The ultimate list of all animals that begin with the letter Y:
Mammals that start with the letter Y
Yankari Shrew
Yarkand Hare
Yellow Arboreal Rice Rat
Yellow Golden Mole
Yellow Ground Squirrel
Yellow Isthmus Rat
Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Pygmy Rice Rat
Yellow Steppe Lemming
Yellow-backed Duiker
Yellow-bellied Brush-furred Rat
Yellow-bellied Climbing Mouse
Yellow-bellied Glider
Yellow-bellied Marmot
Yellow-bellied Pouched Bat
Yellow-bellied Weasel
Yellow-breasted Field Mouse
Yellow-cheeked Chipmunk
Yellow-crowned Brush-tailed Rat
Yellow-eared Pocket Mouse
Yellow-faced Horseshoe Bat
Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher
Yellow-footed Antechinus
Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby
Yellow-haired Hill Rat
Yellow-handed Titi
Yellow-necked Field Mouse
Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat
Yellow-nosed Grass Mouse
Yellow-pine Chipmunk
Yellow-rumped Leaf-eared Mouse
Yellow-spotted Brush-furred Rat
Yellow-spotted Hyrax
Yellow-tailed Rat
Yellow-throated Marten
Yellow-throated Squirrel
Yellow-toothed Cavy
Yellow-winged Bat
Yellowish Myotis
Yellowish Rice Rat
Yemeni Mouse
Yoshiyuki’s Myotis
Yucatan Deer Mouse
Yucatan Squirrel
Yulungshan Vole
Yuma Myotis
Yungas Rice Rat
Yunnan Hare
Amphibians that start with Y
Yellow Bromeliad Frog
Yellow Mantella
Yellow-banded Poison Frog
Yellow-bellied Poison Frog
Yellow-bellied Toad
Yellow-spotted Salamander
Yellow-spotted Tree Frog
Yellow-striped Poison Frog
Yellow-throated Frog
Yenyuan Stream Salamander
Yonahlossee Salamander
Yosemite Toad
Yunnan Lake Newt
Birds that start with Y
Yamdena Warbler
Yap Monarch
Yap White-eye
Yapacana Antbird
Yelkouan Shearwater
Yellow & Green Lorikeet
Yellow Bishop
Yellow Bittern
Yellow Canary
Yellow Cardinal
Yellow Chat
Yellow Flycatcher-warbler
Yellow Grosbeak
Yellow Honeyeater
Yellow Longbill
Yellow Oriole
Yellow Penduline Tit
Yellow Rail
Yellow Tyrannulet
Yellow Warbler
Yellow Wattlebird
Yellow White-eye
Yellow-backed Oriole
Yellow-backed Tanager
Yellow-backed Whistler
Yellow-bearded Greenbul
Yellow-bellied Bulbul
Yellow-bellied Chat-tyrant
Yellow-bellied Dacnis
Yellow-bellied Elaenia
Yellow-bellied Eremomela
Yellow-bellied Fantail
Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Yellow-bellied Gerygone
Yellow-bellied Greenbul
Yellow-bellied Hyliota
Yellow-bellied Mountain White-eye
Yellow-bellied Prinia
Yellow-bellied Robin
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Seedeater
Yellow-bellied Siskin
Yellow-bellied Tanager
Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet
Yellow-bellied Warbler
Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye
Yellow-bellied Whistler
Yellow-bellied White-eye
Yellow-bibbed Fruit Dove
Yellow-bibbed Lory
Yellow-billed Amazon
Yellow-billed Babbler
Yellow-billed Barbet
Yellow-billed Blue Magpie
Yellow-billed Cacique
Yellow-billed Cardinal
Yellow-billed Cotinga
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Yellow-billed Duck
Yellow-billed Jacamar
Yellow-billed Kingfisher
Yellow-billed Loon
Yellow-billed Lorikeet
Yellow-billed Magpie
Yellow-billed Malkoha
Yellow-billed Nunbird
Yellow-billed Nuthatch
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
Yellow-billed Shrike
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Yellow-billed Tit-tyrant
Yellow-billed Tropicbird
Yellow-billed Turaco
Yellow-breasted Antpitta
Yellow-breasted Antwren
Yellow-breasted Apalis
Yellow-breasted Barbet
Yellow-breasted Boubou
Yellow-breasted Bowerbird
Yellow-breasted Brush-finch
Yellow-breasted Bunting
Yellow-breasted Chat
Yellow-breasted Crake
Yellow-breasted Flatbill Flycatcher
Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker
Yellow-breasted Flycatcher
Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove
Yellow-breasted Pipit
Yellow-breasted Warbler
Yellow-bridled Finch
Yellow-browed Antbird
Yellow-browed Bulbul
Yellow-browed Bunting
Yellow-browed Camaroptera
Yellow-browed Melidectes
Yellow-browed Oxylabes
Yellow-browed Seedeater
Yellow-browed Shrike-vireo
Yellow-browed Sparrow
Yellow-browed Tit
Yellow-browed Tody Flycatcher
Yellow-browed Toucanet
Yellow-browed Tyrant
Yellow-browed Warbler
Yellow-browed White-eye
Yellow-browed Woodpecker
Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot
Yellow-capped Weaver
Yellow-casqued Hornbill
Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
Yellow-chinned Spinetail
Yellow-collared Chlorophonia
Yellow-collared Lovebird
Yellow-collared Tanager
Yellow-crested Helmet Shrike
Yellow-crested Tanager
Yellow-crowned Amazon
Yellow-crowned Barbet
Yellow-crowned Bishop
Yellow-crowned Elaenia
Yellow-crowned Euphonia
Yellow-crowned Manakin
Yellow-crowned Redstart
Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker
Yellow-crowned Yellowthroat
Yellow-eared Honeyeater
Yellow-eared Parrot
Yellow-eared Spiderhunter
Yellow-eared Toucanet
Yellow-eared Woodpecker
Yellow-eyed Babbler
Yellow-eyed Blackbird
Yellow-eyed Cuckooshrike
Yellow-eyed Penguin
Yellow-eyed Starling
Yellow-eyed Stock Dove
Yellow-faced Grassquit
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Yellow-faced Myna
Yellow-faced Parrotlet
Yellow-faced Redstart
Yellow-faced Siskin
Yellow-footed Alseonax
Yellow-footed Green-pigeon
Yellow-footed Gull
Yellow-footed Honeyguide
Yellow-fronted Barbet
Yellow-fronted Canary
Yellow-fronted Gardener Bowerbird
Yellow-fronted Parakeet
Yellow-fronted Parrot
Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird
Yellow-fronted White-eye
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker
Yellow-gaped Honeyeater
Yellow-green Bush Tanager
Yellow-green Grosbeak
Yellow-green Sparrow
Yellow-green Tyrannulet
Yellow-green Vireo
Yellow-headed Amazon
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Yellow-headed Bunting
Yellow-headed Caracara
Yellow-headed Manakin
Yellow-headed Warbler
Yellow-hooded Blackbird
Yellow-knobbed Curassow
Yellow-legged Button-quail
Yellow-legged Flycatcher
Yellow-legged Pigeon
Yellow-legged Tinamou
Yellow-lored Parrot
Yellow-lored Tody-flycatcher
Yellow-mantled Weaver
Yellow-margined Flycatcher
Yellow-naped Amazon
Yellow-necked Francolin
Yellow-necked Greenbul
Yellow-olive Flycatcher
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
Yellow-rumped Antwren
Yellow-rumped Cacique
Yellow-rumped Eremomela
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
Yellow-rumped Marshbird
Yellow-rumped Munia
Yellow-rumped Siskin
Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow-scarfed Tanager
Yellow-shouldered Amazon
Yellow-shouldered Blackbird
Yellow-shouldered Grassquit
Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak
Yellow-sided Flowerpecker
Yellow-spectacled White-eye
Yellow-spotted Barbet
Yellow-spotted Honeyeater
Yellow-spotted Petronia
Yellow-streaked Greenbul
Yellow-streaked Lory
Yellow-streaked Warbler
Yellow-striped Brush Finch
Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo
Yellow-tailed Oriole
Yellow-thighed Finch
Yellow-throated Antwren
Yellow-throated Bulbul
Yellow-throated Bush Tanager
Yellow-throated Caracara
Yellow-throated Euphonia
Yellow-throated Fulvetta
Yellow-throated Green Cuckoo
Yellow-throated Greenbul
Yellow-throated Greenlet
Yellow-throated Hanging Parrot
Yellow-throated Honeyeater
Yellow-throated Leafbird
Yellow-throated Longclaw
Yellow-throated Miner
Yellow-throated Nicator
Yellow-throated Petronia
Yellow-throated Sandgrouse
Yellow-throated Sericornis
Yellow-throated Serin
Yellow-throated Spadebill
Yellow-throated Tanager
Yellow-throated Tinkerbird
Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated White-eye
Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler
Yellow-throated Woodpecker
Yellow-tinted Honeyeater
Yellow-tinted Imperial-pigeon
Yellow-tipped Antbird
Yellow-tufted Bulbul
Yellow-tufted Honeyeater
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker
Yellow-vented Bulbul
Yellow-vented Eremomela
Yellow-vented Flowerpecker
Yellow-vented Green-pigeon
Yellow-vented Honeyeater
Yellow-vented Warbler
Yellow-vented Woodpecker
Yellow-wattled Bulbul
Yellow-whiskered Bulbul
Yellow-winged Blackbird
Yellow-winged Cacique
Yellow-winged Tanager
Yellow-winged Vireo
Yellowish Bulbul
Yellowish Flycatcher
Yellowish Pipit
Yellowish White-eye
Yellowish-bellied Bush-warbler
Yemen Accentor
Yemen Linnet
Yemen Serin
Yemen Thrush
Yemen Warbler
Yucatan Flycatcher
Yucatan Jay
Yucatan Nightjar
Yucatan Poorwill
Yucatan Vireo
Yucatan Woodpecker
Yucatan Wren
Yungas Manakin
Yungas Pygmy Owl
Yungas Tody-tyrant
Yunnan Nuthatch
Fish that start with Y
Y-bar Moray
Y-barred Sandperch
Y-patterned Moray
Yag Baligi
Yaguajal Limia
Yakati Rainbowfish
Yakutian Char
Yaldwyn’s Triplefin
Yangmabi Butterbarbel
Yangtse Grenadier Anchovy
Yantai Stingray
Yaoshanicus Arcus
Yaoshanicus Dorsohorizontalis
Yaoshanicus Kyphus
Yapen Rainbowfish
Yaqui Chub
Yaqui Sucker
Yarra Pygmy Perch
Yarrell’s Blenny
Yarrella Argenteola
Yasin Triplophysa-loach
Yasuhikotakia Caudipunctata
Yasuhikotakia Longidorsalis
Yasuhikotakia Splendida
Yawning Stardrum
Yazoo Darter
Yazoo Shiner
Yellow Acara
Yellow And Blueback Fusilier
Yellow Banded Pipefish
Yellow Barb
Yellow Basslet
Yellow Belly Cichlid
Yellow Blenny
Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Bristlemouth
Yellow Butterflyfish
Yellow Cardinalfish
Yellow Catfish
Yellow Cave Goby
Yellow Cichlid
Yellow Croaker
Yellow Dartfish
Yellow Demoiselle
Yellow Devilfish
Yellow Fangblenny
Yellow Fin Goat Fish
Yellow Fin Mojarra
Yellow Finned Medaka
Yellow Gabon Killi
Yellow Garden Eel
Yellow Grouper
Yellow Guitarfish
Yellow Hawkfish
Yellow Irish Lord
Yellow Jack
Yellow Jawfish
Yellow Lampeye
Yellow Meeki
Yellow Moray
Yellow Pigmy Brotula
Yellow Pike Conger
Yellow Podge
Yellow Pygmy-goby
Yellow Razorfish
Yellow Sand Cichlid
Yellow Sea Chub
Yellow Shiner
Yellow Snake-eel
Yellow Soldierfish
Yellow Sole
Yellow Spotted Gurnard
Yellow Striped Goatfish
Yellow Swordtail
Yellow Teardrop Butterflyfish
Yellow Tetra
Yellow Tilefish
Yellow Triplefin
Yellow Weaver
Yellow-and-black Triplefin
Yellow-axil Chromis
Yellow-band Cardinalfish
Yellow-barred Shrimp-goby
Yellow-belly Bream
Yellow-belly Damsel
Yellow-crowned Butterflyfish
Yellow-dabbled Flounder
Yellow-ear Angelfish
Yellow-edged Moray
Yellow-eye Cardinalfish
Yellow-eye Combtooth-blenny
Yellow-eyed Comb-tooth
Yellow-eyed Toadfish
Yellow-fin Flasher-wrasse
Yellow-green Goby
Yellow-lined Grunter
Yellow-lip Threadfin Bream
Yellow-mouth Eel
Yellow-mouth Pikeblenny
Yellow-prawn Goby
Yellow-saddled Wrasse
Yellow-speckled Chromis
Yellow-spotted Cat Shark
Yellow-spotted Chromis
Yellow-spotted Grayling
Yellow-spotted Snake-eel
Yellow-spotted Tilefish
Yellow-spotted Triggerfish
Yellow-stripe Hogfish
Yellow-stripe Toadfish
Yellow-striped Leatherjacket
Yellow-striped Squirrelfish
Yellow-tail Parrotfish
Yellow-tailed Dascyllus
Yellow-tailed Grunt
Yellow-threaded Goatfish
Yellow-tipped Squirrelfish
Yellow-tipped Threadfin Bream
Yellow-top Dottyback
Yellowback Anthias
Yellowback Grunt
Yellowback Rivulus
Yellowback Seabream
Yellowback Stingaree
Yellowback Tubelip
Yellowband Parrotfish
Yellowband Wrasse
Yellowbanded Butterfly Bream
Yellowbanded Perch
Yellowbanded Red Weever
Yellowbanded Sweetlip
Yellowbar Angelfish
Yellowbar Basslet
Yellowbar Parrot
Yellowbar Sandperch
Yellowbar Tilefish
Yellowbarred Parrotfish
Yellowbarred Red Rockfish
Yellowbelly Flounder
Yellowbelly Gudgeon
Yellowbelly Rockcod
Yellowbreasted Damsel
Yellowbreasted Wrasse
Yellowcheek Darter
Yellowcheek Wrasse
Yellowchin Sculpin
Yellowdotted Maori Wrasse
Yelloweye Croaker
Yelloweye Filefish
Yelloweye Nannygai
Yelloweye Wenchman
Yellowface Angelfish
Yellowface Pikeblenny
Yellowfin Angelfish
Yellowfin Bass
Yellowfin Damsel
Yellowfin Demoiselle
Yellowfin Dottyback
Yellowfin Drum
Yellowfin Emperor
Yellowfin Fairy Wrasse
Yellowfin Fringehead
Yellowfin Glassfish
Yellowfin Grouper
Yellowfin Herring
Yellowfin Jack
Yellowfin Madtom
Yellowfin Menhaden
Yellowfin Parrotfish
Yellowfin Puffer
Yellowfin Redsnapper
Yellowfin Sea Brjeam
Yellowfin Seabream
Yellowfin Shiner
Yellowfin Sillago
Yellowfin Snook
Yellowfin Soapfish
Yellowfin Soldierfish
Yellowfin Spinecheek
Yellowfin Surgeonfish
Yellowfin Toxic Goby
Yellowfinned Anemonefish
Yellowfinned Leatherjacket
Yellowhead Angelfish
Yellowhead Jawfish
Yellowhead Wrasse
Yellowhump Eartheater
Yellowline Goby
Yellowlined Anthias
Yellowlined Basslet
Yellowlip Grubfish
Yellowmargin Basslet
Yellowmargin Triggerfish
Yellowmouth Jawfish
Yellowmouth Rockfish
Yellownape Tripplefin
Yellownose Goby
Yellownose Prawn-goby
Yellowpatch Razorfish
Yellowprow Goby
Yellowsail Red Bass
Yellowsnout Large-eye Bream
Yellowspotted Boarfish
Yellowspotted Grunt
Yellowspotted Ponyfish
Yellowspotted Sawtail
Yellowspotted Scorpionfish
Yellowspotted Skate
Yellowstreaked Snapper
Yellowstripe Barracuda
Yellowstripe Coris
Yellowstripe Goby
Yellowstripe Scad
Yellowstripe Wormfish
Yellowstriped Fairy Basslet
Yellowstriped Squirrelfish
Yellowtail Amberjack
Yellowtail Angelfish
Yellowtail Barracuda
Yellowtail Bass
Yellowtail Blue Snapper
Yellowtail Chromis
Yellowtail Croaker
Yellowtail Demoiselle
Yellowtail Dottyback
Yellowtail Horse Mackerel
Yellowtail Mullet
Yellowtail Rasbora
Yellowtail Rockclimbing Goby
Yellowtail Sardinella
Yellowtail Scad
Yellowtail Sergeant
Yellowtail Snapper
Yellowtail Surgeonfish
Yellowtail Tang
Yellowtail Tetra
Yellowtail Trumpeter
Yellowtail Tubelip
Yellowthread Threadfin
Yellowtip Damselfish
Yellowtip Soldierfish
Yellowtop Jewelfish
Yilong Carp
Yirrkala Chaselingi
Yirrkala Fusca
Yirrkala Gjellerupi
Yirrkala Insolitus
Yirrkala Kaupii
Yirrkala Macrodon
Yirrkala Maculata
Yirrkala Maculatus
Yirrkala Misolensis
Yirrkala Moluccensis
Yirrkala Moorei
Yoga Pyrops
Yoke Darter
Yongeichthys Thomasi
Yongeichthys Tuticorinensis
Yu Loach
Yucatan Gambusia
Yucatan Goby
Yucatan Killifish
Yucatan Pipefish
Yucatan Pupfish
Yucatan Skate
Yucatan Tetra
Yunnan Carp
Yunnanilus Altus
Yunnanilus Analis
Yunnanilus Bajiangensis
Yunnanilus Beipanjiangensis
Yunnanilus Brevis
Yunnanilus Caohaiensis
Yunnanilus Chui
Yunnanilus Cruciatus
Yunnanilus Discoloris
Yunnanilus Elakatis
Yunnanilus Forkicaudalis
Yunnanilus Jinxiensis
Yunnanilus Longibarbatus
Yunnanilus Longibulla
Yunnanilus Longidorsalis
Yunnanilus Macrogaster
Yunnanilus Macroistainus
Yunnanilus Macrolepis
Yunnanilus Nanpanjiangensis
Yunnanilus Niger
Yunnanilus Nigromaculatus
Yunnanilus Obtusirostris
Yunnanilus Pachycephalus
Yunnanilus Paludosus
Yunnanilus Parvus
Yunnanilus Pleurotaenia
Yunnanilus Pulcherrimus
Yunnanilus Sichuanensis
Yunnanilus Tigerivinus
Yunnanilus Yangzonghaiensis
Reptiles that start with Y
Yaqui Blackhead Snake
Yautepec Tropical Night Lizard
Yellow Gecko
Yellow Lipped Scalyfoot
Yellow Marginedbox Turtle
Yellow Monitor
Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard
Yellow-blotched Palm Pit Viper
Yellow-headed Box Turtle
Yellow-headed Temple Turtle
Yellow-lined Centipede Snake
Yellow-spotted River Turtle
Yellow-spotted Spiny Lizard
Yellowbelly House Snake
Yellowbelly Mud Turtle
Yellowblotched Map Turtle
Yellowpond Turtle
Yinnietharra Dragon
Yucatecan Worm Snake
Yuman Desert Fringe-toed Lizard
Yunnan Box Turtle

Lydia King is a huge animal lover and has always been fascinated with learning about the animal kingdom. She enjoys writing about anything animal related from scientific information about rare species to animal references in pop culture.