The ultimate list of all animals that begin with the letter F:
Mammals that start with the letter F
Falkland Island Wolf
Fallow Deer
False Canyon Mouse
False Killer Whale
False Serotine Bat
False Water Rat
False Zokor
Far Eastern Myotis
Fat Mouse
Fat Sand Rat
Fat-nosed Spiny Rat
Fat-tailed Dunnart
Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur
Fat-tailed Gerbil
Fat-tailed Pseudantechinus
Father Basilio’s Striped Mouse
Fawn Antechinus
Fawn Hopping Mouse
Fawn Roundleaf Bat
Fawn-colored Mouse
Fawn-footed Mosaic-tailed Rat
Fea’s Muntjac
Fea’s Tree Rat
Feathertail Glider
Feathertail Possum
Felou Gundi
Felten’s Vole
Fernandez’s Sword-nosed Bat
Fernandina Galapagos Mouse
Field Vole
Fierce Roundleaf Bat
Fiery Spiny Mouse
Fiery Squirrel
Fijian Monkey-faced Bat
Fin Whale
Findley’s Myotis
Finlayson’s Squirrel
Finless Porpoise
Fire-bellied Brush-furred Rat
Fire-footed Rope Squirrel
Fischer’s Little Fruit Bat
Fischer’s Shrew
Fish-eating Bat
Fishing Cat
Five-toed Pygmy Jerboa
Flat-faced Fruit-eating Bat
Flat-haired Mouse
Flat-headed Cat
Flat-headed Myotis
Flat-headed Shrew
Flat-headed Vole
Flat-headed Water Shrew
Flat-skulled Shrew
Flores Cave Rat
Flores Giant Tree Rat
Flores Long-nosed Rat
Flores Shrew
Flores Tube-nosed Bat
Flores Woolly Bat
Florida Mouse
Florida Naked-tailed Rat
Flower’s Gerbil
Flower’s Shrew
Flower-faced Bat
Fly River Roundleaf Bat
Fly River Trumpet-eared Bat
Fly River Water Rat
Fog Shrew
Foothill Arboreal Rice Rat
Forest Dormouse
Forest Giant Squirrel
Forest Grass Mouse
Forest Horseshoe Bat
Forest Muskshrew
Forest Oldfield Mouse
Forest Shrew
Forest Small Rice Rat
Forest Soft-furred Mouse
Forest Thicket Rat
Forest Tube-nosed Bat
Forest Tuco-tuco
Fork-marked Lemur
Formosan Lesser Horseshoe Bat
Forrest’s Mouse
Forrest’s Pika
Forrest’s Rock Squirrel
Fossorial Giant Rat
Four-horned Antelope
Four-striped Grass Mouse
Four-striped Ground Squirrel
Four-toed Elephant Shrew
Four-toed Hedgehog
Four-toed Jerboa
Fox’s Shaggy Rat
Fox’s Shrew
François’s Leaf Monkey
Franklin’s Ground Squirrel
Franquet’s Epauletted Bat
Fraser’s Dolphin
Fraser’s Musk Shrew
Fraternal Fruit-eating Bat
Fraternal Hill Rat
Fraternal Myotis
Fraternal Squirrel
Fresno Kangaroo Rat
Friendly Leaf-eared Mouse
Fringe-lipped Bat
Fringe-tailed Gerbil
Fringed Fruit-eating Bat
Fringed Myotis
Frosted Myotis
Frosted Sac-winged Bat
Fulvous Harvest Mouse
Fulvous Pygmy Rice Rat
Fulvous-bellied Climbing Rat
Fulvus Roundleaf Bat
Furtive Tuco-tuco
Fuscous Shrew
Amphibians that start with F
False Western Froglet
Fanged River Frog
Fat Toadlet
Fern Bank Salamander
Fiji Ground Frog
Fiji Tree Frog
Fire-bellied Toad
Fischer’s Clawed Salamander
Flat Caco
Flat-headed Frog
Flatwoods Salamander
Fleay’s Barred-frog
Fleischmann’s Glass Frog
Flood Plain Toadlet
Floresian Frog
Florida Bog Frog
Florida Cricket Frog
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
Forest Coqui
Forest Rain Frog
Four-eyed Frog
Four-toed Salamander
Fourche Mountain Salamander
Fowler’s Toad
Fraser’s Clawed Frog
French Cave Salamander
Freycinet’s Frog
Frilled Tree Frog
Fringed Tree Frog
Fry’s Frog
Fuelleborn’s Stream Frog
Birds that start with F
Fairy Flycatcher
Fairy Lorikeet
Fairy Martin
Fairy Pitta
Fairy Prion
Fairy Tern
Falcated Duck
Falco Buboisi
Falkland Steamerduck
Familiar Chat
Fan-tailed Berrypecker
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Fan-tailed Gerygone
Fan-tailed Grassbird
Fan-tailed Raven
Fan-tailed Warbler
Fan-tailed Widowbird
Fanovana Newtonia
Fanti Saw-wing
Fasciated Antshrike
Fasciated Tiger Heron
Fasciated Wren
Fawn-breasted Bowerbird
Fawn-breasted Brilliant
Fawn-breasted Tanager
Fawn-breasted Thrush
Fawn-breasted Waxbill
Fawn-breasted Whistler
Fawn-breasted Wren
Fawn-coloured Lark
Fearful Owl
Femoral Falcon
Fernandina’s Flicker
Fernando Po Oliveback
Fernando Po Puff-back Flycatcher
Fernando Po Speirops
Ferruginous Antbird
Ferruginous Babbler
Ferruginous Duck
Ferruginous Flycatcher
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Partridge
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
Ferruginous-backed Antbird
Festive Amazon
Festive Coquette
Ficedula Disposita
Field Sparrow
Fiery Minivet
Fiery Topaz
Fiery-billed Aracari
Fiery-breasted Bushshrike
Fiery-browed Myna
Fiery-capped Manakin
Fiery-shouldered Parakeet
Fiery-tailed Awlbill
Fiery-throated Fruiteater
Fiery-throated Hummingbird
Fiji Bush-warbler
Fiji Goshawk
Fiji Parrotfinch
Fiji Petrel
Fiji Shrikebill
Fiji Woodswallow
Finch-billed Myna
Fine-barred Piculet
Fine-spotted Woodpecker
Finn’s Weaver
Finsch’s Bulbul
Finsch’s Euphonia
Finsch’s Imperial-pigeon
Finsch’s Pygmy-parrot
Finsch’s Wheatear
Finsch’s Francolin
Fiordland Crested Penguin
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker
Fire-capped Tit
Fire-eyed Diucon
Fire-fronted Bishop
Fire-tailed Myzornis
Fire-tailed Sunbird
Fire-throated Metaltail
Fire-tufted Barbet
Fiscal Flycatcher
Fiscal Shrike
Fischer’s Fruit Dove
Fischer’s Greenbul
Fischer’s Sparrow-lark
Fischer’s Starling
Fischer’s Turaco
Fish Crow
Fish Duck
Five-colored Munia
Five-coloured Barbet
Five-striped Sparrow
Flame Bowerbird
Flame Robin
Flame-breasted Fruit-dove
Flame-coloured Tanager
Flame-crested Manakin
Flame-crested Tanager
Flame-crowned Flowerpecker
Flame-faced Tanager
Flame-fronted Barbet
Flame-rumped Tanager
Flame-throated Warbler
Flame-winged Parakeet
Flaming Sunbird
Flammulated Flycatcher
Flammulated Owl
Flammulated Pygmy Tyrant
Flammulated Treehunter
Flappet Lark
Flat-billed Vireo
Flavescent Bulbul
Flavescent Flycatcher
Flavescent Warbler
Flightless Cormorant
Flightless Steamerduck
Flightless Teal
Flock Bronzewing
Floreana Mockingbird
Flores Crow
Flores Green Pigeon
Flores Minivet
Flores Scops-owl
Florida Chickadee
Florida Scrub-jay
Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler
Flutist Wren
Fluttering Shearwater
Fly River Grassbird
Flying Steamer Duck
Foothill Elaenia
Forbes’s Blackbird
Forbes’s Forest-rail
Forbes’s Parakeet
Forbes’s Plover
Forest Bittern
Forest Canary
Forest Eagle Owl
Forest Elaenia
Forest Honeyeater
Forest Kingfisher
Forest Owlet
Forest Penduline-tit
Forest Raven
Forest Robin
Forest Swallow
Forest Thrush
Forest Wagtail
Forest Weaver
Forest Wood Hoopoe
Fork-tailed Drongo
Fork-tailed Palm-swift
Fork-tailed Storm Petrel
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Fork-tailed Tody-tyrant
Fork-tailed Woodnymph
Formicivora Littoralis
Formosan Blue Magpie
Formosan Bulbul
Formosan Green Pigeon
Formosan Whistling-thrush
Formosan Yellow Tit
Forty-spotted Pardalote
Four-banded Sandgrouse
Four-coloured Bushshrike
Fox Kestrel
Fox Sparrow
Fox’s Weaver
Foxy Cisticola
Franklin’s Gull
Frantzius’ Nightingale Thrush
Fraser’s Eagle Owl
Freckle-breasted Thornbird
Freckled Duck
Freckled Nightjar
French Mockingbird
Fresh-water Marsh Hen
Friedmann’s Lark
Friendly Bush-warbler
Friendly Fantail
Frigate Petrel
Frilled Coquette
Frilled Monarch
Fringe-backed Fire-eye
Fuegian Snipe
Fuelleborn’s Boubou
Fuerteventura Chat
Fukien Niltava
Fulica Newtoni
Fulleborn’s Longclaw
Fulmar Prion
Fulvous Owl
Fulvous Parrotbill
Fulvous Shrike-tanager
Fulvous Whistling Duck
Fulvous-breasted Flatbill
Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker
Fulvous-chinned Nunlet
Fulvous-crested Tanager
Fulvous-dotted Treerunner
Fulvous-headed Brush Finch
Fulvous-headed Tanager
Fulvous-vented Euphonia
Fuscous Flycatcher
Fuscous Honeyeater
Fish that start with F
Facciola’s Sorcerer
Facciolella Castlei
Facciolella Karreri
Facciolella Saurencheloides
Faintsaddled Snake Eel
Fairy Basslet
Fairy Cichlid
Fairy Mullet
Fake Round Ray
Falcate Chameleon Catfish
Falkland Sprat
Fall Herring
False Argus Skate
False Bay Klipfish
False Black Lancer
False Black Tetra
False Blochi Catfish
False Boarfish
False Catshark
False Clown Anemonefish
False Clownwrasse
False Ear-spot Cardinalfish
False Grunion
False Halfbeak
False Indian Anchovy
False Jacopever
False Jewel Killi
False Kinglip
False Leopard
False Macropterus
False Moorish Idol
False Network Catfish
False Osman
False Panama Anchovy
False Papillose Blenny
False Peacock Skate
False Red Stumpnose
False Rummynose Tetra
False Saddled Snake Eel
False Scad
False Scorpionfish
False Skunk-striped Anemonefish
False Spotted Catfish
False Stonefish
False Yellowjacket Cichlid
False-eye Sergeant
False-eyed Seahorse
False-spined Catfish
False-spotted Gudgeon
Fan Shrimp-goby
Fan-bellied Leatherjacket
Fan-tailed Rag-fish
Fanfin Angler
Fanfin Skate
Fanfin Smooth-head
Fang’s Pygmy Goby
Fangtooth Moray
Fangtooth Smooth-head
Fangtooth Snake-eel
Fanning Pyrrhulina
Fantail Darter
Fantail Filefish
Fantail Flounder
Far Eastern Brook Lamprey
Farcimen Goby
Farlowella Altocorpus
Farlowella Amazonum
Farlowella Colombiensis
Farlowella Curtirostra
Farlowella Gracilis
Farlowella Hahni
Farlowella Hasemani
Farlowella Henriquei
Farlowella Isbruckeri
Farlowella Jauruensis
Farlowella Knerii
Farlowella Mariaelenae
Farlowella Martini
Farlowella Nattereri
Farlowella Odontotumulus
Farlowella Oxyrryncha
Farlowella Paraguayensis
Farlowella Platorynchus
Farlowella Reticulata
Farlowella Rugosa
Farlowella Schreitmuelleri
Farlowella Smithi
Farlowella Taphorni
Farlowella Venezuelensis
Farlowella Vittata
Fat Catshark
Fat Fish
Fat Greenling
Fat Sculpin
Fat Sleeper
Fat-headed Cod
Fatlips Minnow
Fatsnout Rockclimbing Goby
Fatspine Spurdog
Favonigobius Aliciae
Favonigobius Lentiginosus
Favonigobius Opalescens
Feather Blenny
Feather Goby
Feather-barbelled Squeaker
Featherduster Blenny
Featherfin Cichlid
Featherfin Squeaker
Featherfin Tetra
Feia Nota
Feia Nympha
Feia Ranta
Ferocious Coralbrotula
Ferraris’ Goby
Ferrer’s Goby
Festive Parrotfish
Festive Ribbonfish
Festive Snailfish
Festucalex Prolixus
Festucalex Wassi
Few-pored Coralbrotula
Few-rayed Limia
Few-rayed Pipefish
Fewpored Gudgeon
Fierce Pike Smelt
Fiery Redfin
Fieryblack Shiner
Fifteenspine Stickleback
Fighting Loach
Fiji Coralbrotula
Fiji Sardinella
Fiji Threadfin Bream
Fijian Silverside
Filament Blenny
Filament-finned Parrotfish
Filament-finned Prawn-goby
Filamented Pygmy Sand-goby
Filamented Rattail
Filamented Sculpin
Filamentous Rattail
Filamentous Saury
Filamentous Wrasse
Filesnout Grenadier
Filetail Catshark
Filetail Fanskate
Fimbriate Gudgeon
Fimbriated Moray
Fine Flounder
Finelined Surgeonfish
Finescale Dottyback
Finescale Goby
Finescale Menhaden
Finescale Mora
Finescale Razorfish
Finescale Sleeper
Finescale Splitfin
Finescale Tigerfish
Finespot Goby
Finespotted Jawfish
Finetooth Rockclimbing Goby
Finetooth Squeaker
Fingered Dragonet
Finke Goby
Finke River Hardyhead
Finless Eel
Finless Flounder
Finless Sleeper Ray
Finless Sole
Finned Worm Eel
Finscale Triggerfish
Finspot Ray
Finspot Wrasse
Fintail Serpent Eel
Fiolenti’s Smooth-head
Fiordichthys Slartibartfasti
Fire Goby
Fire Neon
Fire-tail Devil
Firebelly Darter
Firebelly Grenadier
Firehead Tetra
Firetail Dottyback
Firetailed Gudgeon
Firewood Catfish
Fish Shark
Fisher’s Seahorse
Fishgod Blenny
Fishnet Pygmy Goby
Fison’s Lefteye Flounder
Fistulose Cardinalfish
Fitch’s Scabbardfish
Five Finger
Five-eyed Flounder
Five-lined Coral Goby
Five-rayed Gudgeon
Five-rayed Sanddab
Five-spotted Wrasse
Fiveband Barb
Fiveband Cardinalfish
Fivebeard Rockling
Fivefinger Wrasse
Fivegill Hagfish
Fivelined Threadfin Bream
Fivestripe Wrasse
Flabby Sculpin
Flabby Snake Eel
Flabby Whalefish
Flag Acara
Flag Cabrilla
Flag Rockfish
Flag Serrano
Flag Tetra
Flag-tailed Glass Perchlet
Flagfin Blenny
Flagfin Cardinalfish
Flagfin Prawn Goby
Flagfin Shiner
Flagpole Frogfish
Flagtail Catfish
Flagtail Dartfish
Flagtail Prochilodus
Flagtail Shrimpgoby
Flagtail Swellshark
Flagtail Triplefin
Flagtail Wormfish
Flame Anthias
Flame Cardinalfish
Flame Chub
Flame Goby
Flame Hawkfish
Flame Lampeye
Flame Rivulus
Flame Wrasse
Flame-colored Snapper
Flameback Angelfish
Flametail Tetra
Flaming Angelfish
Flaming Blenny
Flaming Eel
Flannelmouth Sucker
Flap-gilled Dragonet
Flapnose Conger
Flapnose Houndshark
Flapnose Sea Catfish
Flappy Snake-eel
Flapscale Blenny
Flarenostril Clingfish
Flasher Scorpionfish
Flashlight Fish
Flat Bream
Flat Toadfish
Flat-backed Goby
Flat-faced Seahorse
Flat-headed Goby
Flat-headed Loach
Flat-nose Codling
Flat-nosed Pipefish
Flat-tail Mullet
Flathead Cat Shark
Flathead Goby
Flathead Gudgeon
Flathead Mullet
Flathead Perch
Flathead Porgy
Flathead Pygmy-stargazer
Flathead Sea Catfish
Flathead Searobin
Flathead Trout
Flathead Wriggler
Flatmouth Sea Catfish
Flatnose Cat Shark
Flatnose Catfish
Flatnose Xenocongrid Eel
Flatsnout Goby
Flatwhiskered Catfish
Flavescent Peacock
Flecked Pikeblenny
Fleckfin Dottyback
Fleet Klipfish
Fleshy-lipped Spikefish
Fleshylip Buffalo
Flier Cichlid
Flinders Ranges Mogurnda
Flinders’ Sillago
Floppy-tail Dottyback
Floral Banded Wobbegong
Floral Blenny
Florenciella Lugubris
Florida Blenny
Florida Gar
Florida Pipefish
Florida Pompano
Florida Round Herring
Florida Sand Darter
Florida Smoothhound
Florida Torpedo
Flower Of The Wave
Flower Scorpionfish
Flowery Flounder
Fluffy Sculpin
Fluvial Shiner
Fluviphylax Obscurus
Fluviphylax Palikur
Fluviphylax Pygmaeus
Fluviphylax Simplex
Fluviphylax Zonatus
Fly River Herring
Fly River Thryssa
Fly River-garfish
Fly-specked Hardyhead
Flying Barb
Flying Barbs
Flying Fish
Flying Fox
Flying Gurnard
Foa Hyalina
Foa Madagascariensis
Fody Dottyback
Foerschichthys Flavipinnis
Foetorepus Australis
Foetorepus Dagmarae
Foetorepus Garthi
Foetorepus Kamoharai
Foetorepus Kanmuensis
Foetorepus Kinmeiensis
Foetorepus Masudai
Foetorepus Paxtoni
Foetorepus Talarae
Foetorepus Valdiviae
Folger’s Scorpionfish
Folifer Brevifilis
Footballer Demoiselle
Forgetful Snake Eel
Forksnout Searobin
Forktail Dottyback
Forktail Lates
Forktail Rainbowfish
Forlon Gambusia
Formosa Grenadier
Forsten’s Parrotfish
Fortescue Grunter
Fortune Jack
Fossorochromis Rostratus
Fountain Darter
Four Twin-spot Flounder
Four-armed Frogfish
Four-banded Butterflyfish
Four-banded Tigerfish
Four-bar Porcupinefish
Four-blotch Shrimp-goby
Four-eye Pygmy Goby
Four-eyed Sleeper
Four-saddle Grouper
Four-spined Glass Perchlet
Four-spined Leatherjacket
Four-spot Basslet
Four-spot Butterfly
Four-spotted Goby
Fourband Leatherjacket
Foureye Basslet
Foureye Rockskipper
Foureyed Flounder
Foureyed Sole
Fourhorn Poacher
Fourhorn Sculpin
Fourline Blenny
Fourline Hogfish
Fourline Snakeblenny
Fourline Tonguesole
Fourline Wrasse
Fourlined Terapon
Fourlined Tonguesole
Fourspine Cichlid
Fourspine Leaffish
Fourspine Sculpin
Fourspined Grubfish
Fourspot Flounder
Fourspot Triplefin
Fourspotted Barb
Fourspotted Megrim
Fourstripe Grunt
Fourteen-gill Hagfish
Fowler’s Danio
Fowler’s Large-scale Righteye Flounder
Fowler’s Pearlfish
Fowler’s Rockskipper
Fowler’s Surgeonfish
Fowleria Flammea
Fowleria Isostigma
Fowleria Polystigma
Fragile Cardinalfish
Fragile Grenadier
Fragile Lantern Fish
Frail Cardinalfish
Frail Gourami
Frailscale Goby
Franciscodoras Marmoratus
Frans’ Cardinalfish
Fraser Danio
Fraudella Carassiops
Frechkop’s Sole
Freckeled Cardinalfish
Frecklebelly Darter
Frecklebelly Madtom
Freckled Blenny
Freckled Cat Shark
Freckled Cichlid
Freckled Darter
Freckled Goatfish
Freckled Goby
Freckled Hawkfish
Freckled Madtom
Freckled Rockcod
Freckled Rockfish
Freckled Sand Skate
Freckled Sea Catfish
Freckled Skate
Freckled Splitfin
Freckled Stargazer
Freckled Tilefish
Freckled Tonguefish
Freckleface Podge
Freckleface Reef-eel
Frecklefin Eel
Frecklefin Goby
Free-tailed Reef Brotula
Freemanichthys Thompsoni
Freetail Brotula
French Angelfish
French Butterflyfish
French Grunt
French Sole
Frenchman Seabream
Fresh Water Puffer Fish
Freshwater Blenny
Freshwater Bream
Freshwater Butterflyfish
Freshwater Cobbler
Freshwater Croaker
Freshwater Goby
Freshwater Gregory
Freshwater Grunt
Freshwater Gudgeon
Freshwater Herring
Freshwater Long-tom
Freshwater Minnow
Freshwater Moray
Freshwater Mullet
Freshwater Pipefish
Freshwater Snake-eel
Freshwater Sole
Freshwater Springer
Freshwater Stingray
Freshwater Tongue Sole
Freshwater Whipray
Friedrich’s Kivu Haplo
Fries’s Goby
Frill-mouth Sole
Frillfin Turkeyfish
Fringe-eyed Flathead
Fringe-finned Trevally
Fringe-lipped Worm Eel
Fringebarbel Sturgeon
Fringed Blenny
Fringed Darter
Fringed Flounder
Fringed Pipefish
Fringed Sole
Fringed Stargazer
Fringed-lipped Peninsula Carp
Fringelip Blenny
Fringelip Rockskipper
Fringelip Snake Eel
Fringelip Snake-eel
Fringescale Round Herring
Fringescale Sardinella
Fringfin Lanternshark
Froghead Eel
Frogmouth Sculpin
Frontasa Cichlid
Frontilabrus Caeruleus
Frost Fish
Frostback Rockcod
Frosted Snake-blenny
Frostfin Cardinalfish
Fryer’s False Moray
Fuelleborn’s Labeo
Fuelleborn’s Squeaker
Fuerte Silverside
Fugitive Blenny
Fugu Orbimaculatus
Full Moony
Fundulopanchax Avichang
Fundulopanchax Gresensi
Fundulopanchax Intermittens
Fundulopanchax Kamdemi
Fundulopanchax Mirabilis
Fundulopanchax Moensis
Fundulopanchax Ndianus
Fundulopanchax Powelli
Fundulopanchax Puerzli
Fundulopanchax Robertsoni
Fundulopanchax Rubrolabialis
Fundulopanchax Scheeli
Fundulopanchax Spoorenbergi
Fundulopanchax Traudeae
Fundulus Diaphanus Menona
Fundulus Heteroclitus Macrolepidotus
Fundulus Philpisteri
Furcina Osimae
Furcodontichthys Novaesi
Fusco Drum
Fuscus Snapper
Fusigobius Aureus
Fusigobius Inframaculatus
Fusigobius Maximus
Fusigobius Melacron
Fusigobius Pallidus
Fusilier Demoiselle
Reptiles that start with F
Faded Black-striped Snake
Fair-headed Skink
False Cat-eyed Snake
False Fer-de-lances
False Ficimia
False Smooth Snake
Fawn Skink
Ficimia Hardyi
Fife-striped Snake
Fiinders Legless Lizard
Fiji Banded Iguana
Fiji Cobra
Fiji Crested Lguana
Filetail Ground Snake ~
Filfola Wall Lizard
Fisk’s House Snake
Fitzinger’s Algyroides
Fitzroy Turtle
Fitzsimons’ Leaf-toed Gecko
Five-lined Skink
Flat-tail Horned Lizard
Flatback Turtle
Flathead Snake
Flatshelled Spider Tortoise
Flattened Musk Turtle
Florida Crowned Snake
Florida Green Water Snake
Florida Scrub Lizard
Forest Ground Skink
Four-eyed Turtle
Four-lined Ratsnake
Four-lined Skink
Four-toed Worm Lizard
Fowler’s Galliwasp
Fox’s Mountain Meadow Snake
Fraas’ Lizard
Fringe-fingered Lizard
Fringe-toed Sand Lizard
Furrowed Wood Turtle

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.