Scientific Name
Equus grevyi
Also called: Imperial Zebra
Grevy’s zebra is one of only six surviving species in the Equidae family and is the largest of the living equids. They have long heads and necks, with a short mane running from the top of their head down to their upper back. They have narrow black and white stripes with a white belly. They have fairly long ears that they can rotate to determine the location of a sound. Grevy’s zebra has incisors that they use to clip grass and numerous cheek-teeth that grind their food. The Imperial Zebra is the most threatened of the 3 types of zebras.
Grevy’s zebra feeds mainly on grasses, but will also consume bark, fruit and leaves. Their diet requires a high volume, so they spend about 60% of their day eating. In drier times when food is scarce, eating can occupy up to 80% of their time.
Grevy’s zebra is native to eastern Africa. They are usually found in the plains and savanna, where grasses are most abundant.
Social Structure
Adult males usually live alone in a large territory in which they claim exclusive mating rights. When they do group together, it usually only lasts a couple of months. A high amount of competition exists for mating rights. Two males will compete for an area by having pushing contests, rearing and biting. Females have a dominance hierarchy as well, but engage in mutual grooming to establish relationships with each other.
Birth & Offspring
Mares typically give birth to only one offspring at time. A young foal is able to walk one hour after birth and can graze within a few weeks.
The zebra has very good eyesight during the day and night. They have binocular vision in the front and can probably see in color. They also have excellent hearing that can detect very distant sounds. Their sense of taste is also quite keen. They can detect slight changes in the quality of their food.

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.