Possible Reasons
- They’re bored
- Something is stressing them out
- They have an infection or parasites
- They’ve eaten something poisonous
- They’ve eaten too much and are experiencing food bloat
- They have separation anxiety
- They’ve been injured or stung
- They’re anxious or depressed
- They aren’t getting enough exercise
- They have dental problems
Sometimes, there is an easy answer for a dog’s strange behavior, like a new food they’re trying or a change in routine. Other times, it’s not as clear what might be causing your furry friend to act so out of character. In this blog post, we’ll answer the question “why is my dog acting weird?”.
Why Is My Dog Acting Weird, Huh?
Everyone acts a little weird sometimes, and that includes your pup. Maybe they just need to burn off some energy. But if the change in behavior is sudden or drastic, your worries are justified.
Has your dog’s environment changed in some way? For example, have you adopted a new dog that’s become the apple of your eye? If so, that could be why your dog is acting weird. Dogs are very sensitive to change and often feel stressed if something is different.
Types of Weird Behaviors in Dogs
Why is my dog acting weird? It might be helpful to note down their behaviors that you think are weird, such as:
- excessive barking or howling;
- hiding;
- pacing;
- shaking or trembling;
- destructive chewing;
- eating grass or other objects;
- licking surfaces excessively.
Then, talk over them with your veterinarian to determine if there’s a cause for concern and, if so, how to help your canine friend.
Possible Reasons Your Dog Is Acting Strange: Diarrhea or Nausea
If your dog is feeling nauseous or has bouts of diarrhea, they may act strange in between episodes. They may have eaten something they shouldn’t have, or they might have an infection or parasites. If your dog is experiencing gastrointestinal upset, take them to the vet right away.

Your Dog May Have Eaten Too Much – Food Bloat
Why is my dog acting weird? If they ate too much, they may feel sick and unsuccessfully try to vomit, or just be restless from the bellyache. Food bloat can lead to GDV (gastric dilatation and volvulus), which is life-threatening and especially common if your dog got into the trash or ate something they shouldn’t have. If you think your dog has overeaten, watch them closely and contact your veterinarian if they don’t seem to be improving.
Editor’s Note ✏️
Owners of deep-chested breeds like German Shepherds should be especially vigilant when it comes to GDV – otherwise known as bloat. This risk can arise from eating too much in one sitting, so any sudden signs your pup is experiencing discomfort could indicate they need medical attention right away. To keep them safe, take extra precaution and monitor their meals closely!
Separation Anxiety
If your dog acts weird when you leave them alone, it could be a sign of separation anxiety. They may exhibit any of the following behaviors:
- excessive barking or howling;
- pacing;
- destructive chewing;
- escaping;
- urinating or defecating indoors.
A dog behaviorist can help you come up with a plan to ease their anxiety and make them feel more comfortable when they’re away from you.
Why Is My Dog Acting Weird? Illness or Injury
If your dog has been stung by a bee, they may be in pain and start shaking or trembling. If they have an ear infection, they may start scratching their ears excessively or shaking their head. And if your dog has hurt their leg, they may start limping.
Why is my dog acting weird? Read on for more reasons.
Stress or Depression
Just like humans, dogs can become stressed or depressed. This can be caused by a number of things, including a change in their environment, the loss of a family member, or even just boredom. Try to give them more attention and make changes to their routine gradually so that they don’t become overwhelmed.
Environmental Factors
If there’s a lot of noise in your neighborhood, it could be stressing your dog out. Or if you recently moved to a new house, your pet may be feeling anxious and confused. If you think the environment is causing your dog’s weird behavior, make sure they’re getting enough exercise and mental stimulation. You should also try to create a calm and relaxing environment for them.

Your Dog May Have Ingested Something
If your dog has ingested something strange, it could be causing them to act weird. For example, if they ate a toy or piece of clothing, they may suffer from an intestinal obstruction and start vomiting and displaying pain. If they ate something poisonous, they may start showing signs of toxicity, such as drooling, tremors, or seizures.
Dogs Acting Strangely: Other Reasons
Why is my dog acting weird? There are more reasons to consider. For example, if they aren’t getting enough exercise, they may start chewing on things or barking excessively. If they’re bored, they may start digging holes or destroying furniture. And if they’re feeling threatened by another animal, they may start growling or showing their teeth.
Also, dental problems can make your pup act strangely. For example, if they have a toothache, they may start pawing at their mouth or chewing on one side of their face. If you’re not sure why your dog is acting weird, talk to your veterinarian. They can help you figure out the cause of your dog’s behavior and come up with a plan to address it.
Don’t Encourage the Behavior
If your dog is barking excessively, don’t give them attention or treats. This will only reinforce the behavior and make it more likely to continue. Instead, ignore the behavior and focus on rewarding your dog when they’re calm and quiet. With a little patience and understanding, you should be able to figure out why your dog is acting weird and address the underlying issue.
My Dog Is Acting Strange: Should I Always Consult a Vet?
Why is my dog acting weird? Pay attention to their behavior and try to figure out what may be causing it. In some cases, such as if your dog has ingested something or appears to be in pain, you should take them to the veterinarian right away.
However, in other cases, such as if your dog is stressed or bored, you may be able to resolve the issue on your own. Here’s a list of symptoms and odd behaviors that may indicate your dog is sick or injured, and you should take him to a veterinary clinic:
- excessive barking or howling;
- pacing;
- destructive chewing;
- escaping;
- urinating or defecating indoors;
- lethargy;
- shaking or trembling;
- pale gums;
- scratching their ears excessively;
- shaking their head;
- limping;
- excessive panting.
FAQs About Weird Behavior in Dogs

Why Is My Dog Not Acting Like Himself Today?
Stress, joy or even health issues could be affecting your pup’s behavior. If you’re concerned about Fido’s well-being, take him to the vet for a professional evaluation! But if everything seems to be fine, he might just be having a bad day like anyone else.
Why Is My Dog Acting Weird and Scared?
It’s difficult to say what’s going on in your pet’s head. What we do know is that fear and anxiety can manifest in strange behaviors like barking, pacing, shivering or trembling. If this lasts for more than a few minutes, give your vet a call.
What Are the Warning Signs Your Dog Is Crying for Help?
Is your pooch not their usual cheerful self? Look out for signs like wincing or whining, and pay attention if they’re suddenly licking themselves more than normal. Keep an eye on what they eat and drink, too, as this may give further clues about any health problems lurking underneath the surface. Get those tails wagging again by making sure your pup is getting all the assistance required!
What Does a Dog in Distress Look Like?
A distressed dog may tuck their tail and ears in, open their eyes wide so the whites are visible, or curl up into a ball with raised hackles. Additionally, they could pant, lick their lips, and cling to you more than usual.
What Are the Signs of a Sad Dog?
A depressed dog will appear generally down, be sluggish and uninterested in playing, and lack appetite. They may become clingy or withdrawn. In extreme cases, they can start acting aggressively. Respond and give them the attention they require if you notice these symptoms.
Elizabeth Randolph is a freelance writer and pet enthusiast who has been writing about pets and their care since 2003. She has authored articles on a variety of topics related to pet care, including nutrition, training, health, and behavior. Elizabeth lives in Northern California with her husband and three cats. When she’s not writing, she enjoys hiking and spending time with her family and friends.