Many dog owners have approached us asking: Can dogs eat cucumbers? We’re happy to announce that they are absolutely safe for our pups! But in case you have some doubts, we’ve decided to discuss the matter at length. Here’s what you will learn from our article:
Key Takeaways
- dogs can eat cucumbers ✔️
- too much of this veggie may cause indigestion and upset stomach ✔️
- cucumber contains vitamin K, magnesium and potassium ✔️
- it may also act as a laxative ✔️
- cucumber seeds are potentially toxic for dogs ✔️
- the best way to serve cucumbers to dogs is in thin slices ✔️
Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers?
So, can dogs eat cucumbers? The answer is yes! Feed your furry friend a healthy snack with the indulgent taste of cucumbers! Not only are they delicious and low-calorie, but these crunchy veggies can help provide nutritious benefits to keep them at their best. Just remember not to introduce this treat too quickly or in excess – it could cause digestive difficulties if consumed improperly.
How Much Cucumber Can I Give My Dog?
Treat your pup to the deliciousness of cucumbers without worry! While they make a healthy addition to any diet, give only one or two pieces per day. With that in mind, you can both enjoy all the goodness this tasty veggie has to offer with no worries about an upset tummy for Fido.
The Benefits of Cucumber for Dogs
Cucumbers are not just a human food. They can also be very beneficial for your dog as well.
- Cucumber contains high levels of vitamin K, which is essential in the regulation of blood clotting and coagulation.
- It also contains antioxidants that help to fight against cancer and other diseases, as well as phytonutrients that can improve your dog’s skin and coat.
- Cucumbers are a great way to keep your dog hydrated, as they are 95% water.
- They are also a good source of dietary fiber, which can help to regulate your dog’s digestion.
- Cucumbers are great for dogs that suffer from constipation.
- They also contain magnesium and potassium, which can help to prevent heart disease in your dog.
- In addition, they are low in calories and fat, making them a healthy treat for overweight or obese dogs.
- Dogs love the crunchy texture of cucumbers, making them a great treat for dogs that chew on everything.
Potential Drawbacks of Feeding Cucumbers to Dogs

Sadly, some parts of cucumbers are toxic to dogs. In addition to that, the veggie itself may cause some minor issues.
- Cucumbers may cause gastrointestinal problems in some dogs.
- They may also have a laxative effect, so it is best to introduce them gradually and monitor your dog’s digestion.
- Cucumbers are a high-water content food, so they may cause your dog to bloat or suffer from diarrhea if given in large quantities.
- Cucumbers also contain sulphur compounds, which can give your dog an unpleasant odor.
- Some dogs may not like the taste of cucumbers.
- Cucumber skin contains chemicals called phenols that can make your pet sick. Phenols are toxic for both humans and animals, causing digestive problems if ingested in large quantities.
Can Dogs Eat Cucumber Seeds?
Seeds and cores should never be given to your dog, as these can be harmful, especially if eaten in large quantities. They are not only difficult to digest, but also poisonous. Some veterinarians believe exposure to the seed toxin is the reason for the development of skin tumors in some dogs. The symptoms include:
- lowering of blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia);
- drooling and vomiting;.
- diarrhea;
- lethargy;
- muscle tremors;
- loss of coordination (ataxia);
- trouble breathing (dyspnea).
So, can dogs eat cucumbers with seeds? The answer is no! Cucumbers are safe for dogs to eat, but the seeds should be avoided because they pose a danger of poisoning. When exposed to the toxins inside cucumber seeds, your dog may experience symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy. In addition, they can cause serious damage to your dog’s pancreas.
Can Dogs Eat Cucumber Skin?
Owners of dogs may often wonder if dogs can eat cucumbers, including the skin. The good news is that dogs can safely eat both the flesh and skin of a cucumber. Actually, it’s the skin that contains the most of the vitamins.
How to Feed Your Dog Cucumber

Can dogs eat cucumbers? Only if it’s well-prepared! Below, you will find some tips on how to best prepare cucumber so that it’s actually good for dogs.
How to Prepare Cucumber for Dogs
Give your pup a refreshing and healthy treat with slices of cucumber! Choose fresh, slim cucumbers that are less than 6 inches long to ensure they’re easier for them to chew on. Be sure to remove seeds or core before feeding so as not to cause any stomach troubles down the line.
After slicing into thin pieces – lengthwise is best – store in an airtight container up to 3 days for safekeeping (and tasty treats!) Do not use cucumbers that have been waxed or those that still contains the seeds and core of the vegetable. Do not feed your pup wilted, moldy or rotten cucumbers.
Serving Ideas
- If your dog does not like the taste of cucumbers, try mixing them with their regular food. You may need to introduce cucumbers into your dog’s diet gradually in order to let them get used to this new flavor and texture.
- Cucumbers can also be chopped into cubes and frozen in an ice cube tray. Once they have frozen, you can store them in a plastic bag and serve them to your dog when needed.
- You can add cucumber slices or cubes to dog food in order to add healthy nutrients without changing the flavor too much.
Sarah Jameson is a journalist, reporter and a pet nutritionist. She is married to Peter, and they have two beautiful children, Zoey and Quinn. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys cooking for her family and playing snooker. She also loves spending time with her Scottish Terrier, Bobby.