The ultimate list of all animals that begin with the letter I:
Mammals that start with the letter I
Iberian Mole
Idaho Ground Squirrel
Idaho Pocket Gopher
Ihering’s Hocicudo
Ihering’s Short-tailed Opossum
Ihering’s Spiny Rat
Ikonnikov’s Bat
Ili Pika
Ilin Bushy-tailed Cloud Rat
Imaizumi’s Horseshoe Bat
Imposter Hutia
Inca Oldfield Mouse
Incan Hocicudo
Incan Little Mastiff Bat
Incan Shrew Opossum
Indefatigable Galapagos Mouse
Indian Bush Rat
Indian Crested Porcupine
Indian Desert Jird
Indian Flying Fox
Indian Gazelle
Indian Gerbil
Indian Giant Flying Squirrel
Indian Giant Squirrel
Indian Gray Mongoose
Indian Hairy-footed Gerbil
Indian Hare
Indian Hedgehog
Indian Long-eared Hedgehog
Indian Mongoose Or Javan Mongoose
Indian Muntjac
Indian Palm Squirrel
Indian Pangolin
Indian Pipistrelle
Indian Rhinoceros
Indian Roundleaf Bat
Indian Spotted Chevrotain
Indiana Bat
Indo-pacific Humpbacked Dolphin
Indochinese Flying Squirrel
Indochinese Ground Squirrel
Indochinese Shrew
Indonesian Mountain Weasel
Indonesian Porcupine
Inland Hill Rat
Inornate Squirrel
Inquisitive Shrew Mole
Insular Horseshoe Bat
Insular Mole
Insular Myotis
Insular Single Leaf Bat
Insular Vole
Intelligent Grass Mouse
Intermediate Horseshoe Bat
Intermediate Long-tailed Bat
Intermediate Rice Rat
Intermediate Roundleaf Bat
Intermediate Slit-faced Bat
Inyo Shrew
Ipanema Bat
Iranian Jerboa
Iranian Shrew
Irrawaddy Dolphin
Irrawaddy Squirrel
Isabel Naked-tailed Rat
Isabella Shrew
Isabelle’s Ghost Bat
Isarog Shrew Rat
Isarog Striped Shrew-rat
Island Gray Fox
Island Mouse
Island Tube-nosed Fruit Bat
Issel’s Groove-toothed Swamp Rat
Ivory Coast Rat
Amphibians that start with I
Iberian Frog
Iberian Midwife Toad
Iberian Painted Frog
Ice Frog
Idaho Giant Salamander
Imitator Salamander
Imperial Cave Salamander
Indian Bullfrog
Indian Flying Frog
Indian Green Frog
Indonesian Bubble-nest Frog
Inelegant Frog
Inyanga Toad
Inyangani River Frog
Inyo Mountains Salamander
Iranian Earless Toad
Isarog Forest Frog
Ishikawa’s Frog
Israel Painted Frog
Italian Agile Frog
Italian Cave Salamander
Italian Crested Newt
Italian Edible Frog
Italian Newt
Italian Pool Frog
Italian Stream Frog
Italian Tree Frog
Birds that start with I
Iago Sparrow
Ibadan Malimbe
Iceland Falcon
Iceland Gull
Icterine Greenbul
Icterine Warbler
Ihering’s Antwren
Ijima’s Leaf Warbler
Imitator Sparrow Hawk
Immaculate Antbird
Immaculate Wren-babbler
Imperial Amazon
Imperial Heron
Imperial Shag
Imperial Snipe
Imperial Woodpecker
Inaccessible Island Rail
Inca Dove
Inca Jay
Inca Leptopogon
Inca Tern
Inca Wren
Incana Incana
Indian Blue Robin
Indian Bushlark
Indian Chat
Indian Cliff Swallow
Indian Cormorant
Indian Courser
Indian Eagle Owl
Indian Grey-hornbill
Indian Hill Mynah
Indian Honeyguide
Indian House Crow
Indian Long-tailed Nightjar
Indian Mynah
Indian Nightjar
Indian Peafowl
Indian Pitta
Indian Pond Heron
Indian Roller
Indian Scops-owl
Indian Skimmer
Indian Tree-pipit
Indian Vulture
Indian White-backed Vulture
Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross
Indigo Bunting
Indigo Flycatcher
Indigo-banded Kingfisher
Indigo-capped Hummingbird
Indigo-winged Parrot
Indochinese Cuckooshrike
Indonesian Cuckoo
Indonesian Cuckoo Dove
Inquisivi Spinetail
Intermediate Egret
Invisible Rail
Iraq Babbler
Irena Cyanogastra
Iringa Akalat
Iris Glossy-starling
Iris Lorikeet
Isabella Oriole
Isabelline Waterhen
Isabelline Wheatear
Island Canary
Island Imperial-pigeon
Island Leaf Warbler
Island Monarch
Island Rufous Fantail
Island Thrush
Itatiaia Thistletail
Ituri Owlet
Ivory Gull
Ivory-backed Woodswallow
Ivory-billed Aracari
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper
Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Ivory-breasted Pitta
Fish that start with I
Iberian Barbel
Iberian Nase
Iberian Pygmy Skate
Iberochondrostoma Lemmingii
Ibiti Sucker Characin
Icelinus Japonicus
Icelinus Pietschi
Icelus Armatus
Icelus Cataphractus
Icelus Ecornis
Icelus Gilberti
Icelus Mandibularis
Icelus Ochotensis
Icelus Perminovi
Icelus Rastrinoides
Icelus Sekii
Icelus Stenosomus
Icelus Toyamensis
Ichthyapus Insularis
Ichthyapus Platyrhynchus
Ichthyborus Besse Besse
Ichthyborus Besse Congolensis
Ichthyborus Ornatus
Ichthyborus Quadrilineatus
Ichthyocampus Bikiniensis
Ichthyococcus Australis
Ichthyococcus Intermedius
Ichthyococcus Parini
Ichthyococcus Polli
Ichthyoelephas Humeralis
Ichthyoelephas Longirostris
Ichthyscopus Malacopterus
Ichthyscopus Nigripinnis
Ichthyscopus Spinosus
Idenburg Tandan
Idiastion Hageyi
Idiastion Kyphos
Idiastion Pacificum
Idiolychnus Urolampus
Ignatov’s Minnow
Iguanodectes Adujai
Iguanodectes Geisleri
Iguanodectes Gracilis
Iguanodectes Polylepis
Iguanodectes Purusii
Iguanodectes Rachovii
Iguanodectes Spilurus
Iguanodectes Variatus
Iheringichthys Labrosus
Iheringichthys Megalops
Ijimaia Dofleini
Ijimaia Fowleri
Iksookimia Hugowolfeldi
Iksookimia Koreensis
Iksookimia Longicorpa
Iksookimia Yongdokensis
Ilamnemacheilus Longipinnis
Ili Marinka
Ilisha Compressa
Iluocoetes Elongatus
Ilyophis Arx
Ilyophis Blachei
Ilyophis Nigeli
Ilyophis Robinsae
Ilyophis Saldanhai
Imitator Blenny
Imitator Damsel
Immaculate Damsel
Imparales Panamensis
Imparfinis Borodini
Imparfinis Cochabambae
Imparfinis Guttatus
Imparfinis Hasemani
Imparfinis Hollandi
Imparfinis Longicaudus
Imparfinis Microps
Imparfinis Minutus
Imparfinis Mirini
Imparfinis Mishky
Imparfinis Nemacheir
Imparfinis Pijpersi
Imparfinis Piperatus
Imparfinis Pristos
Imparfinis Pseudonemacheir
Imparfinis Schubarti
Imparfinis Spurrellii
Imparfinis Stictonotus
Imperial Scaldfish
Imposter Fangblenny
Imposter Trevally
Impostor Goby
Inca Scad
Incikefali Baligi
Incomati Chiselmouth
Incomati Suckermouth
Inconspicious Barb
Indawgyi Stream Catfish
Indian Anchovy
Indian Ariomma
Indian Blind Catfish
Indian Butter-catfish
Indian Butterflyfish
Indian Carplet
Indian Cat Shark
Indian Coolie-loach
Indian Damsel
Indian Deepwater Dragonet
Indian Driftfish
Indian Electric Ray
Indian Frogfish
Indian Gagata
Indian Glassy Fish
Indian Goatfish
Indian Gold-ring Bristle-tooth
Indian Golden-barred Butterflyfish
Indian Grunter
Indian Handfish
Indian Hump Head
Indian Longtailed Sand-eel
Indian Mackerel
Indian Mottled Eel
Indian Ocean Pinstriped Wrasse
Indian Pellona
Indian Perch
Indian Pike Conger
Indian Pompano
Indian Potasi
Indian Ringed Skate
Indian River Shad
Indian Ruff
Indian Sabertooth
Indian Sabretooth
Indian Scad
Indian Short-finned Eel
Indian Sillago
Indian Snapper
Indian Spaghetti-eel
Indian Spiny Turbot
Indian Swellshark
Indian Taakree
Indian Threadfish
Indian Triggerfish
Indian Vagabond Butterflyfish
Indian Zebra Sole
Indifferent Eel
Indo-pacific Blue Marlin
Indo-pacific Boarfish
Indo-pacific Sailfish
Indo-pacific Slender Worm-eel
Indochina Featherback
Indochinese Sheatfish
Indonesia Speckled Carpetshark
Indonesian Bamboo Shark
Indonesian Damsel
Indonesian Doubles Cardinalfish
Indonesian Featherback
Indonesian Gizzard Shad
Indonesian Goby
Indonesian Leaffish
Indonesian Longfinned Eel
Indonesian Round Skate
Indonesian Sawtail
Indonesian Shortfin Eel
Indonesian Shortsnout Spurdog
Indonesian Shovelnose Ray
Indonesian Snapper
Indonesian Speckled Catshark
Indoreonectes Evezardi
Indostomus Crocodilus
Indostomus Spinosus
Indus Baril
Indus Catfish
Indus Garua
Indus Snowtrout
Inexplicable Shrimpgoby
Infulata Pygmy Goby
Inhaca Fringelip
Iniistius Auropunctatus
Iniistius Baldwini
Iniistius Griffithsi
Iniistius Trivittatus
Inimicus Brachyrhynchus
Inimicus Cuvieri
Inimicus Gruzovi
Inimicus Japonicus
Inimicus Joubini
Inimicus Smirnovi
Inle Swamp Eel
Inlecypris Jayarami
Inornate Goby
Inotted Lizardfish
Inquiline Snailfish
Inshore Hagfish
Inshore Sand Perch
Insignia Prawn-goby
Insular Bunquelovely
Insular Pipefish
Intermediate Cardinalfish
Intermediate Sillago
Interochromis Loocki
Iodotropheus Declivitas
Iodotropheus Stuartgranti
Iotabrycon Praecox
Iowa Darter
Ipnops Meadi
Iracema Caiana
Iran Cave Barb
Iranocichla Hormuzensis
Iraq Blind Barb
Iredale’s Worm Eel
Irian Jaya Rainbowfish
Iridescent Cardinalfish
Iridescent Glassy Perchlet
Irish Mojarra
Irish Pollan
Irksome Eel
Ironcolor Shiner
Irrawaddy Mystus
Irrawaddy River Shark
Irvineia Orientalis
Isbrueckerichthys Alipionis
Isbrueckerichthys Calvus
Isbrueckerichthys Duseni
Isbrueckerichthys Epakmos
Isbrueckerichthys Saxicola
Ischikauia Steenackeri
Ishikawa’s Sculpin
Isichthys Henryi
Isistius Labialis
Island Boxfish
Island Frillfin
Island Frogfish
Island Goby
Island Gregory
Island Gudgeon
Island Hogfish
Island Kelpfish
Island Major
Island Trevally
Isle Of Pines Rivulus
Iso Flosmaris
Isparta Minnow
Issyk-kul Dace
Issyk-kul Marinka
Issyk-kul Naked Loach
Issyk-kul’ Minnow
Isthmian Goby
Isthmian Priapella
Isthmian Rivulus
Istiblennius Colei
Istiblennius Muelleri
Istiblennius Rivulatus
Istiblennius Steindachneri
Istigobius Diadema
Istigobius Hoesei
Istigobius Hoshinonis
Italian Barbel
Italian Bleak
Italian Loach
Italian Nase
Ituglanis Bambui
Ituglanis Cahyensis
Ituglanis Eichorniarum
Ituglanis Epikarsticus
Ituglanis Gracilior
Ituglanis Guayaberensis
Ituglanis Herberti
Ituglanis Laticeps
Ituglanis Macunaima
Ituglanis Mambai
Ituglanis Metae
Ituglanis Nebulosus
Ituglanis Paraguassuensis
Ituglanis Parahybae
Ituglanis Parkoi
Ituglanis Passensis
Ituglanis Proops
Ituglanis Ramiroi
Itycirrhitus Wilhelmi
Ivindomyrus Opdenboschi
Iwame Trout
Ixinandria Montebelloi
Ixinandria Steinbachi
Izak Catshark
Izu Cat Shark
Izu Islands Triplefin
Izu Stingray
Reptiles that start with I
Iberian Mountain Lizard
Iberian Wall Lizard
Iberolacerta Galani
Ibiza Wall Lizard
Imantodes Tennuissimus
Imbricate Alligator Lizard
Impressed Tortoise
Indian Black Turtle
Indian Egg-eating Snake
Indian Eyed Turtle
Indian Flap-shelled Turtle
Indian Peacock Softshell
Indian Python.
Indian Softshell
Indochinese Box Turtle
Indopacific Tree Gecko
Indotestudo Travancorica
Intermediate Flying Gecko
Iranian Gecko
Iranian Middle-toed Gecko
Iranian Worm Snake
Iraqui Eyelid Gecko
Iraqui Gecko
Islamonito Least Gecko
Island Glass Lizard
Israeli Middle-toed Gecko
Isthmian White-lipped Snake
Iwasaki’s Snail-eater

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.