The genus Sagittarius refers to the birds resemblance to an archer, and the species serpentarius refers to the fact that the bird preys on snakes. Whatever the names mean, the Secretary bird is an unusual bird. Unlike the other birds of prey, it has very long legs and tail feathers. Its plumage is light gray, except for the black wing tips, tail, and thighs. Its face is covered in red and yellow skin.
The diet of a Secretary bird consists mostly of insects, lizards, snakes, tortoises and rats. Small prey are picked up in the bill and swallowed. Larger prey are first stamped to death and then eaten. The Secretary bird also stamps its feet on the ground to flush out prey. Although they hunt on the ground, the Secretary bird can fly very well, but rarely does so.

Secretary birds can be found throughout Africa south of the Sahara. Although they are usually seen on the ground, they nest in trees (usually acacia). Their nest can reach 8 feet across, even though it only holds 2-3 eggs at time.
Social Structure
The basic social structure in Secretary birds is a life-long pair. However, they are not particularly gregarious. In fact, members of a pair are usually not together, but instead stay a small distance apart.
Birth & Offspring
After an incubation period of about 45 days, two or three eggs will hatch. They stay in the nest for about two to three months and can fly after about 80 days.
Secretary birds are almost completely silent birds, except for a rare croaking sound they utter when displaying.

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.