Key Takeaways
- Dogs can eat kiwi, but only in small amounts.
- Kiwis are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin E for dogs.
- Feeding your dog the Chinese gooseberry can help improve their digestion and skin health.
- Dogs should not eat too many kiwifruits as they can have negative effects on their health.
- An excessive amount of all fruit in a dog’s diet may cause diarrhea, an upset stomach or acidity.
- When introducing kiwi to your dog’s diet, never serve him kiwi jam or jelly.
- Kiwis can be served to dogs in a variety of ways, such as chopped up into small pieces or mashed up. They can also be added to dog food as a topping or mixed in with their food.
Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?
So, can dogs eat kiwi fruit? Yes, but only in moderation. The kiwi fruit is a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin E for dogs. It can help improve their digestion and skin health. Kiwis can be served to dogs in a variety of ways, such as chopped up into small pieces or mashed up. They can also be added to dog food as a topping or mixed in with their food.

Are Kiwis Beneficial For Dogs? Health Benefits
Feeding your dog the Chinese gooseberry (kiwi) can help improve their digestion and skin health. As mentioned above, kiwis are a good source of fiber, vitamin C and vitamin E for dogs.
The vitamin C in the kiwifruit is good at boosting immunity, which means your furry friends are less likely to catch something nasty. The vitamin K can help with blood clotting, which is important if they have been injured or had surgery recently. It has amazing properties that work great on dogs’ bones! The vitamin E helps to maintain a shiny coat for a lifetime. Feeding your pup this green fruit may guarantee good potassium levels and lots of fiber (a great digestive system support!).
How Can Kiwi Be Bad for Dogs?
How can dogs eat kiwi safely? Dogs should not eat too many kiwifruits as they can have negative effects on their health. They can become hyperactive and gassy after eating too many. So, be sure to monitor your dog’s intake of kiwis and stop feeding them if they start to show signs of negative side effects. An excessive amount of all fruit in a dog’s diet may cause diarrhea, an upset stomach or acidity.
When introducing kiwi to your dog’s diet, never serve him kiwi jam or jelly. They contain too much sugar, which is not safe for dogs to eat. We don’t advise giving dried kiwi to your canine companion. Again, too many artificial sweeteners!
Dogs can also be allergic to kiwi berries. So if you’re about to introduce kiwi to your dog, do so in small amounts.
Kiwi Fruits as Additions to a Dog’s Diet
How to serve kiwis to dogs? Cut the fruit into small pieces or mash it up for your pup to enjoy. Mix it in with their food or use it as a topping for a special treat. You can even peel and dice the kiwi for a tasty snack.
Summertime Treat
Frozen kiwis are perfect to help your dog cool down. All you have to do is to freeze them in cubes or as a purée. And the best part? It can cool you down, too!
Can Dogs Eat Kiwi Skin?
Can dogs eat kiwi skin? While the fruit itself is safe for dogs, the skin is a bit too tough for their delicate stomachs. To ensure your pup’s safety, make sure to remove the skin before giving them a slice of the Chinese gooseberry. The skin isn’t toxic, so it won’t gravely endanger your pup. But it will cause an upset stomach.

Summing Up: Kiwi Is Good for Dogs
Can dogs eat kiwi? Yes, it is healthy for dogs because they have high levels of vitamins and minerals. However, there is one thing you should keep in mind when giving your dog the skin – it could cause an upset stomach if consumed too quickly or in large quantities. Otherwise, go ahead and give your pup some fresh kiwifruit!
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Kiwi Can I Give My Dog?
Half the fruit every now and then. Alternatively, a few small pieces every other day.
Can Dogs Eat Kiwi with Seeds?
Generally, seeds shouldn’t do any harm. We remove them because they are a potential choking hazard.