Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Blood? |
Obstruction |
Gastritis |
Pancreatitis |
Tumor |
Injury |
Toxins |
Liver Disease |
Parasites |
Blood Clotting Problems |
Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Blood: Obstruction
So, if you’re asking, “why is my dog throwing up blood?”, it must be said, that there are a number of potential causes, one of the most common is an obstruction. Obstructions can happen when your dog swallows something they shouldn’t, such as a bone or toy.
If the obstruction is severe, it can cause your dog to throw up blood. Surgery is usually required to remove the obstruction and relieve your dog’s symptoms. In some cases, the obstruction may be able to be treated with medication or other conservative measures.
One of the most common answer for a question “why is my dog throwing up blood?”, is the inflammation. When your dog’s stomach becomes inflamed, it’s called gastritis. There are many different things that can cause gastritis, including infections, food allergies, and certain medications.
Symptoms of gastritis include vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, and abdominal pain. In some cases, the stomach may also bleed, which can cause vomiting of blood or coffee ground-like material.
Gastritis is treatable, but it can become severe if not treated promptly. With proper treatment, most dogs recover quickly and without complications. Treatment will vary depending on the underlying cause of the gastritis.
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Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. This can be a serious condition that may require hospitalization. Symptoms of pancreatitis include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and lack of appetite. If your pup has pancreatitis, they may need to switch up their diet and take medicine in order to stay healthy. Although it might be challenging at first, you can ensure that Fido gets the care he needs!

Cancer or Tumors
While it’s not the most common reason for a dog to vomit blood, cancer can sometimes be the cause. If your dog has cancer, they may also have other symptoms, such as weight loss, appetite changes, and lethargy. If you suspect that your dog may have cancer, it’s important to see your veterinarian for an evaluation.
Gastrointestinal cancer is a leading cause of vomiting in dogs, with tumors forming in the stomach or intestines resulting in bloody regurgitation. Such tumors can be devastating – both physically and emotionally – but knowing what to look out for may help pet owners protect their furry friends.
Editor’s Note
Becoming a responsible pet parent is essential for your pup’s long-term health and happiness. While there can be many possible causes of vomiting blood, consulting with a vet when something seems off is always the best course of action to determine an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Maintaining toxicity free living spaces as well as providing balanced nutrition are key components in ensuring that you give your furry friend the support they need! With dedicated care, you’ll have plenty more moments to share together – good luck!
Traumatic Injuries
Trauma can occur from eating something sharp (like a bone or piece of glass), from being hit by a car, or from any other type of accident. If your dog throws up blood after a traumatic event, it’s likely due to internal bleeding.
If your pup has experienced a traumatic incident, surgery may be necessary to get them back on the mend. To make sure you’re providing the best possible care for them, it’s vital to check in with your vet right away – better safe than sorry!
Fido may be having a tough time if they’re vomiting blood – it could mean that harmful toxins have infiltrated their system. Your pup’s health is at risk until you can identify the cause of this seemingly mysterious ailment. Sources of toxins include:
- Plants: Many common plants are poisonous to dogs if they ingest them. Some of these plants include lilies, tulips, and azaleas. If you think your dog has eaten any of these plants, call your veterinarian immediately.
- Bacteria: There are many different types of bacteria that can cause your dog to throw up blood. Some of these bacteria include Salmonella and E. coli. If you think your dog has been exposed to any of these bacteria, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately.
- Medications: Some medications can be toxic to dogs if they ingest them. If you think your dog has ingested any medication, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately.

Severe Liver Disease
It’s essential to act fast if your pup is vomiting up red liquid – seek a vet right away! This is especially true if the vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms like lethargy, lack of appetite, or diarrhea. While there are many potential causes of vomiting blood, one of the most serious is liver disease. Liver disease can cause a wide range of symptoms, from mild to life-threatening.
Intestinal Parasite
If your pup is vomiting up blood, it may be a sign that they have an intestinal parasite. These little critters can cause irritation to the intestines, leading them to expel stomach contents with red in tow – seeing as this isn’t normal for canine digestion, take your four-legged friend immediately to the vet! In some cases where these parasites migrate further upwards into their internal organs like their esophagus and stomachs could also lead to bloody vomit scenarios – time is of utmost importance here!
There are a few different types of intestinal parasites that can cause this problem, so your vet will need to run some tests to determine which one is present. Treatment will vary depending on the type of parasite, but may include oral or injectable medications. Prevention is the best way to keep your dog from getting these parasites, so be sure to use a monthly preventative and keep them up to date on their vaccinations.
Blood Clotting Problems
If you’re asking “why is my dog throwing up blood?”, there are several blood clotting issues that may be the cause. There are several conditions that can cause problems with blood clotting in dogs, including:
Von Willebrand’s Disease
Von Willebrand’s disease is a common inherited disorder that can cause excessive bleeding in dogs. The disease is caused by a deficiency of von Willebrand factor, a protein needed for blood clotting. Von Willebrand’s disease is seen in many different breeds of dogs, but is most common in Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Poodles.
The most common symptom of von Willebrand’s disease is excessive bleeding from minor cuts or injuries. Dogs with the disease may also have bloody diarrhea or vomiting, and prolonged bleeding after surgery.
Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by low levels of platelets in the blood. Platelets are important cells that help to clot blood and stop bleeding. When there are not enough platelets present, excessive bleeding can occur. Thrombocytopenia can be caused by many different things, including certain medications, viruses, and autoimmune diseases.
Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Blood, and What Can I Do?
If your dog is throwing up blood, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. While there are a number of potential causes for this condition, some of which are benign and some of which are potentially life-threatening, prompt diagnosis and treatment by a professional is crucial.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Dog Vomiting Blood an Emergency?
Yes, vomiting blood is an emergency and you should seek veterinary care right away.
Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Red Liquid?
The red liquid that your dog is throwing up could be blood mixed with stomach acid, or it could be other fluids such as bile. If your pup is throwing up red fluid, don’t hesitate – take them to the vet immediately!
Why Is My Dog Coughing up Bright Red Blood?
If your beloved pup is coughing up blood, it’s time to see the vet. This could be a sign of something serious like heartworm disease or even tracheal collapse – so don’t delay in seeking medical attention for your furry friend!
How Do I Know if My Dog Throwing Up Is Serious?
If your pup is displaying frequent vomiting, bloody vomit, fatigue or any other sign of sickness – don’t delay in seeking veterinary consultation! Your furry friend’s health should be a priority.
What Does Concerning Dog Vomit Look Like?
While the color of a dog’s vomit may vary, accompanying symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite or bloody discharge are indicators that medical attention is needed. If you observe these issues in your pet, schedule an appointment with your vet right away!
Elizabeth Randolph is a freelance writer and pet enthusiast who has been writing about pets and their care since 2003. She has authored articles on a variety of topics related to pet care, including nutrition, training, health, and behavior. Elizabeth lives in Northern California with her husband and three cats. When she’s not writing, she enjoys hiking and spending time with her family and friends.