Can baby bats fly? This is a common question that could be easily answered with a yes or no answer. However, this post takes an in-depth look at baby bats to determine if they can actually fly.
How Can You Tell if it’s a Baby Bat?
Baby bats look like small versions of the adults, but they have a more rounded face and small ears. Their fur is the same color as the adult’s fur, but they are sometimes covered with a fine layer of white fuzz that disappears as they age.
Bats are mammals and give birth to live young. The average number of babies is one, although some species have up to four pups. The mother nurses the baby until it is old enough to fly and find its own food.
Can Baby Bats Fly?
No, baby bats can’t fly. They’re born with only a thin layer of hair and their wings aren’t developed enough to lift them off the ground. After birth, baby bats spend about a month clinging to their mothers on the roost.
A few weeks later, they begin to develop the strength and muscle control needed for flight. During this time, the pups are unable to fly for a few months. Even after this point, these pups will continue to nurse from their mothers.
Do Bats teach their Babies to Fly?
The short answer is yes, but it depends on the bat species. There’s a lot of variation between species.
Some bats learn how to fly by themselves, while others are taught by their parents.
How long it takes for the pups to become independent varies by species, with some becoming independent after a couple of weeks, while others take months.
How do baby bats learn to fly?
The first thing they have to do is learn how to flap their wings. One of the most widespread strategies bats use to fly is known as intermittent flapping flight, which involves both gliding and flapping.
This means that as they spread their wings into a V shape and drop, they gain speed and height. When they want to slow down or land, they close the V shape, put their wings out and flap them.
How long does it take for baby bats to fly?
Between three and five weeks after birth, baby bats are ready to fly. They will take off from their roosts on short flights at first, then gradually become more adept and confident.
The baby bats of the world face a challenge that few other mammals have to deal with: They have to learn how to fly. In those first few months, however, they are completely dependent on their mothers for food and protection.
Do baby bats fall?
In reality, baby bats „fall” for the same reason that human babies fall: They lose their grip on whatever is supporting them or slip out of their parent’s grasp. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to remember that all mammals — from human babies to tiny bats — fall when they lose their grip on something.
What to do if you find a baby bat on the ground?
First, check to see if the mother is nearby. If you find a baby bat on the ground it may be because its mother has died or abandoned it. The first thing to do is to observe the area to see if the mother is nearby, or if you can hear her call (they have a loud call).
If she seems to be calling for her baby and does not appear to be injured, leave her alone and give her time to return for her baby. If you cannot wait around for the mother to come back, then please call your local wildlife rehabilitation center for advice on what to do next.
If the mother bat appears dead or in distress, then follow these steps:
- Use gloves or a towel/rag when handling the bat
- Place the bat in an appropriate container with air holes (a small plastic box or metal can works well)
- Contact your local wildlife rehabilitation center immediately
Bats can indeed fly. Young bats are usually unable to fly at first but will glide and eventually begin flapping as they get bigger. The next time someone asks if bats can fly, you’re going to have a pretty solid response.

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.