Key Takeaways
- Yes, dogs can eat apricots ✔️
- Fresh apricots, such as plain purée or diced pieces, are the best choice for your pooch ✔️
- Apricot jam and dried apricots tend to be high in sugar and should be avoided ⚠️
- Apricot kernels contain cyanide and are toxic to dogs ❌
Dogs can have apricots, but they might not like them as much as we do. The fruit is a little sour and acidic, which can make your pup’s mouth water – or not. Another question is, can dogs eat apricots in all forms?
Benefits of Apricots as a Dog Snack
Apricots are very nutritious, containing high levels of vitamin A, beta-carotene and potassium, as well as fiber. All of them can do wonders for your pup’s health. What benefits can dogs eat apricots for?
- Healthy skin and coat due to abundance of vitamin A.
- Healthy bones thanks to the high amounts of potassium.
- Good digestion because of the fiber content.
- Prevention of urinary tract infections, thanks to high levels of vitamin C.

A bowl of dog food is likely to contain all the nutrients your pet needs. But there’s no harm in giving them a little variety now and then. Apricots can be a healthy addition to a dog’s diet, as long as they’re not allergic to them.
Should You Feed Fresh Apricots to Your Dog?
If you’re wondering if dogs can eat apricots fresh, the answer is yes – but only in moderation. As with any other fruit, make sure to wash and slice them up into small pieces, so your pup can chew easily.
Apricots are almost as sweet as apples, and snacks with high sugar content are bad for dogs in big quantities. It’s best to not feed your dog too many apricots, just one or two slices at a time. In general, your pet shouldn’t be eating fruit every day. While dogs are omnivores, their digestive systems are primarily built for digesting meat.
Are Dried Apricots Safe for Dogs?
If you’re looking for a tasty snack to give your pup, dried apricots may look like a good option. They have a more intense flavor that dogs seem to love. However, dried fruit has a higher sugar concentration than fresh fruit, so don’t give your pet more than one at a time.

Dried apricots can be helpful in training your dog – since they’re small and easy to carry, you can sometimes use them as a reward for good behavior.
Can You Give Your Dog Apricot Juice?
If you make your own apricot nectar at home, you can safely give your pet a spoonful or two to try. However, store-bought apricot juice tends to contain added sugars, so it’s bad for dogs in general and especially dangerous to diabetic dogs.
To help your dog stay hydrated, you can add a bit of natural apricot juice to their water to make it tastier. Just make sure the juice doesn’t have any added sweeteners.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Jam?
Jam is a great way to enjoy apricots all year round. Unfortunately, commercial jams can contain high levels of sugar as well as other additives that are bad for dogs. If you make your own jam at home and the recipe includes lemon juice, refrain from giving it to your dog. Lemons can irritate your pup’s stomach.

Even without lemons or artificial sweeteners, homemade jam or jelly contains way too much sugar to be fine for dogs. It’s better to give your dog apricots in healthier forms, such as fresh purée.
Can Dogs Eat Apricot Kernels?
Apricot kernels are the seeds found inside the apricot pit. They contain cyanide, which is toxic to dogs and humans. So if you’re feeding your dog apricots, remove the pit and only give them the flesh to avoid cyanide poisoning.
Homemade Apricot Treats for Dogs
How about making your dog a little apricot ice cream? Here’s a recipe that will make your pet’s mouth water. If they tend to not react well to dairy, you may use lactose-free yogurt.
- 1/2 cup of plain yogurt,
- 1 apricot, peeled and diced,
- 2 tablespoons of honey.
Blend the yogurt, apricot and honey together in a food processor until smooth. Pour into a container and freeze for two hours. Serve to your pup and enjoy watching them lick the bowl clean!
Here’s a video showing a similar snack being made – just for inspiration:
So, can dogs eat apricots as a snack? As with any other food, it’s important to remember that too much of anything can be bad for our furry friends. Apricots are a healthy treat, but shouldn’t make up the bulk of your dog’s diet.
Keep a close eye on your pup when giving them new foods, and always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns. With a bit of caution, apricots can be a great way to add some variety and nutrients to your dog’s menu!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Happens If My Dog Eats an Apricot?
If you’re worried that your dog has eaten an apricot, see if you can find the pit lying around. If not, and you suspect your dog has eaten it, take them to the vet immediately. Apricot pits contain compounds that turn into the toxic cyanide when metabolized.
How Many Apricots Can a Dog Eat?
One apricot as an occasional snack is just fine. But two or more may cause digestive problems, especially if your pet isn’t used to eating fruit. So always monitor your dog’s reaction to new foods and take care not to overindulge.
What Is the Most Toxic Fruit to Dogs?
Grapes are probably the most toxic fruit to dogs. They contain an unknown toxin that can cause kidney failure in dogs, even if they only eat a few of them at a time. Other fruits that are harmful to dogs include avocados and cherries (unless the seed is taken out).