- Grapes and grape products are harmful to dogs and even lead to death in some cases. If you think your dog has eaten grapes or any product containing them, call your veterinarian immediately.
- There is no specific treatment for grape poisoning in dogs, but early diagnosis and treatment can help improve the dog’s chances of recovery.
- Some healthy snacks for dogs that can replace grapes are apples, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, zucchini or cabbage.
While many people know that grapes can be harmful to your dog, not as many know why. We will explain what can happen if a dog eats too many grapes and how to prevent it from happening again. We’ll discuss safe alternatives to grapes for your dog’s treats as well as how to identify grape poisoning in dogs.
How Grape Products Can Cause Poisoning in Dogs
Can dogs eat grapes? Well, if you’re a dog owner, we’re sure you know that grapes carry some dangers to pets. It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with grapes and grape juice. It’s not entirely clear why, but grapes and grape juice can cause liver damage and kidney failure in dogs. They’re especially dangerous to those dogs which suffer from diabetes and kidney problems.

Signs of liver damage include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and jaundice. Dogs should never eat grapes or products made from them, as they are seriously bad for them. Although there isn’t a lot of grape in your average grape-flavored candy, even a small quantity of the fresh fruit or grape jam can damage your dog’s health.
Symptoms of Grape Toxicity
Feeding your pup grapes may seem like an innocent treat, but it’s one with potentially devastating consequences. Symptoms of toxin ingestion can become apparent in dogs very quickly – such as vomiting and diarrhea or lack of energy – yet the cause remains mysterious to veterinary specialists; though injury to the kidneys and neurological irregularities have been observed in cases where a dog has consumed grapes. Be mindful when offering treats to ensure you’re keeping your canine companion safe!
What to Do If Your Pup Ate a Handful of Grapes
If your canine companion has snacked on grapes or guzzled grape juice, don’t delay – get in touch with the vet right away! Without swift medical intervention, there’s not much you can do to reverse liver damage caused by these fruits. Upon diagnosis, one of the first methods they might try is inducing vomiting – it just may be Fido’s best chance at a healthy future!
Here’s a helpful video on what you can do at home if your dog eats grapes.
How Many Grapes Are Dangerous to Your Dog?
If you want to calculate the amount of grapes your dog can eat and not get ill, the answer is „none.” Grapes are toxic to dogs and it’s best to avoid them. But what if your pup gets into some without your knowledge? Refer to these formulations to estimate the damage:
- 1.7 grapes x lbs of body weight = toxic dose
- 0.2 grapes x lbs of body weight = lowest potentially harmful dose
So if your dog weighs 10 pounds, 17 grapes could seriously harm them. But they may experience symptoms of toxicity after eating as few as 2 grapes. Don’t take any chances with your beloved pet’s health!
Healthy Alternatives to Grapes That Are Safe for Dogs
Can dogs eat grapes? No, even if they’re seedless! However, there are plenty of other healthy snacks you can give your dog instead. For example:
- apples;
- blueberries;
- strawberries;
- carrots;
- zucchini;
- cabbage.
These are all great alternatives to the harmful fruit. So please be a responsible dog owner and keep an eye out for grape products! Even one grape may harm your four-legged friend.

Tips on How to Prevent Fido From Eating Grapes or Even One Grape
Here are a few tips to keep your dog safe from grapes. If you are a dog owner and a grape lover at the same time, it is vital to know that those can be harmful for pets. All you need to do is stick to these guidelines:
- Never leave grapes around in the house in random places.
- Make sure they stay stored high or off ground level where dogs can’t reach them.
- Never reward Fido with grape treats.
- Whenever asked during market trips „can dogs eat grapes?”, say no and agree to other fruits instead.
- Avoid going near any type of produce stands with your dog unless fully aware of what they sell.
Can Dogs Eat Grapes? Grape Poisoning and Toxicity – Final Warning
Let’s address the question one last time: can dogs eat grapes? The truth is, dogs should not eat them. This particular fruit can be harmful for a dog and even lead to death in some cases. If you suspect your pet has eaten any grape products, we urge you to contact the vet immediately or call an animal poison control center as soon as possible.
Now you know that grapes are toxic and bad for dogs, and that they can cause serious harm such as kidney failure, liver damage, nerve inflammation leading to paralysis, and anemia from blood loss… The list goes on and on!
In case of purchasing grapes for yourself, you now have the tips on ways that you can prevent your pup from eating this fruit. Provide your dog healthful options that will satisfy their nutritional needs without endangering their health, such as broccoli and carrots.
Lucas Taylor is a veterinary assistant, freelance journalist and single dad who lives in the suburbs with his three pups: Ruby, Nala, and Woody. He has one cat named Pepper. When he’s not writing articles or working at the vet clinic, Lucas loves cooking French cuisine for himself and friends at home. One of Lucas’ favorite things to do is paddleboard with his son Noah and their canine companions. Pepper is the homebody of the bunch – she loves chilling on the couch.