One day, a frantic call came through to my clinic from an anxious pet parent. They confessed to treating their dog with plantain chips, only to find their beloved pup might be suffering from a not-so-great reaction. This got my gears turning – can dogs even enjoy plantains safely? Eager to learn more, I dove headfirst into some research and discovered the following:
Key Takeaways
- Cooking bananas, known as plantains, are generally safe for dogs to eat ✅
- Plantains are a great source of nutrition for dogs, as they are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
- Raw plantains are hard to digest and could cause stomach upset or other digestive issues ⚠️
- The best way to serve plantains to your dog is to boil them in water
- Eating too many plantains can cause weight gain in dogs ⚠️
Hold up, are those plantains or bananas? The confusion is real! Both members of the Musa genus, plantains are the starchier, less-sweet cousins of bananas. And guess what? Just like bananas, they’re a-okay for your dog to munch on – but, of course, moderation is key. Now let’s dish out some scrumptious ways to spoil your pooch with plantains as part of their balanced diet! So, feel free to join the debate: can dogs eat plantains?
Banana vs. Plantain
The difference between plantains and bananas is that plantains are starchier and less sweet than bananas. They’re also usually longer and narrower than bananas. Bananas are classified as a dessert fruit, while plantains are classified as a starchier vegetable fruit. They’re often referred to as cooking bananas.

So can dogs eat plantains just like bananas? The answer is yes, but the plantain is a bit harder to digest for our furry buddies.
Benefits of Plantains for Dogs
Not only are plantains a safe treat for dogs, but they’re also packed with nutrients and other goodies! Here are the benefits:
- Plantains are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help with digestion and bowel movements.
- They’re a good source of vitamin C, which helps support the immune system.
- They contain vitamin B6, which promotes healthy brain function.
- Plantains are high in potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure levels.
- The magnesium in cooking bananas is beneficial for maintaining nerve and muscle function.
- Plantains contain antioxidants, which can help protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals.
- They hold anti-inflammatory properties that might reduce swelling, pain and inflammation in canines.
Can Plantains Alter Blood Sugar in Dogs? Risks and Pitfalls
Just like bananas, plantains are high in carbohydrates. One cup of ripe plantains contains 22 grams of sugar, while the unripe variety only has 4 grams (but more starch). So yes, this fruit can increase the level of sugar in your dog’s blood. Here are some other potential downsides of giving plantains to dogs:
- If not properly cooked, plantains can be hard to digest and may cause stomach upset. Letting your dog eat raw plantains is not recommended. It’s best to serve them unripe and cooked.
- Fried plantains are unhealthy for the same reason as French fries, fried bacon, and other fried foods. They’re fatty and might trigger pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) in dogs. It’s better to boil the fruit or bake it with just a little oil.
- Overfeeding plantains to dogs can lead to weight gain and obesity.

How to Serve Plantains so That They’re Good for Dogs
Adding cooking bananas to your dog’s food can help with digestive issues. Here are a few tricks for your pup:
- Boiled green plantain can be mixed into their dog food or fed with a spoon as an occasional treat.
- Baked yellow plantain chips can be used as training treats.
- Always feed cooked plantain to your pet because fresh plantain is not suitable for Fido’s digestive system.
- Avoid commercial plantain chips as they can be too salty, sugary or processed. They can also contain seasonings and additives that are toxic to dogs.
Are Plantain Lilies or Plantain Weeds Dangerous for Pups? Extra Tips
Don’t mistake plantain lilies or plantain weed with plantain fruit! Because you’re reading our blog post about „Can dogs eat plantains?”, we will give you some extra doggie data!
Plantain leaves are grandma’s medicine for a pup’s nose inflammation, insect bites or an itchy groin. Mix the herbs with coconut oil and smear the concoction on Julio! It decreases topical pain and grows in your backyard!

As far as the lily is concerned, keep your puppy away from the hosta plant. It contains toxins and can give your dog diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and depression.
Can Dogs Eat Plantains? Conclusion
Ready to treat your pooch to some plantain goodness? Keep these tips in mind: moderation and proper cooking are key. Bid farewell to those tough plantain peels – they’re a no-go for your dog’s tummy. Ripe or yellow plantains are generally a safe bet.
A word of caution: store-bought plantain chips aren’t the best choice for your furry friend, since they’re often loaded with fat and sodium. So, can dogs eat plantains? Absolutely – just be mindful of the potential pitfalls! We hope this guide has been a helpful resource for you and your four-legged pal.
Pros and Cons of Plantains for Dogs
High-five for potassium! Plantains help keep blood pressure in check. | Watch out for those carbs! Plantains can send your dog’s blood sugar soaring. |
Need a magnesium boost? These starchy fruits have your dog’s nerve and muscle function covered. | Tough to digest? You bet, especially if they’re not cooked. |
Loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, plantains can soothe swelling and pain. | Got an overweight or sensitive-stomached pup? Plantains might do more harm than good. |
Bake ’em, boil ’em – either way, they’re a drool-worthy treat for your pup! | If your furry friend has diabetes, hit the pause button and consult your vet before serving up plantains. |