Pumas are the 4th largest cats in the Americas and weigh between 53–100 pounds. They live in a variety of habitat types from rainforest to desert, mountain to grassland. Pumas are carnivores and hunt deer, rodents, birds, small mammals, and sometimes fish.
Are Pumas Dangerous?
In short, Pumas are not necessarily dangerous, but it is best to assume that they can be. If you see a black or brown colored big cat with jowls hanging low to the ground, that is probably a puma.
Yawning is another sign of aggression in several cats including tigers, lions, cougars, and leopards. It can be an intimidation tactic so if you see a puma yawning don’t treat it as an invitation to approach.
In certain cases, Pumas won’t attack a human being. If there is no food in sight they will not try to hunt you. If the puma is threatened it will attack you because it feels threatened or if they are hurt or sick you might get attacked. Last but not least, if they are defending their offspring then they too can be dangerous.
However, at any given chance, they will hunt pets and livestock. They will kill their prey and usually avoid people. Pumas have a wide range of diets which includes deer, rodents, birds, small mammals, and sometimes even fish.
They hunt by stealthily stalking their prey from a distance through the underbrush or the trees. Their build is adapted for this method of hunting, including long legs with large paws to help them move easily in the undergrowth and curved paws to help them climb trees to ambush from above.
Are Pumas Dangerous as Pets?
Pumas are wild animals and are not meant to be pets. They are very dangerous and can even kill their owner if you don’t train them correctly.
They are not friendly towards people which makes it impossible for them to live with humans. A Puma is a very strong cat, stronger than most other species of cats in the Americas. Pumas have over 240 bones, spaced more closely together than other big cat species.
How do you scare a Puma away?
If you are faced with a puma that is not attacking you, then it will most likely run away once it realizes that you are there.
If you are near water make some noise by splashing the water or making some loud noises with the help of an air horn or whistle. You can also try banging on metal objects together to make some noise.
If possible find something to hide behind like a tree since this will provide you with safety without cornering the puma which can lead to an attack if they feel threatened.
Where do Pumas live?
Pumas live in South America, North America, and Central America. The two subspecies, therefore, are the North American Puma (Puma concolor cougar), and the South American Puma
Pumas are carnivorous and therefore they eat meat. They usually hunt small mammals such as deer, rodents, birds, and small mammals. They also sometimes fish.
Pumas are not necessarily dangerous, but they are aggressive and it is best to assume that they can be deadly. If you see a black or brown colored big cat with jowls hanging low to the ground, that is probably a puma. Remember these are wild carnivore animals and they are not meant to be pets. As long as you mind your distance and don’t try to engage the animal in any way, then it is likely that the puma will just go about its business and leave you alone.

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.