Gremlin | Angel | Goofball |
Wasabi | Mochi | Naruto |
Charmander | Miku | Pikachu |
Urusai | Unchi | Gakupo |
Japanese Food Dog Names
Japanese food is famous and appreciated worldwide for its balanced tastes and diversity. At the same time, Japanese cuisine is one of the healthiest in the world. But let’s not forget that it also sounds tasty! Many Japanese dishes and products have a pleasant sound and, thus, fit perfectly for a name.

Aside from that, their construction is just about right. The dog names should be short, and most Japanese food dog names gathered below fulfill this criterion, being just two-syllable. Many of them finish with a vowel, what makes it even more usable. The dogs learn to react to such names much faster, since pronouncing them reinforces the change of tone. Here are some Japanese dog names inspired by the cuisine!
- Sushi;
- Mochi;
- Miso;
- Tofu;
- Soba;
- Matcha;
- Udon;
- Ramen;
- Natto;
- Gyoza;
- Fugu;
- Somen;
- Teriyaki;
- Dango;
- Shoyu;
- Sencha;
- Kombu;
- Wasabi.
Japanese Anime Dog Names
Anime has an army of fans worldwide. Its aesthetics is so distinct from any other animations but, at the same time – quite diverse. No wonder that so many people that weren’t raised in Japanese culture are so captivated by it. The most popular female dog names inspired by the anime include:
- Aoba;
- Chiyo;
- Kamiko;
- Oiwo;
- Shizuru;
- Yoshiko;
- Ayano;
- Hinata;
- Natsu;
- Kats.
For the male dog, there are a lot of anime-inspired options, too!
- Naruto;
- Arata;
- Goku;
- Jiro;
- Haruki;
- Kazuo;
- Shiro;
- Chibi;
- Nobu.
These are only examples of the names rooted in anime. We encourage you to make a sentimental journey to your favorite animated films and series to discover the best anime Japanese dog name!
Studio Ghibli Inspired Japanese Dog Names

Within the category of anime, Studio Ghibli’s films constitute a distinctive universe. Hayao Mizayaki’s work, continued by his sons, stands out with its vivid and evocative visuals and engaging storytelling.
Another aspect that distinguishes it from many anime films is the sharply defined characters, many of whom have become iconic. If you’re searching for some meaningful Japanese dog names, choosing one of those may be a great idea – particularly if you’re a Studio Ghibli fan.
- Mononoke – A perfect name for a brave female dog! It comes from the „Princess Mononoke” film. Brave Princess Mononoke is a character raised by a white she-wolf. She stands on the guard of the wild forest and its animals, put in threat by the destructive activity of the kingdom. The name will perfectly fit the breeds with strong protective instincts.
- Totoro – You want a cute name that will bring positive associations right away? Totoro is a perfect fit! The name comes from a heart-warming story about a friendship between a girl and an otherworldly animal. Totoro is a perfect name for a pet that has a strong relationship with its owner.
- Ponyo – This name comes from another story about friendship against all odds. The little fish Ponyo becomes the best friend of a five-year-old boy Sosuke. They support each other and share their biggest secrets.
Editor’s Note
My Neighbour Totoro is one of my favourite films from the 90’s! While writing this article, I have some regrets about never naming one of my pups Kotobus
There are more inspiring names originating from Studio Ghibli’s works. If you’re searching for a dog name that carries Miyazaki’s legacy, here are some other ideas:
- Kaonashi;
- Nausicaa;
- Ashitaka;
- Oh-Baba;
- Granmamare.
You can also visit our separate article on Studio Ghibli Pet Names!
Pokémon Inspired Japanese Dog Names
When speaking about Japanese names, we have to mention the iconic Pokémon universe. It’s the largest world media merchandise which includes films, games, and anime series, among others. The repository of Pokémon is enormous. We’ve made some research and selected the most promising names to save you some work! They’re short, mainly two-syllable, and end with vowels, which makes them a perfect name choice!
- Chewtle;
- Comfey;
- Diancie;
- Dreepy;
- Dwebble;
- Entei;
- Flaffy;
- Flapple;
- Froakie;
- Gible;
- Hypno;
- Jirachi;
- Mankey;
- Natu;
- Onix;
- Pikachu;
- Raichu;
- Riolu;
- Scrafty;
- Spritzee;
- Xatu.
And if you’d like to match a Pokemon with your dog, click here!
Japanese Dog Names Inspired by Vokaloids
Vokaloids are virtual personalities who have gathered a lot of attention and fame. And they are just beyond cute! Some popular Japanese vokaloids that will make for a good dog name include:
- Hatsune Miku is probably the most known vokaloid in the world. She is the impersonation of the word „kawaii.” This name will fit any puppy who’s always in the center of attention.
- For a male contrast, we present a vokaloid named Kaito. He’s a pretty boy, always happy and joyful, just like any puppy!
- Megurine Luka is a cute and shy girl, but ever so pretty. The name „Luka” should also fit a boy!
- Another popular vokaloid is Gumi. She is very fun to be around. You should name your dog Gumi if she’s just the cutest ray of sunshine!
- Gakupo is a quirky, dancing Samurai. It’s definitely a unique name for a male dog.
- And if you have two puppies, we recommend: Len and Rin! They are twins, Len is a boy and Rin is a girl.
Japanese Words as Name Ideas

We all know, most names originate from common nouns and adjectives. So why not use Japanese ones as names for a dog? Here’s our list of Japanese dog names based on words!
- Ai means love ❤️
- Nozomi is the word for hope.
- Yorokobi means joy
- Fuwafuwa is a Japanese equivalent of the word fluffy.
- Kagayaku is sparkle ✨
- Sanda means thunder!
- Kireina or „beautiful” in English.
- Urusai is ideal for very noisy pups, as it means loud.
- Unchi sounds just as cute as the word it means, which is pooch.
- Kukki, as you might have guessed, means cookie
About Japanese Names for Dogs
Japanese dog names can be a great fit for any pet. The popularity of dog names originating in Japanese culture is entirely understandable, since it’s so rich with fascinating, symbolic and beautifully sounding words. Japanese names are not reserved for the Akita Inu, Hokkaido Ken, Shiba Inu, or other dog breeds that originally come from the country of the Rising Sun. Any dog can have a cute Japanese name – especially if its owner is passionate about this culture.
Remember, however, to make sure what a particular word means before choosing it as a dog’s name. It’s not such an uncommon mistake that the owners focus on the criteria of cuteness without really looking up the word’s meaning. It may lead to some uncomfortable situations and misunderstandings. Note that the dogs learn to react to their names quite quickly, and after that, it’s hard to change it.

One or two-syllable names are the best, since they’re easy to use and repeat. The complicated names may sound cool at first, but you’ll most likely quickly get tired of them. You may end up shortening it up anyway.
At the same time, you should make sure that the name doesn’t resemble any of the popular commands. It may make the behavioral training much harder. The vowels at the end of the name may help, too. It’s easier to catch your pup’s attention with such names.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is a Good Japanese Name for a Dog?
Some good traditional options for Japanese dog names are Kaito, Akira, or Haru.
What Are Cute Pet Names in Japanese?
Some cute options could include Pochi (ポチ), which means “puppy,” or Koneko (こねこ), which means “kitten.” Other cute options could include Miau (ミャウ), the sound a cat makes, or Wan Wan (ワンワン), the sound a dog makes.
What Is the Most Popular Dog Name in Japan?
One famous Japanese dog’s name is Hachiko, the Akita who waited for his owner at a train station every day until his death. Other famous dogs in Japan include Maru, a Shiba Inu known for his adorable YouTube videos. However, the most popular names for dogs include: Kotaro, Pochi and Unchi.
What Is a Good Japanese Name for a Male Dog?
Iko is a perfect name for a male dog, meaning „good boy.” It’s short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. It’s fitting for an obedient pup who always follows your commands. Other honorable Japanese names for male dogs include Kenji, meaning „strong and brave,” and Yamato, meaning „victorious.” whichever one you choose, be sure to show your dog how much you love him by calling him by his name often!
Lucas Taylor is a veterinary assistant, freelance journalist and single dad who lives in the suburbs with his three pups: Ruby, Nala, and Woody. He has one cat named Pepper. When he’s not writing articles or working at the vet clinic, Lucas loves cooking French cuisine for himself and friends at home. One of Lucas’ favorite things to do is paddleboard with his son Noah and their canine companions. Pepper is the homebody of the bunch – she loves chilling on the couch.