfin Lanternfish
Smallfin Snailfish
Smallfin Tonguefish
Smallfin Worm-eel
Smallfinger Topminnow
Smallfinned Bombay Duck
Smallfish Snake-eel
Smallhead Dragonet
Smallhead Flyingfish
Smallhead Moray Cod
Smallhead Snaggletooth
Smallmouth Argentine
Smallmouth Bass
Smallmouth Electric Catfish
Smallmouth Flounder
Smallmouth Goby
Smallmouth Moonflounder
Smallmouth Ronquil
Smallmouth Scad
Smallmouth Spiny Eel
Smallmouth Squirrelfish
Smallmouth Threadfin
Smallmouth Velvet Dogfish
Smallmouthed Salmon Catfish
Smallmouthed Wrasse
Smallnose Fanskate
Smallplate Sculpin
Smallsail Sculpin
Smallscale Bonefish
Smallscale Cardinal
Smallscale Darter
Smallscale Grouper
Smallscale Grubfish
Smallscale Lizardfish
Smallscale Mora
Smallscale Searsid
Smallscale Slimehead
Smallscale Smooth-head
Smallscale Threadfin
Smallscale Tonguesole
Smallscale Weakfish
Smallscale Yellowfin
Smallscaled Spinycheek Sleeper
Smallspine Spookfish
Smallspine Turretfish
Smallspot Frogfish
Smallspotted Catshark
Smallspotted Dart
Smallspotted Grunter
Smallsucker Clingfish
Smalltail Sand Skate
Smalltail Wrasse
Smallthorn Sand Skate
Smalltooth Grenadier
Smalltooth Stingray
Smalltooth Weakfish
Smalltoothed Argentine
Smaragdus Pygmy Goby
Smiling Sand-eel
Smith’s Butterflyfish
Smith’s Cardinalfish
Smith’s Coralbrotula
Smith’s Damsel
Smith’s Priapium Fish
Smithurst’s Ponyfish
Smokey Chromis
Smoky Damsel
Smoky Madtom
Smooth Angler
Smooth Anglerfish
Smooth Blaasop
Smooth Clingfish
Smooth Deepsea Skate
Smooth Dreamer
Smooth Dwarf Monocle Bream
Smooth Flounder
Smooth Grenadier
Smooth Handfish
Smooth Horsefish
Smooth Hound
Smooth Lumpfish
Smooth Lumpsucker
Smooth Nose Wedgefish
Smooth Oreo
Smooth Pipefish
Smooth Poacher
Smooth Rockcod
Smooth Sand-eel
Smooth Stardrum
Smooth Stargazer
Smooth Toadfish
Smooth Tooth Blacktip Shark
Smooth Weakfish
Smooth-belly Pellonuline
Smooth-belly Sardinella
Smooth-cheek Scorpionfish
Smooth-cheek Sculpin
Smooth-eye Blenny
Smooth-gum Sculpin
Smooth-headed Catfish
Smooth-lip Stargazer
Smooth-skin Scorpionfish
Smooth-snout Clingfish
Smoothback Angel Shark
Smoothback Skate
Smoothbelly Goby
Smoothcheek Eartheater
Smoothfin Blenny
Smoothlip Clingfish
Smoothnose Legskate
Smoothscale Brill
Smoothscale Goby
Smoothspined Catfish
Smoothspined Grenadier
Smoothtail Ninespine Stickleback
Snack Eel
Snaggle-toothed Snake-eel
Snaggletooth Shark
Snail Bullhead
Snail Darter
Snake Blenny
Snake Catfish
Snake Eel
Snake Mackerel
Snake Pipefish
Snake River Sucker
Snakehead Eelpout
Snakehead Goby
Snakehead Gudgeon
Snakehead Kingcroaker
Snakehead Mullet
Snakehead Toadfish
Snakeskin Gourami
Snakeskin Sole
Snaky Klipfish
Snapper Eel
Snoeks’ Kivu Haplo
Snooty Wrasse
Snouted Eagle Ray
Snouted Mullet
Snoutspot Goby
Snow Bass
Snow Pleco
Snow Trout
Snow’s Rockskipper
Snowflake Moray
Snowflake Soapfish
Snowflake-patched Moray
Snub-nose Snake Eel
Snub-nosed Croaker
Snubnose Blacksmelt
Snubnose Eelpout
Snubnose Emperor
Snubnose Pipefish
Snubnose Pompano
Snubnose Sculpin
Snubnose Snake Eel
Snubnosed Blindfish
Snubnosed Eel
Snyderidia Canina
Snyderina Yamanokami
So-iny Mullet
So-iuy Mullet
Social Wrasse
Sockeye Salmon Or Kokanee
Soconusco Gambusia
Socorran Soapfish
Socorro Blenny
Socorro Clingfish
Socorro Serrano
Socorro Wrasse
Socotran Snakelet
Soft Bellied Puffer
Soft Electric Ray
Soft Sculpin
Soft-coral Goby
Soft-coral Pipefish
Soft-spined Catfish
Softcoral Seahorse
Softhead Sea Catfish
Softhead Stardrum
Softskin Smooth-head
Softy Hap
Sohachi Flounder
Sohal Surgeonfish
Soldatov’s Catfish
Soldatov’s Gudgeon
Soldier Catfish
Soldier Fish
Sole Flounder
Solea Heinii
Solea Humilis
Soleichthys Dori
Soleichthys Siammakuti
Soleichthys Tubiferus
Solenostomus Halimeda
Solivomer Arenidens
Solocisquama Carinata
Solocisquama Erythrina
Solor Triplefin
Somali Butterflyfish
Somali Grouper
Somalia Catfish
Somalia Glass Catfish
Somalian Blind Barb
Somalian Cavefish
Someren’s Barb
Someren’s Suckermouth
Sompat Grunt
Sona Sea Catfish
Sonoda Megalophthalma
Sonoda Paucilampa
Sonora Blenny
Sonora Chub
Sonora Clingfish
Sonora Goby
Sonora Scorpionfish
Sonora Sucker
Sooty Eel
Sooty Sand-eel
Sooty Skate
Sordid Rubberlip
Soringa Sillago
Sorong Rainbowfish
Sorubim Maniradii
Sostra Pygmy Goby
South African Mullet
South American Freshwater Stingray
South American Lungfish
South American Molly
South Australian Cobbler
South China Cat Shark
South China Leg Skate
South Eropean Roach
South European Nase
South European Toothcarp
South Georgia Icefish
South Georgia Spiny Plunderfish
South Georgian Plunderfish
South Indian Flying Barb
South Pacific Eel
South Pacific Hake
South Pacific Moray
South Pacific Sandburrower
South Pacific Striped Triplefin
Southeastern Blue Sucker
Southeastern Snub-nosed Garfish
Southern Atlantic Sharpnose-puffer
Southern Barracudina
Southern Barred Triplefin
Southern Brook Lamprey
Southern Burmese Gizzard Shad
Southern Cavefish
Southern Checkmark Cichlid
Southern Chimaera
Southern Chromis
Southern Churchill
Southern Clingfish
Southern Common Seabream
Southern Conger
Southern Deepbody
Southern Demoiselle
Southern Dogfish
Southern Dolly Varden
Southern Eagle Ray
Southern False Skate
Southern Fiddler
Southern Flathead Sculpin
Southern Fraildisc Clingfish
Southern Frillfin
Southern Gulf Pipefish
Southern Gurnard Perch
Southern Kingcroaker
Southern Lanternfish
Southern Lesser Pomfret
Southern Little Pipehorse
Southern Logperch
Southern Lungfish
Southern Mandarin Dogfish
Southern Moray
Southern Mountain Swordtail
Southern Mouthbrooder
Southern Ninespine Stickleback
Southern Opah
Southern Orange-lined Cardinal Fish
Southern Pacific Moray Cod
Southern Peacock Sole
Southern Pigfish
Southern Pipefish
Southern Pygmy Perch
Southern Rays Bream
Southern Red Tabira Bitterling
Southern Redbelly Dace
Southern Ribbonfish
Southern Rock Bass
Southern Rosyface Shiner
Southern Round Skate
Southern Sand Darter
Southern Sawtail Catshark
Southern Sea Garfish
Southern Sole
Southern Spearnose Poacher
Southern Spiny Gurnard
Southern Starhead Topminnow
Southern Stoplight Loosejaw
Southern Striped Raphael
Southern Studfish
Southern Sunfish
Southern Tandan
Southern Thorny Skate
Southern Tonguesole
Southern Tubelip
Southern Yellow Croaker
Southseas Devil
Southwell’s Pipefish
Southwestern Mosquitofish
Spaghetti Eel
Spangled Arrowfin Goby
Spangled Cichlid
Spangled Perch
Spaniblennius Clandestinus
Spaniblennius Riodourensis
Spanish Flag
Spanish Flag Snapper
Spanish Grunt
Spanish Ling
Spanish Mackerel
Spanish Pupfish
Spanner Barb
Sparisoma Griseorubrum
Sparisoma Tuiupiranga
Sparse-rayed Frostfish
Sparse-toothed Lycod
Sparsely-spotted Pygmy-goby
Sparsely-spotted Stingaree
Sparsetooth Dogfish
Spathodus Erythrodon
Spathodus Marlieri
Spatular-scale Silverside
Spatulasnout Cat Shark
Spatulate Rattail
Spatulate Sculpin
Spatuloricaria Atratoensis
Spatuloricaria Caquetae
Spatuloricaria Curvispina
Spatuloricaria Euacanthagenys
Spatuloricaria Evansii
Spatuloricaria Fimbriata
Spatuloricaria Gymnogaster
Spatuloricaria Lagoichthys
Spatuloricaria Phelpsi
Spatuloricaria Puganensis
Spearnose Chimaera
Spearnose Grenadier
Spearnose Seabat
Spearsnouted Grenadier
Speartoothed Grinner
Speckled Blenny
Speckled Cat Shark
Speckled Chub
Speckled Dace
Speckled Damselfish
Speckled Darter
Speckled Deepwater Scorpionfish
Speckled Flounder
Speckled Garden Eel
Speckled Garden-eel
Speckled Goby
Speckled Guitarfish
Speckled Killifish
Speckled Klipfish
Speckled Longfin Eel
Speckled Madtom
Speckled Maori Wrasse
Speckled Moray
Speckled Piranha
Speckled Puffer
Speckled Pygmy Goby
Speckled Ray
Speckled Rivulus
Speckled Rockfish
Speckled Sanddab
Speckled Sandperch
Speckled Scorpionfish
Speckled Shrimpfish
Speckled Snake Eel
Speckled Sole
Speckled Squirrelfish
Speckled Stargazer
Speckled Swellshark
Speckled Tonguesole
Speckled-tail Flounder
Specklefin Cusk Eel
Specklefin Midshipman
Specklefin Rockclimbing Goby
Specklemouth Eelpout
Specktacled Filefish
Spectacled Grenadier
Spectacled Parrotfish
Spectacled Sculpin
Spectracanthicus Murinus
Spectral Snailfish
Spectrolebias Semiocellatus
Sperata Acicularis
Sperata Aorella
Sperata Sarwari
Sperm Goby
Sphaerichthys Acrostoma
Sphaerichthys Selatanensis
Sphaerichthys Vaillanti
Sphaerophysa Dianchiensis
Sphagebranchus Cinctus
Sphagebranchus Kuro
Sphagemacrurus Decimalis
Sphagemacrurus Gibber
Sphagemacrurus Pumiliceps
Sphagemacrurus Richardi
Sphenanthias Sibogae
Sphoeroides Andersonianus
Sphoeroides Cheesemanii
Sphoeroides Georgemilleri
Sphoeroides Nitidus
Sphoeroides Rosenblatti
Sphynx Goby
Sphyraena Iburiensis
Sphyraena Tome
Sphyraena Waitii
Spicara Martinicus
Spider-eye Puffer
Spikefin Blenny
Spikefin Goby
Spikehead Dreamer
Spiketail Gourami
Spiketail Platyfish
Spiky Oreo
Spinach Pipefish
Spinaker Grenadier
Spindle Hap
Spine Bahaba
Spineback Guitarfish
Spineblotch Scorpionfish
Spinecheek Anemonefish
Spinecheek Goby
Spined Pipefish
Spined Pygmy Shark
Spined Whiff
Spineless Sculpin
Spineless Toadfish
Spinenose Horsefish
Spinetail Ray
Spinibarbus Babeensis
Spinibarbus Caldwelli
Spinibarbus Denticulatus
Spinibarbus Hollandi
Spinibarbus Nammauensis
Spinibarbus Ovalius
Spinibarbus Sinensis
Spiniphryne Duhameli
Spinose Skate
Spinous Lumpfish
Spinster Wrasse
Spintherobolus Ankoseion
Spintherobolus Broccae
Spintherobolus Leptoura
Spintherobolus Papilliferus
Spiny Batfish
Spiny Blaasop
Spiny Butterflyfish
Spiny Cat-fish
Spiny Catfish
Spiny Chromis
Spiny Dottyback
Spiny Dreamer
Spiny Eel
Spiny Eel-blenny
Spiny Flathead
Spiny Flounder
Spiny Grenadier
Spiny Guitarfish
Spiny Gurnard
Spiny Horsefish
Spiny Icefish
Spiny Lantern Fish
Spiny Leaf-fish
Spiny Pugolovka
Spiny Sea Bat
Spiny Seabat
Spiny Seadragon
Spiny Searobin
Spiny Snailfish
Spiny Snout Pipefish
Spiny Stargazer
Spiny Toothed Herringlet
Spiny Turbot
Spiny-back Eel
Spiny-head Cardinalfish
Spiny-tail Round Ray
Spiny-tailed Leatherjacket
Spiny-tufted Frogfish
Spinycheek Lanternfish
Spinycheek Scorpionfish
Spinycheek Starsnout
Spinyeye Rockfish
Spinyface Soldier
Spinyfin Velifer
Spinyhead Blenny
Spinyhead Sculpin
Spinyjaw Greeneye
Spinynose Sculpin
Spinytail Lampfish
Spinythroat Scorpionfish
Spinytooth Parrotfish
Spirinchus Lanceolatus
Splash Tetra
Splendid Alfosino
Splendid Darter
Splendid Dottyback
Splendid Garden Eel
Splendid Hawkfish
Splendid Lanternshark
Splendid Ponyfish
Splendid Threadfin
Splitbanded Goby
Splitfin Flashlightfish
Splitlevel Hogfish
Splitnose Searobin
Sponge Cardinalfish
Sponge Goby
Sponge Sculpin
Spongehead Cat Shark
Spoon-nose Eel
Spoon-snouted Catfish
Spooted Drum
Spot Croaker
Spot Eye Flathead
Spot Fin Parrotfish
Spot Pangasius
Spot Pom
Spot-fin Porcupinefish
Spot-lined Flasher
Spot-nape Butterflyfish
Spot-tail Butterfly Fish
Spot-tailed Dottyback
Spotback Corydoras
Spotback Goby
Spotback Loach
Spotback Scorpionfish
Spotback Skate
Spotback Wormfish
Spotbase Burrfish
Spotbreast Angelfish
Spotcheck Emperor
Spotcheck Stargazer
Spotcheek Blenny
Spotcheek Cardinalfish
Spotcheek Goby
Spotfin Anthias
Spotfin Betta
Spotfin Burrfish
Spotfin Chub
Spotfin Corydoras
Spotfin Croaker
Spotfin Dragonet
Spotfin Flathead
Spotfin Flounder
Spotfin Flyingfish
Spotfin Gambusia
Spotfin Goby
Spotfin Goby Cichlid
Spotfin Hatchetfish
Spotfin Jawfish
Spotfin Killifish
Spotfin Porgy
Spotfin River Goby
Spotfin Scorpionfish
Spotfin Shiner
Spotfin Snouted Goby
Spotfin Squirrelfish
Spotfin Surfperch
Spotfin Tetra
Spotfin Tonguefish
Spothead Lantern Fish
Spotjaw Blenny
Spotjaw Moray
Spotless Cat Shark
Spotless Podge
Spotlight Goby
Spotlight Rasbora
Spotlined Bass
Spotnape Cardinalfish
Spotnape Ponyfish
Spotside Wormfish
Spotstripe Pencilfish
Spotstripe Snapper
Spottail Barb
Spottail Chub
Spottail Coris
Spottail Curimata
Spottail Darter
Spottail Flounder
Spottail Goby
Spottail Grunt
Spottail Leporinus
Spottail Tonguefish
Spottail Wrasse
Spotted Algae Eater
Spotted Archerfish
Spotted Armoured-gurnard
Spotted Barbel
Spotted Batfish
Spotted Betta
Spotted Blenny
Spotted Blue-eye
Spotted Bonytongue
Spotted Bullhead
Spotted Cardinalfish
Spotted Catlet
Spotted Citharinid
Spotted Corydoras
Spotted Croaker
Spotted Croucher
Spotted Ctenopoma
Spotted Cusk-eel
Spotted Damsel
Spotted Darter
Spotted Dragonet
Spotted Driftfish
Spotted Eel
Spotted Eel Blenny
Spotted Epiplatys
Spotted Fanfish
Spotted Filefish
Spotted Flathead
Spotted Flounder
Spotted Flyingfish
Spotted Frillgoby
Spotted Fringefin Goby
Spotted Gar
Spotted Garden-eel
Spotted Ghoul
Spotted Goby
Spotted Gourami
Spotted Green Goby
Spotted Greeneye
Spotted Grubfish
Spotted Guitarfish
Spotted Gullyshark
Spotted Gurnard
Spotted Handfish
Spotted Hardyhead
Spotted Hatchetfish
Spotted Head Sargo
Spotted Headstander
Spotted Homelyn Ray
Spotted Hoplo
Spotted Lampeye
Spotted Laternfish
Spotted Legskate
Spotted Leporinus
Spotted Long-tom
Spotted Longfin
Spotted Metynnis
Spotted Minnow
Spotted Moray
Spotted Mountain Trout
Spotted Notothen
Spotted Numbfish
Spotted Oceanic Triggerfish
Spotted Pike-characin
Spotted Pipefish
Spotted Prawn-goby
Spotted Puff
Spotted Puffer
Spotted Pygmy Goby
Spotted Rainbowfish
Spotted Ray
Spotted Ridgefin Eel
Spotted Righteye Flounder
Spotted Robust Triplefin
Spotted Rockskipper
Spotted Sand-diver
Spotted Sandperch
Spotted Scorpionfish
Spotted Seabass
Spotted Seahorse
Spotted Sharpnose
Spotted Sharpnosed Puffer
Spotted Shovelnose Ray
Spotted Sicklefish
Spotted Skiffia
Spotted Sleeper
Spotted Snake-eel
Spotted Snakeblenny
Spotted Snakehead
Spotted Snipe Eel
Spotted Soapfish
Spotted Sole
Spotted Sorubim
Spotted Spikefish
Spotted Spiny-eye Triplefin
Spotted Spoon-nose Eel
Spotted Stargazer
Spotted Steed
Spotted Stingaree
Spotted Stinkfish
Spotted Stone Loach
Spotted Sucker
Spotted Sunfish
Spotted Tetra
Spotted Tonguesole
Spotted Triggerfish
Spotted Turbot
Spotted Unicornfish
Spotted Velvetfish
Spotted Weakfish
Spotted Weever
Spotted Whiff
Spotted Worm Goby
Spotted Wrasse
Spotted Wriggler
Spotted-bellied Rainbowfish
Spotted-fin Rockfish
Spotted-gill Cardinalfish
Spotted-tail Moray
Spottedcheek Sole
Spottedfin Sole
Spottedfin Tonguefish
Spottedtail Angler
Spottedtail Hawkfish
Spottedtail Morwong
Spottobrotula Amaculata
Spottobrotula Mahodadi
Spotty Seaperch
Spotty-face Anchovy
Spotty-faced Rattail
Spotwing Flying Gurnard
Spotwing Goby
Spotwing Gurnard
Spreadfin Skate
Spring Cavefish
Spring Chromis
Spring Pygmy Sunfish
Springer’s Blenny
Springer’s Coralbrotula
Springer’s Demoiselle
Springer’s Sawtail Cat Shark
Springer’s Triplefin
Springeratus Caledonicus
Springeratus Polyporatus
Springeratus Xanthosoma
Squalidus Argentatus
Squalidus Atromaculatus
Squalidus Banarescui
Squalidus Chankaensis Biwae
Squalidus Gracilis Gracilis
Squalidus Gracilis Majimae
Squalidus Homozonus
Squalidus Iijimae
Squalidus Intermedius
Squalidus Japonicus Coreanus
Squalidus Japonicus Japonicus
Squalidus Multimaculatus
Squalidus Nitens
Squalidus Wolterstorffi
Squaliforma Annae
Squaliforma Biseriata
Squaliforma Emarginata
Squaliforma Gomesi
Squaliforma Horrida
Squaliforma Phrixosoma
Squaliforma Scopularia
Squaliforma Squalina
Squaliforma Tenuicauda
Squaliforma Tenuis
Squaliforma Villarsi
Squaliforma Virescens
Squalius Aradensis
Squalius Castellanus
Squalius Cii
Squalius Keadicus
Squalius Laietanus
Squalius Lepidus
Squalius Lucumonis
Squalius Malacitanus
Squalius Orpheus
Squalius Palaciosi
Squalius Torgalensis
Squalius Valentinus
Squalius Zrmanjae
Squalogadus Modificatus
Squaloliparis Dentatus
Squalus Acutirostris
Squalus Crassispinus
Squalus Lalannei
Square-spot Fairy Basslet
Squared-jaw Barbel
Squarehead Catfish
Squarenose Unicornfish
Squarespot Rockfish
Squaretail Coraltrout
Squaretail Duckbill
Squaretail Kob
Squashed Face Rattail
Squatina Albipunctata
Squatina Heteroptera
Squatina Legnota
Squatina Mexicana
Squatina Pseudocellata
Squatina Punctata
Squiggly Blenny
Squint-eyed Croaker
Squirrelheaded Catfish
Sri Lanka Sweetlips
St Brandon’s Dottyback
St Helena Dragonet
St. Helena Chromis
St. Helena Comber
St. Helena Deepwater Scorpionfish
St. Helena Flounder
St. Helena Seaperch
St. Helena White Seabream
St. Maarten Pejerry
St. Paul’s Fingerfin
Stained Flyingfish
Stalix Davidsheni
Stalix Dicra
Stalix Eremia
Stalix Flavida
Stalix Immaculata
Stalix Moenensis
Stalix Sheni
Stalix Toyoshio
Stalix Versluysi
Stalkeye Scorpionfish
Stanaland’s Sole
Star Pearlfish
Star Silverside
Star Snapper
Star-studded Grouper
Starck’s Demoiselle
Stareye Lightfish
Stargazer Mountain Catfish
Stargazer Snake Eel
Stargazing Darter
Stargazing Minnow
Stargazing Seadevil
Stargazing Stonefish
Starhead Killi
Stark’s Tilefish
Starks’s Anchovy
Starksia Brasiliensis
Starksia Culebrae
Starksia Variabilis
Starostin’s Loach
Starry Blenny
Starry Catshark
Starry Dragonet
Starry Flying Gurnard
Starry Goby
Starry Handfish
Starry Pipefish
Starry Rockfish
Starry Smooth-head
Starry Sturgeon
Starry Toado
Stars And Stripes Leatherjacket
Stars-and-stripes Snakelet
Steatocranus Bleheri
Steatocranus Gibbiceps
Steatocranus Glaber
Steatocranus Mpozoensis
Steatocranus Rouxi
Steatocranus Tinanti
Steatocranus Ubanguiensis
Steatogenys Duidae
Steatogenys Ocellatus
Stedman Barb
Steel Pompano
Steelcolor Shiner
Steeneichthys Nativitatus
Steeneichthys Plesiopsus
Steentje Seabream
Steeplined Drum
Stegastes Lubbocki
Stegastes Robertsoni
Stegastes Sanctaehelenae
Stegastes Uenfi
Stegophilus Insidiosus
Stegophilus Panzeri
Stegophilus Septentrionalis
Stegostenopos Cryptogenes
Stein’s Dwarf Snailfish
Steindachner’s Cichlid
Steindachner’s Drum
Steindachner’s Dwarf Cichlid
Steindachner’s Moray Eel
Steindachner’s Sea Catfish
Steindachneridion Amblyurum
Steindachneridion Doceanum
Steindachneridion Melanodermatum
Steindachneridion Parahybae
Steindachneridion Punctatum
Steindachnerina Amazonica
Steindachnerina Atratoensis
Steindachnerina Bimaculata
Steindachnerina Binotata
Steindachnerina Conspersa
Steindachnerina Corumbae
Steindachnerina Dobula
Steindachnerina Elegans
Steindachnerina Fasciata
Steindachnerina Gracilis
Steindachnerina Guentheri
Steindachnerina Hypostoma
Steindachnerina Insculpta
Steindachnerina Leucisca
Steindachnerina Notograptos
Steindachnerina Notonota
Steindachnerina Planiventris
Steindachnerina Pupula
Steindachnerina Quasimodoi
Steindachnerina Varii
Steinitz’ Prawn-goby
Steinitz’s Goby
Stelgistrum Stejnegeri
Stellar Rockskipper
Stellate Codlet
Stellate Tadpole-goby
Steller’s Sculpin
Stellifer Brasiliensis
Stellifer Chaoi
Stellifer Ephelis
Stellifer Magoi
Stellifer Naso
Stellifer Venezuelae
Stemonosudis Bullisi
Stemonosudis Distans
Stemonosudis Elegans
Stemonosudis Elongata
Stemonosudis Gracilis
Stemonosudis Intermedia
Stemonosudis Miscella
Stemonosudis Molesta
Stemonosudis Rothschildi
Stemonosudis Siliquiventer
Stenogobius Alleni
Stenogobius Blokzeyli
Stenogobius Caudimaculosus
Stenogobius Hoesei
Stenogobius Ingeri
Stenogobius Keletaona
Stenogobius Kyphosus
Stenogobius Laterisquamatus
Stenogobius Macropterus
Stenogobius Marinus
Stenogobius Marqueti
Stenogobius Mekongensis
Stenogobius Ophthalmoporus
Stenogobius Psilosinionus
Stenogobius Randalli
Stenogobius Squamosus
Stenogobius Watsoni
Stenogobius Yateiensis
Stenogobius Zurstrassenii
Stenolebias Bellus
Stenolebias Damascenoi
Stenolicmus Sarmientoi
Stereolepis Doederleini
Sterlet Sturgeon
Sternarchella Curvioperculata
Sternarchella Orthos
Sternarchella Schotti
Sternarchella Sima
Sternarchella Terminalis
Sternarchogiton Labiatus
Sternarchogiton Nattereri
Sternarchogiton Porcinum
Sternarchogiton Preto
Sternarchorhamphus Muelleri
Sternarchorhynchus Britskii
Sternarchorhynchus Caboclo
Sternarchorhynchus Curumim
Sternarchorhynchus Curvirostris
Sternarchorhynchus Gnomus
Sternarchorhynchus Mesensis
Sternarchorhynchus Mormyrus
Sternarchorhynchus Oxyrhynchus
Sternarchorhynchus Severii
Sternoptyx Obscura
Sternoptyx Pseudodiaphana
Sternopygus Aequilabiatus
Sternopygus Arenatus
Sternopygus Astrabes
Sternopygus Branco
Sternopygus Castroi
Sternopygus Pejeraton
Sternopygus Xingu
Stethaprion Crenatum
Stethojulis Marquesensis
Stethojulis Notialis
Stethojulis Terina
Stethopristes Eos
Sthenopus Mollis
Stichaeopsis Epallax
Stichaeopsis Nana
Stichaeopsis Nevelskoi
Stichaeus Fuscus
Stichaeus Grigorjewi
Stichaeus Nozawae
Stichaeus Ochriamkini
Stichaeus Punctatus Pulcherrimus
Stichonodon Insignis
Stictorhinus Potamius
Stigmatochromis Modestus
Stigmatochromis Pleurospilus
Stigmatochromis Woodi
Stigmatogobius Borneensis
Stigmatogobius Elegans
Stigmatogobius Minima
Stigmatogobius Pleurostigma
Stigmatogobius Sella
Stigmatogobius Signifer
Stimpson’s Goby
Sting Eel
Stinging Eel Catfish
Stiphodon Astilbos
Stiphodon Atratus
Stiphodon Atropurpureus
Stiphodon Aureorostrum
Stiphodon Birdsong
Stiphodon Discotorquatus
Stiphodon Hydroreibatus
Stiphodon Imperiorientis
Stiphodon Julieni
Stiphodon Kalfatak
Stiphodon Larson
Stiphodon Martenstyni
Stiphodon Multisquamus
Stiphodon Olivaceus
Stiphodon Ornatus
Stiphodon Percnopterygionus
Stiphodon Rubromaculatus
Stiphodon Rutilaureus
Stiphodon Sapphirinus
Stiphodon Surrufus
Stiphodon Tuivi
Stiphodon Weberi
Stiphodon Zebrinus
Stippled Clingfish
Stippled Darter
Stippled Gunnel
Stippled Studfish
Stippled Wormfish
Stlegicottus Xenogrammus
Stlengis Distoechus
Stlengis Misakia
Stlengis Osensis
Stocky Anthias
Stocky Hawkfish
Stokell’s Smelt
Stolephorus Shantungensis
Stolzmann’s Weakfish
Stomatorhinus Ater
Stomatorhinus Corneti
Stomatorhinus Fuliginosus
Stomatorhinus Humilior
Stomatorhinus Ivindoensis
Stomatorhinus Kununguensis
Stomatorhinus Microps
Stomatorhinus Patrizii
Stomatorhinus Polli
Stomatorhinus Polylepis
Stomatorhinus Puncticulatus
Stomatorhinus Schoutedeni
Stomatorhinus Walkeri
Stomias Boa Colubrinus
Stomias Danae
Stomias Gracilis
Stomias Lampropeltis
Stone Carp
Stone Cockscomb
Stone Darter
Stone Loach
Stone Moroko
Stone Sculpin
Stone Sucker
Stone Triggerfish
Stonelapping Minnow
Stonogobiops Medon
Stonogobiops Pentafasciata
Stonogobiops Yasha
Storrsia Olsoni
Storthynx Pygmy Goby
Stout Argentine
Stout Catshark
Stout Eelblenny
Stout Infantfish
Stout Longtom
Stout Moray
Stout Rockfish
Stout Sardine
Stout Sillago
Stout Slipskin
Stout-body Chromis
Stoutspine Waspfish
Straightfin Barb
Straightnose Pipefish
Straighttail Razorfish
Straighttooth Weasel Shark
Strange Pike Smelt
Strange-toothed Snake Moray
Strap-weed File-fish
Strasburg’s Dascyllus
Strawberry Darter
Streaked Gurnard
Streaked Mojarra
Streaked River Goby
Streaklight Tubeshoulder
Streaky Clingfish
Streaky Rockskipper
Streamer Bass
Streamer Fish
Streamer Searobin
Streamline Chub
Streamlined Spinefoot
Striated Blenny
Striated Darter
Striated Wrasse
Strickland Rainbowfish
Strickland River Herring
Strigate Parrotfish
Stripeback Darter
Stripeback Hap
Striped Barb
Striped Beakfish
Striped Blenny
Striped Boarfish
Striped Boga
Striped Burrfish
Striped Bystranka
Striped Cardinalfish
Striped Cat Shark
Striped Clingfish
Striped Codlet
Striped Cowfish
Striped Cusk Eel
Striped Cusk-eel
Striped Darter
Striped Dottyback
Striped Drum
Striped Dwarf Catfish
Striped Dwarf Cichlid
Striped Eel Catfish
Striped Fin Rockcod
Striped Fusilier
Striped Gambusia
Striped Glass Catfish
Striped Goby
Striped Grunter
Striped Gudgeon
Striped Hardyhead
Striped Headstander
Striped Jumprock
Striped Kelpfish
Striped Kivu Haplo
Striped Klipfish
Striped Large-eye Bream
Striped Leporinus
Striped Limia
Striped Mogurnda
Striped Mojarra
Striped Mudfish
Striped Mullet
Striped Nothobranch
Striped Panchax
Striped Panray
Striped Pike-characin
Striped Poison Fangblenny Mimic
Striped Ponyfish
Striped Rabbitfish
Striped Red Mullet
Striped Robber
Striped Rockcod
Striped Rockfish
Striped Rockskipper
Striped Rubbernose Plecostomus
Striped Sea-bass
Striped Seabream
Striped Searobin
Striped Shiner
Striped Silver Biddy
Striped Siphonfish
Striped Smooth Hound
Striped Sole
Striped Spiny-eye Triplefin
Striped Stingaree
Striped Stingfish
Striped Surfperch
Striped Topminnow
Striped Trawl Wrasse
Striped Tripletooth Goby
Striped Weakfish
Striped Weever
Striped Woodcat
Striped-cheek Gudgeon
Striped-fin Flounder
Striped-fin Surgeonfish
Stripefin Brotula
Stripefin Poacher
Stripefin Ronquil
Stripehead Goby
Stripenose Guitarfish
Stripesnout False Moray
Stripetail Darter
Stripetail Dartfish
Stripped Weakfish
Stromateus Stellatus
Strong Spined Silver-biddy
Strongylura Fluviatilis
Strongylura Notata Forsythia
Struan Charr
Struhsacker’s Chromis
Struhsaker’s Deep-sea Smelt
Stubraker Sculpin
Stumptooth Minnow
Sturgeon Chub
Sturgeon-like Grenadier Fish
Sturgeon-like Sea-poacher
Sturisoma Aureum
Sturisoma Barbatum
Sturisoma Brevirostre
Sturisoma Dariense
Sturisoma Festivum
Sturisoma Frenatum
Sturisoma Guentheri
Sturisoma Kneri
Sturisoma Lyra
Sturisoma Monopelte
Sturisoma Nigrirostrum
Sturisoma Panamense
Sturisoma Robustum
Sturisoma Rostratum
Sturisoma Tenuirostre
Sturisomatichthys Caquetae
Sturisomatichthys Citurensis
Sturisomatichthys Leightoni
Sturisomatichthys Tamanae
Suarez’ Coralbrotula
Sucker Barb
Sucker Catfish
Sucker Head
Sucker Throat Catfish
Sucker-belly Loach
Suckerlip Blenny
Suckermouth Minnow
Suco Croaker
Sudan Squeaker
Sueviota Aprica
Sueviota Atrinasa
Sueviota Lachneri
Sueviota Larsonae
Suez Fusilier
Suezichthys Cyanolaemus
Suezichthys Notatus
Suggrundus Cooperi
Suguta Tilapia
Suifun Minnow
Suigen Zenitanago
Sulfur Damsel
Sulfur Limia
Sulfurhead Aulonocara
Sulu Goby
Sumatra Barb
Sumatran River Sprat
Summer Flounder
Sun Loach
Sunbeam Lampfish
Sunbeam Snapper
Sunburst Butterflyfish
Sunburst Dottyback
Sundadanio Axelrodi
Sundasalanx Malleti
Sundasalanx Megalops
Sundasalanx Mekongensis
Sundasalanx Mesops
Sundasalanx Microps
Sundasalanx Platyrhynchus
Sundoreonectes Obesus
Sundoreonectes Sabanus
Sundoreonectes Tiomanensis
Sunier’s Righteye Flounder
Sunrise Dottyback
Sunset Anthias
Sunset Butterflyfish
Sunset Wrasse
Supanose Rattail
Super Klipfish
Super Red Arowana
Super Vc-10 Hap
Supreme Gurnard
Surf Blenny
Surf Bream
Surf Sprite
Surge Demoiselle
Surge Dottyback
Surge Grouper
Surge Wrasse
Surinam Anchovy
Suruga Fundicola
Suspicious Lizardfish
Sutchi Catfish
Sutton’s Flyingfish
Suttonia Suttoni
Svetovidovia Lucullus
Swallow Damsel
Swallow Grenadier
Swallowtail Bass
Swallowtail Cardinalfish
Swallowtail Dart
Swallowtail Hawkfish
Swallowtail Seaperch
Swallowtail Shiner
Swamp Barb
Swamp Blue-eye
Swamp Darter
Swamp Eel
Swamp Minnow
Swan Galaxias
Swannanoa Darter
Swatow Thryssa
Swegles’s Tetra
Swell Shark
Swellhead Snailfish
Swissguard Basslet
Swollen-headed Conger Eel
Swordfin Killifish
Swordsnout Grenadier
Swordspine Croaker
Swordspine Rockfish
Swordtail Characin
Swordtail Jawfish
Swordtail Platy
Sychr’s Catfish
Sydney Cardinalfish
Sydney Scorpionfish
Sydney Skate
Sydney’s Pygmy Pipehorse
Sylhet Hara
Symbolophorus Rufinus
Symphodus Doderleini
Symphodus Rostratus
Symphurus Australis
Symphurus Bathyspilus
Symphurus Caribbeanus
Symphurus Fuscus
Symphurus Gilesii
Symphurus Insularis
Symphurus Kyaropterygium
Symphurus Lubbocki
Symphurus Luzonensis
Symphurus Macrophthalmus
Symphurus Maldivensis
Symphurus Marmoratus
Symphurus Microrhynchus
Symphurus Monostigmus
Symphurus Novemfasciatus
Symphurus Ocellaris
Symphurus Oculellus
Symphurus Regani
Symphurus Reticulatus
Symphurus Schultzi
Symphurus Tessellatus
Symphurus Thermophilus
Symphurus Undatus
Symphurus Vanmelleae
Symphurus Variegatus
Symphysanodon Andersoni
Symphysanodon Disii
Symphysanodon Katayamai
Sympterichthys Politus
Sympterichthys Verrucosus
Synagrops Analis
Synagrops Argyreus
Synagrops Malayanus
Synagrops Philippinensis
Synagrops Pseudomicrolepis
Synagrops Serratospinosus
Synanceia Alula
Synanceia Platyrhyncha
Synaphobranchus Calvus
Synaphobranchus Dolichorhynchus
Synaphobranchus Oregoni
Synaptolaemus Cingulatus
Synaptura Lusitanica Nigromaculata
Synaptura Megalepidoura
Synbranchus Lampreia
Synbranchus Madeirae
Synchiropus Claudiae
Synchiropus Delandi
Synchiropus Grandoculis
Synchiropus Hawaiiensis
Synchiropus Lateralis
Synchiropus Lineolatus
Synchiropus Minutulus
Synchiropus Novaecaledoniae
Synchiropus Orientalis
Synchiropus Orstom
Synchiropus Phaeton
Synchiropus Randalli
Synchiropus Richeri
Synchiropus Rosulentus
Synchiropus Rubrovinctus
Synchiropus Sechellensis
Synchiropus Signipinnis
Synchiropus Springeri
Synchiropus Zamboangana
Syncrossus Reversa
Syngnathus Dawsoni
Syngnathus Macrobrachium
Syngnathus Macrophthalmus
Syngnathus Phlegon
Syngnathus Safina
Syngnathus Schmidti
Syngnathus Variegatus
Synodontis Acanthomias
Synodontis Acanthoperca
Synodontis Albolineata
Synodontis Annectens
Synodontis Ansorgii
Synodontis Arnoulti
Synodontis Aterrima
Synodontis Bastiani
Synodontis Batesii
Synodontis Brichardi
Synodontis Budgetti
Synodontis Camelopardalis
Synodontis Caudalis
Synodontis Caudovittata
Synodontis Centralis
Synodontis Comoensis
Synodontis Congica
Synodontis Courteti
Synodontis Cuangoana
Synodontis Dekimpei
Synodontis Dhonti
Synodontis Dorsomaculata
Synodontis Gobroni
Synodontis Grandiops
Synodontis Granulosa
Synodontis Greshoffi
Synodontis Guttata
Synodontis Haugi
Synodontis Ilebrevis
Synodontis Iturii
Synodontis Katangae
Synodontis Khartoumensis
Synodontis Koensis
Synodontis Kogonensis
Synodontis Laessoei
Synodontis Leoparda
Synodontis Levequei
Synodontis Longirostris
Synodontis Longispinis
Synodontis Lucipinnis
Synodontis Lufirae
Synodontis Macrophthalma
Synodontis Macrops
Synodontis Marmorata
Synodontis Matthesi
Synodontis Melanoptera
Synodontis Multimaculata
Synodontis Multipunctata
Synodontis Ngouniensis
Synodontis Orientalis
Synodontis Ornatissima
Synodontis Ouemeensis
Synodontis Pardalis
Synodontis Polli
Synodontis Polyodon
Synodontis Polystigma
Synodontis Pulcher
Synodontis Punctifer
Synodontis Punctulata
Synodontis Rebeli
Synodontis Resupinata
Synodontis Robertsi
Synodontis Rufigiensis
Synodontis Schoutedeni
Synodontis Serrata
Synodontis Smiti
Synodontis Sorex
Synodontis Steindachneri
Synodontis Tanganyicae
Synodontis Thysi
Synodontis Tourei
Synodontis Vaillanti
Synodontis Vermiculata
Synodontis Violacea
Synodontis Voltae
Synodontis Waterloti
Synodontis Woleuensis
Synodontis Xiphias
Synodus Amaranthus
Synodus Fasciapelvicus
Synodus Fuscus
Synodus Gibbsi
Synodus Isolatus
Synodus Janus
Synodus Mascarensis
Synodus Mundyi
Synodus Orientalis
Synodus Pylei
Synodus Randalli
Synodus Sanguineus
Synodus Taiwanensis
Synodus Usitatus
Syr Darya Sturgeon
Syr-darya Dace
Syrman Goby
Reptiles that start with S
Saba Racer
Saddled Leafnose Snake
Sagebrush Lizard
Sahara Agama
Sakashima Green Snake
Sallae’s Earth Snake
Salt Marsh Snake
Salvin’s Spiny Lizard
San Clemente Night Lizard
San Cristobal Galliwasp
San Lucan Gecko
San Lucan Skink
San Lucanalligator Lizard
San Luis Potos
San Pedro Side-blotched Lizard
Sand Viper
Sandstone Night Lizard
Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake
Santa Catalina Spiny Lizard
Santa Cruz Island Sator
Santa Fe Land Iguana
Saurodactylus Brosseti
Savage’s Sand Snake
Scarlet Snake
Sceloporus Asper
Sceloporus Bulleri
Sceloporus Couchi
Sceloporus Cyanostictus
Sceloporus Halli
Sceloporus Internasalis
Sceloporus Jarrovi
Sceloporus Lemosespinali
Sceloporus Minor
Sceloporus Oberon
Sceloporus Samcolemani
Sceloporus Sugillatus
Sceloporus Tanneri
Sceloporus Vandenburgianus
Scelotes Gronovii
Schultze’s Pit Viper
Schwartze’s Skink
Scortecci’s Orangetail Lizard
Scree Skink
Semper’s Lipinia
Senegal Soft-shelled Turtle
Serrated Casquehead Iguana
Serrated Hingeback Tortoise
Setaro’s Dwarf Chameleon
Seychelles Day Gecko
Seychelles Giant Day Gecko
Seychelles House Snake
Seychelles Mud Turtle
Seychelles Surprise Gecko
Seychelles Wolf Snake
Shark Bay Ctenotus
Sharptail Snake
Shining Tree Iguana
Short Centipede Snake
Short-tail Alpine Garter Snake
Short-tail Horned Lizard
Short-tail Snake
Shorthead Garter Snake
Shy Spiny Lizard
Siamese Crocodile
Sibon Dimidiatus
Sibon Fischeri
Sibon Linearis
Sibynophis Bivittatus
Sicilian Pond Turtle
Sicilian Wall Lizard
Side-blotched Lizard
Siebenrock’s Snakeneck Turtle
Siebold’s Earth Snake
Sierra Coalcoman Earth Snake
Sierra Juarez Alligator Lizard
Sierra Juarez Earth Snake
Sierra Juarez Spiny Lizard
Sierra Mije Earth Snake
Silvery Legless Lizard
Simony’s Lizard
Sinai Dwarf Racer
Sinking Galliwasp
Six-tubercled River Turtle
Skull Tree Iguana
Slavens’ Centipede Snake
Slender Glass Lizard
Slevins’s Bunch Grass Lizard
Small-fingered Psammodromus
Small-scaled Lizard [microscutatus]
Small-scaled Skink
Smith’s Arboreal Alligator Lizard
Smith’s Dwarf Chameleon
Smith’s Mountain Keelback
Smith’s Rosebelly Lizard
Smooth Earth Snake
Smooth Green Snake
Smooth Snakes
Smooth Tree Lizard
Smooth-headed Alligator Lizard
Snail-eating Thirst Snake
Snakehead Lizard
Socorro Island Tree Lizard
Sonora Aequalis
Sonora Mutabilis
Sonoran Collared Lizard
Sonoran Leaf-toed Gecko
Sonoran Mountain King Snake
Sonoran Mud Turtle
Sonoran Shovelnose Snake
Sonoran Whip Snake
Soosan Tiger Snake
South American Centipede Snake
South American Yellowfoot Tortoise
Southeastasia Box Turtle
Southeastern Crowned Snake
Southeastern Five-lined Skink
Southern Alligator Lizard
Southern Bunchgrass Lizard
Southern Crevice Spiny Lizard
Southern Hognose Snake
Southern Smooth Snake
Southwestern Blackhead Snake
Southwestern Cat-eyed Snake
Soutpansberg Rock Lizard
Spanish Cylindrical Skink
Spanish Keeled Lizard
Spanish Psammodromus
Spatula-tooth Snake
Speckled Cape Tortoise
Sphenomorphus Acutus
Sphenomorphus Arborens
Sphenomorphus Atrigularis
Sphenomorphus Beyeri
Sphenomorphus Biparietalis
Sphenomorphus Coxi
Sphenomorphus Cumingi
Sphenomorphus Decipiens
Sphenomorphus Diwata
Sphenomorphus Fasciatus
Sphenomorphus Jagori
Sphenomorphus Kitangladensis
Sphenomorphus Knollmanae
Sphenomorphus Lawtoni
Sphenomorphus Leucospilos
Sphenomorphus Llanosi
Sphenomorphus Luzonense
Sphenomorphus Mindanensis
Sphenomorphus Steerei
Sphenomorphus Victoria
Sphenomorphus Wrighti
Spiny Lizard
Spiny Turtle
Spinyneck Swamp Turtle
Spinytail Lizard
Splendid Cat-eyed Snake
Spot-tail Earless Lizard
Spotted Box Turtle
Spotted False Monitor
Spotted Fringe-fingered Lizard
Spotted Ground Skink
Spotted Kukri Snake
Spotted Leafnose Snake
Spotted Sand Snake
Spotted Spiny Lizard
Spotted Turtle
Spottedpond Turtle
St Vincent Blacksnake
St. Croix Ameiva
St. Croix Racer
Star Tortoise
Stejneger’s Blackcollar Spiny Lizard
Stephens’ Sticky-toed Gecko
Street’s Snake Skink
Striped Centipede Snake
Striped Crayfish Snake
Striped Ground Skink
Striped Harlequin Snake
Striped Plateau Lizard
Striped Racer
Striped Road Guarder
Striped Whip Snake
Sulawesi Forest Turtle
Sumichrast’s Garter Snake
Sumidero Tropical Night Lizard
Swazi Rock Snake
Swinhoe’s Soft-shelled Turtle
Switak’s Banded Gecko

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.