The kookaburra feeds primarily on snakes, lizards, worms, snails, insects, fresh water crayfish, frogs, small birds and rodents. It kills them by bashing them against something.
Kookaburras live in medium to dense woodland areas in Australia.
Social Structure
Kookaburras are territorial and live in groups of 3 or 4 consisting of a breeding pair and helpers. The helpers, which are generally male, aid in nesting duties and in territorial defense. Kookaburras are generally peaceful. Sparring occurs when two kookaburras lock beaks and try to twist each other off the perch. This test is used to establish dominance.
Birth & Offspring
Kookaburras usually nest 30 feet in the air, often in holes in Mountain Gum trees. When the young hatch they are naked and blind but about the same size as the adults. However, they are darker with a shorter beak and tail. Young generally stay around until the following year when they become the helpers for the breeding pair.

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.