Key Takeaways
- An occasional pickle may not harm your dog, but most veterinarians don’t recommend feeding them to dogs ⚠️
- Choose plain cucumbers – they’re a perfect alternative ✔️
- Never give your dog pickles containing onion, garlic, chili or other spices ❌
- Don’t feed your dog pickles in vinegar, as these can be very acidic and could upset their stomach ❌
- Remember that your dog’s diet should consist of mainly high-quality dog food
What Are Pickles?

Pickling is a process that goes all the way back to Ancient Egypt. It involves submerging food like cucumbers or other vegetables and fruit in salt water or vinegar and leaving it there for an extended period of time – months or even years. This creates lactic acid bacteria on top of whatever you’re trying to preserve, which gives pickled foods their distinct flavor profile that many people so love! Many dogs like pickles, too – but can dogs eat pickles?
Health Benefits of Pickles for Dogs
There are several benefits to feeding dogs pickles.
- Pickles are a good source of fiber, which can help with bowel regularity.
- They contain sodium, which is an essential mineral that helps maintain electrolyte balance and supports muscle function.
- There’s potassium present in these foods as well; this mineral is important for heart health and helps regulate blood pressure.
- They are also a good source of vitamin C, which is important for immune health.
- They’re a natural probiotic, containing bacteria that is beneficial for the digestive system.
- Additionally, pickles contain antioxidants, which may help protect the body from free radicals.
- Finally, pickles are a low-calorie food, making them a good option for dogs who need to lose weight.
So, can dogs eat pickles? While all of these benefits are great, it’s important to keep in mind that many good things can also be harmful when eaten in excess. For example, too much salt can increase the risk of hypertension in dogs (as well as humans), and there might already be a lot of sodium in your dog’s food.
Risks of Feeding Your Dog Pickles
There are also some risks associated with feeding dogs pickles.
- First, pickles may not be appropriate for all dogs. Some dogs may have a sensitivity to pickles, which could cause an upset stomach or other digestive issues.
- Second, dogs should not eat too many pickles at once because they contain sodium and vinegar, both of which can be harmful when consumed in large quantities, due to the potential for dehydration and stomach upset.
- Dogs should only eat plain pickles without added spices or other ingredients because these additives may cause upset stomachs in some dogs.
- Many kinds of pickles have been treated with sulfites, which can be toxic to dogs since canines cannot metabolize sulfur properly.
- Finally, some pickle brands contain garlic or onions in their ingredients list. These are toxic for dogs and should never be fed to them, as they can cause anemia in your dog by damaging his red blood cells.

Types of Pickles That Are Bad for Dogs
Can dogs eat pickles? Yes, dogs can eat plain pickles like cucumber spears or chips that have been preserved in vinegar and salt only, but what about other kinds? Let’s find out!
Dill Pickles
Dill pickles are cucumbers that have been pickled with dill weed and other spices such as garlic powder, onion powder, or mustard seed. They are typically served as a side dish alongside hot dogs or hamburgers. Unfortunately, it’s not recommended to give your dog dill pickle relish because of the spices and other additives used in making it.
Sweet Pickles
Sweet pickles are pickles that have been preserved in sugar in addition to the classic salt and vinegar solution. Sugar in large amounts is not recommended for dogs, as they can easily develop diabetes or get overweight, but a small amount present in this relish is acceptable for a healthy adult dog.
Beware, though, as some contain onions and garlic! That means that if your furry friend does eat some sweet pickles or any other kind that uses these forbidden ingredients, he or she could experience vomiting, diarrhea and quite a bit of fatigue, and these are only the mildest symptoms.
Types of Pickles That Are Safe for Dogs in Moderation
Can dogs eat pickles? Yes, especially these types of pickles that dogs can safely eat.
- Cucumbers sliced into spears or chips with vinegar and salt added to them – these make great treats!
- Pickled vegetables such as peppers or olives that have been preserved in brine for an extended period of time; these may be more difficult to find than other types, but will last longer once opened if kept refrigerated properly.
- Pickles made from fruit such as watermelon, pineapple, or apple. These typically have a sweet and sour taste and can be found at some grocery stores.
- Finally, some dog food companies make their own versions of pickled dog treats that can be purchased online or in specialty pet stores.

Safety Tips When Feeding Dogs Pickles
There are some safety tips to keep in mind when feeding dogs pickles. First, always check the ingredients list to make sure that garlic and onions are not included; these are toxic for dogs. Second, start with a small amount of pickles and see how your dog reacts. Some dogs may have a sensitive stomach and cannot eat large quantities of pickles at once.
Third, always make sure the pickles are fresh and not expired or moldy. Additionally, remember not to give your dog too many pickles at a time because of their high sugar content! If all of these conditions are met, go ahead – an occasional pickle won’t hurt your pup!
Can Dogs Eat Pickles? A Summary
In conclusion, can dogs eat pickles? Feeding your dog pickles has the potential to provide them with several benefits, including a boost in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. However, there are also some risks associated with feeding dogs this food, such as the possibility of toxicity due to large amounts of sodium or vinegar, plus potential upset stomachs from pickles that contain spices and other additives.
Thanks for reading! Generally speaking, pickles should not be a regular part of a dog’s diet, however, some kinds of pickles are not harmful to dogs.
Editor’s Note
You should also remember that not all dogs will react in the same way to pickles; some may be able to eat them without any problems, while others may experience digestive issues. Some pups may not even like them at all!
Sarah Jameson is a journalist, reporter and a pet nutritionist. She is married to Peter, and they have two beautiful children, Zoey and Quinn. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys cooking for her family and playing snooker. She also loves spending time with her Scottish Terrier, Bobby.