Key Takeaways
- Lemons are very toxic to dogs❌
- Any variety of lemon, such as lemonade or lemon peels, should be avoided ❌
- Some of the common adverse effects include lesions, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea ❌
Can Dogs Eat Lemons?

There are certain types of fruit that dogs can eat safely, including: apples, bananas, melons, oranges, peaches or strawberries. But can dogs eat lemons? Lemon may harm dog’s teeth and can cause canker sores in dogs, and it is unhealthy for dogs to eat even a small amount of lemon. They also contain psoralen, which can cause lesions in the mouth and is very toxic. The acidity of lemons can also be bad for dogs because it can damage enamel.
Most dogs will not enjoy the taste of lemon anyway. This can prevent them from consuming this kind of citrus fruit regularly. Although lemons can be used to add flavor to food, they are not good for dogs in the longer run.
Why Are Lemons Bad for Dogs?
Dogs can also experience other side effects from lemon, such as diarrhea, vomiting and skin irritations. So, it’s best to avoid feeding in large amounts. One of the reasons that dogs can experience vomiting and diarrhea after is that this citrus fruit is high in citric acid.
It should be noted that although dogs may not suffer from any negative consequences after licking a lemon, we should remember that large quantities of lemon can be dangerous for dogs. So, can dogs eat lemons? No, they can’t!
Can Dogs Eat Lemon Peels?

Lemon peel is high in fiber and can be a great source of nutrients… for humans. Lemon essential oil is extracted from the skin due to its healthy properties. If you wonder whether you can give your dog some peel to eat, a small piece is safe for dogs and may not cause any health issues. However, the peel of a lemon includes the white pith, which can be extremely difficult to digest. You should not feed your dog with it regularly. Dogs aren’t supposed nor are they adapted to ingest a lemon’s skin.
Can Dogs Eat Lemon Seeds?
Lemon seeds contain oils that may cause symptoms of poisoning in dogs if ingested. There is no known toxic concentration of lemon seed oil, and effects will vary with each dog and the amount ingested. If your pet ate a large amount of the oil or any part of the fruit, you should contact your vet. Also, lemon seeds are especially dangerous for little dogs, since they pose a risk of choking.
Are Lemonade and Lemon Juice Good For Dogs?

Lemonade contains a high level of sugar, which is bad for canines because it can cause tooth decay and diarrhea. If your dog drinks some of it, you should monitor him for any adverse effects. Too much lemon juice can be very harmful to dogs. If the dog already has kidney or liver disease, you should not give any amount because it can worsen these conditions.
You may wonder whether that extends to all types of citrus drinks. Click here to learn about oranges and dogs!
The Bottom Line
The benefits of lemons are undisputable for humans, but a dog’s diet should not consist of them. A bit of lemon juice will not harm them, but dogs may not particularly enjoy the taste of lemon.
Generally, we should keep our dogs away from lemons and feed them with treats that dogs like. Lemons are not a dog’s favorite snack in the first place. A meat-based snack would definitely make your dog happier than a lemon and is safe for dogs to eat.
Can Dogs Eat Lemons FAQs

Can dogs eat lemons? No, they should not. But if you have any more doubts, feel free to scroll down through some frequently asked questions!
What Happens If a Dog Eats Lemon?
Lemons can cause gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive gas. In some cases, a dog might even develop pancreatitis after eating lemons. So it’s best to play it safe and avoid giving them this citrus fruit.
Can a Dog Lick a Lemon?
Yes, a dog can lick a lemon without anything bad happening. However, you shouldn’t allow your dog to do this because they may end up swallowing the lemon whole, which could cause them to choke or develop digestive problems.
How Much Lemon Can a Dog Eat?
Why Does My Dog Like Lemons?
It’s probably because of the smell. Dogs have an incredibly acute sense of smell, and lemons are fragrant. It could also be that he’s curious. Dogs are naturally inquisitive creatures, and lemon is a strange fruit for them to encounter. They may be attracted to it because it looks different or smells interesting.