Gender➡️ Clan⬇️ | Female ♀️ | Male ♂️ |
ThunderClan | Bluestar, Leafpool, Brightheart | Firestar, Jayfeather, Longtail |
ShadowClan | Berryheart, Tawnypelt, Russetfur | Blackstar, Tigerheart, Flametail |
RiverClan | Graypool, Mothwing, Mistystar | Oakheart, Crookedstar, Shellheart |
WindClan | Sunstrike, Heathertail, Nightcloud | Onestar, Barkface, Crowfeather |
SkyClan | Violetshine, Leafstar, Frecklewish | Hawkwing, Rootspring, Skywatcher |
Are house cats little warriors? Unless you have a particularly cuddly and gentle cat, you know that the answer to this question is yes. This topic can’t be analyzed without mentioning the book series Warriors, which is a great source of inspiration for finding the best moniker for your new friend. Finally, you’ll find out how to create a unique Warrior Cat name of your own!
Are House Cats Warriors?
Cats are territorial animals. Some are more feisty than others, but we can surely say that even little kitties are feline warriors. One strong argument that supports this claim is that they share almost 96% of their genome with tigers. House cats are ultimate predators for a few other reasons:
- They are excellent hunters – they are responsible for causing the death of 1 to 4 billion birds in the United States every year.
- They have sharp claws – they can easily climb up the tree.
- They have sharp, serrated molars they use for tearing meat into pieces.
- Their musculoskeletal system makes them agile and flexible – they can jump long and high.
- They can walk without making much noise due to soft pads on their paws.
- Their night vision is better than that of humans, so they can hunt at night.
Warriors – A Novel Series From the United Kingdom
Warriors is a series of novels and comic books written by Erin Hunter (a pseudonym). It takes place in the fictional world of White Hart Woods and later Sanctuary Lake. The series revolves around the life of feral cats forming tribes or clans. There is an overwhelming number of characters, which means that in 70 published books you will find a wide array of monikers to choose from. Names of cats change depending on their rank. There is a particular pattern of how they are formed:
- the prefix is assigned at birth;
- the suffix changes along with the cat’s rank;
- kits are called -kit;
- apprentices are -paw;
- leaders are -star;
- warriors have a unique suffix that is based on their personality or appearance.
What Are Warriors Cats Like?
Feral cats from the series are tough. They deal with all sorts of hardship: murder, loss, betrayal, starvation. They are courageous fighters who don’t give up. If you feel that your furry friend has a potential to join one of the clans, go ahead and browse though the list of warrior cat names.
The lists are divided into clans that the cats belong to. You will also find the description of each tribe so that you know which one your cat would join.
Best Warrior Cat Names From ThunderClan
ThunderClan is peaceful and respectful of the other Clans. Some of its core values include: fierceness, courage, and loyalty. They accept misfits such as loners and kittypets (the name for a house cat in catspeak). For that reason, they are disrespected and looked down on by other Clans who think that they are weak. They are great at hunting and stalking mice, squirrels, rabbits and different birds such as starlings.
Some cats that have belonged to this clan are:
- Thunderstar
- Lightningtail
- Firestar
- Bluestar
- Graystripe
- Sunstar
- Sandstorm
- Squirrelflight
- Leafpool
- Spottedleaf
- Jayfeather
- Lilyheart
- Brightheart
- Cloudtail
- Redtail
- Lionheart
- Cinderpelt
- Cinderheart
- Longtail
- Swiftpaw
- Mousefur
- Brackenfur
- Goldenflower
- Mousewhisker
- Foxleap
- Dovewing
- Ivypool
- Icecloud
- Snowfur
- Seedpaw
- Adderfang
- Tawnyspots
- Sparrowpelt
- Smallear
- Thrushpelt
- Robinwing
- Fuzzypelt
- Swiftbreeze
- Moonflower
- Poppydawn
- Patchpelt
- Weedwhisker
- Mumblefoot
- Larksong
- Thornclaw
- Whitewing
- Birchfall
- Briarlight
- Blossomfall
- Cherryfall
- Molewhisker
- Snowbush
- Ambermoon
- Dewnose
- Stormcloud
- Hollytuft
- Daisy
- Purdy
- Millie
- Weedwhisker

Best Warrior Cat Names From ShadowClan
ShadowClan are sometimes misunderstood and thought of as greedy while in reality they have the smallest territory. Cats from this tribe can be described as proud, aloof, arrogant, selfish, territorial, and aggressive (on a negative side), as well as loyal, determined and ambitious (on a positive side). They live on reptiles and amphibians, such as lizards and frogs. Rats are their occasional supper too. ShadowClan cats hunt best at night and as the name suggests, they use shadows as their secret weapon in battles.
Some feline warriors that belong to this clan are:
- Shadowstar
- Blackstar
- Brokenstar
- Wasptail
- Berryheart
- Rippletail
- Sparrowtail
- Mistcloud
- Grassheart
- Pinenose
- Nightstar
- Runningnose
- Stumpytail
- Tigerstar
- Tawnypelt
- Tigerheart
- Flametail
- Littlecloud
- Dawnpelt
- Raggedstar
- Russetfur
- Oakfur
- Applefur
- Ratscar
- Olivenose
- Scorchfur
- Crowfrost
- Owlclaw
- Redwillow
- Stonewing
- Snowbird
- Shrewfoot
- Kinkfur
- Spikefur
- Cedarstar
- Stonetooth
- Sagewhisker
- Foxheart
- Hollyflower
- Featherstorm
- Poolcloud
- Littlebird
- Lizardfang
- Stoatfur
- Ferretclaw
- Whitewater
- Smokefoot
- Deerleap
- Featherstorm
- Silverflame

Best Warrior Cat Names From RiverClan
RiverClan cats are skilled at fishing, and they love water. They are also artistic souls known to collect rocks, shells, and feathers to decorate their dens. Obviously, their main source of food is fish, but water voles, shrews, and mice are also present in their menu. They are intelligent, well-groomed and elegant. Strangers see them as obstinate, lazy and gluttonous.
If your cat shares any characteristics with RiverClan members, you might consider choosing the following Warrior Cat names:
- Riverstar
- Crookedstar
- Leopardstar
- Silverstream
- Willowpelt
- Shellheart
- Rippleclaw
- Timberfur
- Mudfur
- Owlfur
- Ottersplash
- Cedarpelt
- Lakeshine
- Oakheart
- Shimmerpelt
- Echomist
- Rainflower
- Fallowtail
- Troutclaw
- Tanglewhisker
- Birdsong
- Stonefur
- Loudbelly
- Mistystar
- Mosspelt
- Graypool
- Reedwhisker
- Mothwing
- Willowshine
- Mintfur
- Mallownose
- Petalfur
- Beetlewhisker
- Curlfeather
- Podlight
- Heronwing
- Shimmerpelt
- Lizardtail
- Havenpelt
- Perchwing
- Jayclaw
- Owlnose
- Lakeheart
- Icewing
- Mosspelt
- Graymist
- Pebblefoot
- Dapplenose
- Hawkfrost

Best Warrior Cat Names From WindClan
WindClan cats thrive in open spaces. They are agile and athletic but small. They live on fields, or moorland, where they catch hares and rabbits. Furthermore, they are loyal and tough. They can also be anxious and skittish due to the environment they live in. They have to be constantly on the alert. Cats from this clan are fast and clever. Their pelts are often in the shades of gray and brown.
If you feel your kitty could join this clan, consider the following monikers:
- Windstar
- Gorsestar
- Tallstar
- Onestar
- Heatherstar
- Reedfeather
- Whiteberry
- Deadfoot
- Barkface
- Mudclaw
- Tornear
- Runningbrook
- Ashfoot
- Morningflower
- Whitetail
- Nightcloud
- Gorsetail
- Weaselfur
- Harespring
- Leaftail
- Antpelt
- Emberfoot
- Heathertail
- Breezepelt
- Sedgewhisker
- Swallowtail
- Sunstrike
- Webfoot
- Tornear
- Crouchfoot
- Whiskernose
- Dawnstripe
- Aspenfall
- Woollytail
- Hickorynose
- Mistmouse
- Plumclaw
- Palebird
- Meadowslip
- Whiteberry
- Flamepelt

Editor’s Note
We haven’t forgotten about SkyClan! While it’s unknown for most of the main series, it’s home to some brave and gentle cats such as Frecklewish, Hawkwing, Leafstar, Rootspring, and Violetshine. Skywatcher is also a cool name linked to SkyClan – he delivered the kin of your kin prophecy to Firestar!
Unique Warrior Cat Names – Create Your Own!
By looking at the lists of warrior cat names above and mixing different prefixes and suffixes, you can create your own unique name. You know your cat best. Choose the words that best describe its personality and distinguishing features, mix them, and your purrfect warrior cat name is ready!
- Some ideas for prefixes are: Aqua, Heather, Hazel, Sun, Moon, Shade, Snow, Crystal, Sparkle, Wild, Dawn.
- Some ideas for suffixes include: Tooth, Claw, Fur, Jaw, Blood, Mouse, Tail, Bird.
Good luck with coming up with kittypet names. Maybe the inspiration will come if you read one of the books from the Warriors series.
Do you have a favorite place to walk? Think about what trees, flowers, stones, or animals you can find there. If it’s a birch forest, you could name your cat Birchpelt, for example. Or if it’s a meadow, your cat could be Meadowheart! Happy naming!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Warrior Cats Have Nicknames?
No, Warrior Cats don’t normally use nicknames. They refer to each other by their full names, with two exceptions: Poppydawn calling her daughter 'Sweet’ instead of Sweetpaw, and Lionblaze calling Jayfeather 'Jay.’
What Are Good Warrior Cat Prefixes?
Any prefix that has to do with the natural environment could work for a Warrior Cat. They name their kits after things they see and admire in the world around them – flowers, birds, trees, stones, etc. But since your kitty lives in a house, why not come up with a Warrior Cat name like „Pillowknead” or „Windowgaze?” The possibilities are endless!
What Is the Longest Warrior Cat Name?
It depends on what you mean by longest: the name with the most characters, or the one that looks the longest on the screen? The longest names are those belonging to the Tribe of Rushing Water (e.g., Brook Where Small Fish Swim). But if we only consider the Clans, Squirrelflight is a good candidate, with 14 characters. There may be longer ones, in the newer books, though!
What Should I Name My Fearless Cat?
One could name their fearless cat something like Courage or Fearless. This would be a great name for a cat that has never been scared of anything. You can also name your courageous kitty after the brave Firestar, Hollyleaf, Dovewing or Ivypool from the series.
What Are Some Rare Warrior Cat Prefixes?
There are lots of Poppies, Ferns and Willows in the series. Some rarer prefixes include Ant-, Adder-, Bounce-, Blizzard-, Cricket-, Dewy-, Furze-, Fallow-, Heavy-, Lichen-, Marsh-, Olive-, Pike-, Pounce-, Rubble-, Sneeze-, Tangle-, Web-, and Wild-.
Sarah Jameson is a journalist, reporter and a pet nutritionist. She is married to Peter, and they have two beautiful children, Zoey and Quinn. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys cooking for her family and playing snooker. She also loves spending time with her Scottish Terrier, Bobby.